DoNotPay has to pay $193K for falsely touting untested AI lawyer, FTC says

236 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by Brajeshwar



8 hours ago

>DoNotPay also did not "hire or retain any attorneys" to help verify AI outputs or validate DoNotPay's legal claims.

Wow, that's brave. Create a wrapper around ChatGPT, call it a lawyer, and never check the output. $193k fine seems like peanuts.

Sometimes I think about where I would be in life if I had no moral or ethical qualms. I'd probably be running a company like this.


8 hours ago

DoNotPay predates GPT by quite a bit -- it used to be pretty positively received on HN e.g.


7 hours ago

> it used to be pretty positively received on HN

I think people love the idea of DoNotPay: A magical internet machine that saves people money and fights back against evil corporations.

Before ChatGPT they were basically mad libs for finding and filling out the right form. Helpful for people who couldn't figure out how to navigate situations by themselves. There is real value in this.

However, they've also been running the same growth hacking playbooks that people disdain: False advertising, monthly subscriptions for services that most people need in a one-off manner, claiming AI features to be more reliable than they are, releasing untested products on consumers. Once you look past the headline of the company you find they're not entirely altruistic, they're just another startup playing the growth hacking game and all that comes with it.


23 minutes ago

> Before ChatGPT they were basically mad libs for finding and filling out the right form

Who is they? And why did you make this a left/right issue?


13 minutes ago

"they" seems to be referring to DoNotPay, the subject of this discussion.

"mad libs" is a game where you have a set of text with a bunch of blank spaces and then the group fills them in with words to come up with a funny end result.


7 hours ago

>they're just another startup playing the growth hacking game

When is humanity going to start seeing some patches against these exploits? Is common sense still in beta?


6 hours ago

Ideally the legal system wouldn't be byzantine and prohibitively expensive for mere mortals to engage with.


5 hours ago

I think the same could be said software engineers. I don't engage with the general public about writing people's next brilliant idea because it's a hige waste of my time when I could be making FAANG bucks talking to people who know that I'm worth it. While I will alwatry to explain to my mom how the internet works etc, it's not economically justifiable to engage laymen tonsolve their probno matter how altruistic it may seem. I still have to pay the bills. How are lawyers any different?


5 hours ago

Lawyers are the interface between the public and the justice system -- which would exist whether software did or not. It's an access and equity issue: people with money have access to the legal system. People without largely don't.


2 hours ago

Is that your experience with traffic tickets?


6 hours ago

Too bad that the legal system is made of lawyers, whose interests run directly contrary to that ideal.


5 hours ago

Legal systems becoming complex predates the emergence of lawyers.

Lawyers have also led significant efforts to simplify the law. For example the American Bar Association has consistently created simple model statute frameworks that eventually are adopted.

Law is complex because society is complex.


3 hours ago

Reminds me of the expression "in and of itself".


4 hours ago

>When is humanity going to start seeing some patches against these exploits?

i think that's called "consequences" and it's the subject of the article you're commenting on


3 hours ago

What I was getting at is: legal protections are good and necessary and all, but people try these things presumably because they work sometimes, and that fact bothers me. The idea that current generative AI tech - even if it were actually built to purpose - could actually fight for you in court, or output legal briefs that hold up to scrutiny and don't require review by a human expert, seems laughable to me. Law is definitely not a suitable field for an agent that frequently "hallucinates" and never questions or second-guesses your requests. There's so much that would have to go into such an AI system to be reliable, beyond the actual prose generation, that I certainly wouldn't a priori expect it to exist in 2024.

If so many people are willing to take the claim at face value, that suggests to me a general naivete and lack of understanding of AI out there that really needs to be fixed.

Aside from AI-related stuff, GGP mentioned "monthly subscriptions for services that most people need in a one-off manner". It's amazing to me that anyone would sign up for a monthly subscription to anything at all, without any consideration for whether they'd likely have a use for it every month.


4 hours ago

Yes, but the eternal cycle is: gain trust and then exploit trust.

Some people gain enough trust that once they start to exploit it, that there often isn’t a mechanism to apply consequences.

i.e. - politics


4 hours ago


The term "snake oil salesman" has been around since the 1800s and that's effectively what most of these growth hackers are. I'm sure there are plenty of terms for the same practice of fraudulent marketing that predate that by centuries or even millennia. If you can hype people up enough about what you're selling and get them imagining how much better their live's will be using your product a certain number will buy into anything (in DNPs case, people imagine how much time and money they'll save on not using a lawyer).

I wouldn't expect that to ever change.


6 hours ago

Human lifespan is too short


5 hours ago

Yep, need some way to image each new brain that comes online with some basics so it's not starting from 0 each time (and what basics to include would be a battle for the ages)


5 hours ago

Oof, no thanks. Part of our resilience comes from each generation observing and learning what the world actually is without all of the dogma from the previous generation. Instilling a set of basics is probably the worst thing we could do to fight against gaming humanity.


3 hours ago

you've just described public school


5 hours ago

> Is common sense still in beta?

Common sense has been deprecated. The system is just waiting for all of the modules with common sense preinstalled to sunset.


5 hours ago

> common sense still in beta?

Common sense was relegated to a legacy feature status after "clout" and "fuck you got mine" were released.

It will not see further updates and will be sunset shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.


6 hours ago

when the government regulates it. until then it will continue to the end of time.


6 hours ago

There are already laws for false advertising.


6 hours ago

In America? Barely. EVERYTHING can be called "puffery", which apparently makes it perfectly legal to make outright lies about your product, and if you instead merely pay someone who makes outright lies, apparently that's fine too if you didn't explicitly tell them to make those specific lies!

In America, it is legal to call your uncarbonated soft drink "vitamin water"!


7 hours ago

There's altruism, running a business, and unrestrained avarice. Sometimes libertarians can be as prone to equating the first two as leftists are the latter.


6 hours ago

In your world, it seems the leftists have it figured out. The purpose of a business is always to maximize profit.

EDIT: yeah, yeah, I hear you. You can survive on VC money, and maximize share price instead of focusing on profit. You can also be a small business owned by good people just trying to make a living, but then you still have to not get drowned out by more ruthless competition. The purpose of a business is not always to maximize profit.


6 hours ago

The purpose of a business is whatever its owners want it to be. Typically, this is maximizing profit, but it could be anything, like getting paid for what you like to do.


6 hours ago

> The purpose of a business is always to maximize profit.

That's false. The purpose of a business is whatever the owners of that business decide. I've known a large number of business owners that chose less profit in exchange for any number of other attributes they valued more than max profit: more of their own time (working less), better serving a local community by donating a lot of resources / air time (media company), paying employees abnormally higher wages (because said employees had been with them a long time and loyalty matters to some people a lot) - and so on and so forth.

Max profit is one of a zillion possible attributes to optionally optimize for as the owner of a business. The larger the owner the more say they obviously will tend to have in the culture.

Facebook as a prominent public example, hasn't been optimized for max profit at any point in the past decade. They easily could have extracted far more profit than what they did. Zuckerberg, being the voting control shareholder, chose to invest hilariously vast amounts of money into eg the Metaverse / VR. He did that on a personal lark bet, with very little evidence to suggest it would assist in maximizing profit (and at the least he was very wrong in the closer-term 10-15 year span; maybe it'll pay off 20-30 years out, doubtful).

The pursuit of max profit is a cultural attribute, a choice, and that's all. It's generally neither a legal requirement nor a moral requirement of a business.


5 hours ago

A majority of the shares in most publicly traded corporations are held by retirement funds, both "private" (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street) and public (FERS, CalPERS, ...). These entities, generally, have no appreciable interest other than maximizing profit. They are all regulated financial entities, even the private ones are quasi-governmental (e.g., BlackRock has close business relationships with the Federal Reserve), and the public ones are just straight up government agencies.

So, in a pretty real way, there is a legal requirement, though like many such things in the United States today, it is not properly formalized.


6 hours ago

It's funny: the profit thing keeps being parroted here of all places, Y Combinator, when we know all too well that there are scads of businesses, especially today, that are bleeding millions and hemorrhaging cash, just to disrupt an industry sector, just to amass assets/user data, or just to amass a customer base and get sold off.

So no, profit is not a universal motive. But it's a popular one; if you have a conventional business and you expect to stay solvent year-over-year, then you make profits, you stay in the black, yes? Nobody can prognosticate when the lean years will come, and so you watch that bottom line and keep as much cushion as possible, to ride out a bad year or two.

Furthermore, if a business is competing with other businesses, that's going to moderate the profit motive with market share and other considerations. But I would say that publicly-traded companies have the strongest impetus to profit and satisfy shareholders. The publicly-traded space is far more constrained than other businesses or entities, such as charities, public interest groups, political action, NGOs, etc.


6 hours ago

> it used to be pretty positively received on HN

Doesn’t that call into question the decision making of folks on HN rather than being a positive view of the product?


34 minutes ago

Given the scope of the topic it appealed in 2016, parking tickets in two specific cities, I can see such a petty case like that be automated. The expansion in 2017 to seeking refuge seems like it'd be a bigger hurdle. But I wouldn't be surprised if that process can be automated a lot as well.

Seems like the killing blow here was claiming it can outright replace legal advice. Wonder how much that lie made compared to the settlement.

But yes, HN in general is a lot more empathetic towards AI than what the average consensus seems to be based on surveys this year.


5 hours ago

Yep. Turns out HN is just avg people that think they're really smart because they know how to write code.


8 hours ago

Yes! I used this "AI" tool to help a friend write a letter to her landlord. It was not at all "generative AI" and seemed to just paste modules together based on her answers to its questionnaire.

To your second point, it's very funny how OpenAI seems to have soured the tech crowd on tech.


7 hours ago

The race to the bottom in the ruthless and relentless pursuit of profit is what soured us on tech, and the AI hype train is but one in a long procession.


7 hours ago

It's love and hate relationship with AI.

All engineers I know in tech are bashing AI left and right and going home to work on AI projects in their free time.


7 hours ago

You can simultanously believe that AI:

* Is massively overhyped by certain persons and companies, and

* Is both interesting and has loads of promise, so is worth working on in your own time

They aren't contradictory at all.


7 hours ago

Actually, I think they are the opposite of contradictory. This tech is dumb, funny, new, and maybe it has potential in the right (low-stakes) applications.

Meanwhile, I dunno, I have some begrudging admiration for the folks getting rich selling premium GEMMs, but eventually they are going to piss off all their investors and cause a giant mess. Like good luck guys, get that money, but please don’t take us all down with you.


7 hours ago

The ship is sinking, and we're swimming towards the iceberg.


5 hours ago

Pretty classic hacker behavior. "This sucks. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make it better because everyone else working on it is an idiot and I, alone, see the True Way Forward."


7 hours ago

>To your second point, it's very funny how OpenAI seems to have soured the tech crowd on tech.

In this particular case, I'm not sour because of OpenAI. I am sour because of deceptive and gross business practices highlighted in the article.


5 hours ago

I'm not soured on tech. I'm soured on the tech industry. I think there's quite a difference between these two things.

Using OpenAI as an example. ChatGPT is wonderful for the things it's made for. It's a tool, and a great one but that's all it is.

But OpenAI itself is a terrible company and Sam Altman is a power hungry conman that borders on snakeoil salesman.

And I'm soured on people like the CEO of my company who wants to shove a GPT chatbot into our application to do things that it's not at all good at or made for because they see dollar signs.


7 hours ago

It worked as well as any other eighteen dollar a month lawyer back when I tried it in 2017/2018.

It was actually free back then I used it the one time and felt grateful enough for the help that I signed up for one cycle and then cancelled (since I didn't have a continued need for it).

Nothing gross or deceptive.


7 hours ago

>Nothing gross or deceptive.

They just had to pay a fine for deceptive advertising. The article lists a number of other deceptive and immoral business practices.


7 hours ago

I actually used the service in question during that time frame and did not feel deceived by their advertising. In fact, I felt good enough about the experience that I threw them a few bucks after the fact to compensate them for some of the value that they gave me.

You read an article about it and 7 years later and are convinced they are crooks.


6 hours ago

> You read an article about it and 7 years later and are convinced they are crooks.

Actually, you read an article and assumed that your anecdotal experience from 7 years ago is more reflective of how a business operates than a current year investigation into that company by a federal agency.

Nobody is arguing that they deceived you personally 7 years ago.


7 hours ago

I hold the FTC in higher regard than I do your personal experience when it comes to this matter.


42 minutes ago

You seem to continue to be deceived as you continue to describe the service as if it is a lawyer


42 minutes ago

> It worked as well as any other eighteen dollar a month lawyer

It wasn't an eighteen dollar a month lawyer, so your description of it as "any other" is wrong.


7 hours ago

Wasn't the tech crowd getting soured on tech by all the ads eating the world?


7 hours ago

Basically every action the big tech companies FAANG, MS, HP etc have all done for the past decade+ has been detrimental to users. Oh sure yes I want ads in my Operating System and I want every browser to be Chrome with a mask, oh right I also want to pay a subscription to use a printer. Just absolutely bonkers brains in power at tech companies lately.


5 hours ago

Actually, of all of these, every browser being Chrome with a mask has been kind of nice as a web developer. Never have I had to invest fewer resources in wrestling browser quirks to the ground.


7 hours ago

AI helps our lives in many ways and it's a shame that the LLM era has perverted the term with the same bad smells and scamminess of the NFT era.


7 hours ago

It goes both ways. AI is used in both benefic ways as well as malefic ones. I don't think it's a net positive but that's just my opinion.


7 hours ago

> To your second point, it's very funny how OpenAI seems to have soured the tech crowd on tech.

They represent an amplifier for the enshittening that was already souring the tech crown on tech.

LLM's used in this sort of way, which is exactly OpenAI's trillion dollar bet, will just make products appear to have larger capabilities while simultaneously making many capabilities far less reliable.

Most of the "win" in cases like this is for the product vendor cutting capital costs of development while inflating their marketability in the short term, at the expense of making everything they let it touch get more unpredictable and inconsistent. Optimistic/naive users jump in for the market promise of new and more dynamic features, but aren't being coached to anticipate the tradeoff.

It's the same thing we've been seeing in digital products for the last 15 years, and manufactured products for the last 40, but cranked up by an order of magnitude.

It's exhausting and disheartening.


3 hours ago

> It's something I personally find very bizarre, but I've definitely noticed that a lot of people have a very strong mental block about doing things on a computer, or even a browser.

It's interesting that many have expressed something similar in regards to the current LLMs, for programming for example: that even if their output isn't exactly ideal, they still lower the barrier of entry for trying to do certain things, like starting a project in Python from scratch in a stack that you aren't entirely familiar with yet.


32 minutes ago

> it used to be pretty positively received on HN

HN is a fickle beast


8 hours ago

Not sure about the history, I based my comment on this quote from the article:

>[...] DoNotPay's legal service [...] relying on an API with OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Perhaps they rolled their own chatbot then later switched to ChatGPT? Either way, they probably should have a lawyer involved at some point in the process.


7 hours ago

Yes I think you are right about that. Someone else called it "mad libs" and that is very much what it felt like back in 2017/18.

Idk why they needed to have a lawyer involved though. Many processes in life just need an "official" sounding response: to get to the next phase, or open the gate to talk to a real human, or even to close the issue with a positive result.

Many people are not able to conjure up an "official" sounding response from nothing, so these chatbot/ChatGPTs are great ways for them to generate a response to use for their IRL need (parking ticket, letter to landlord, etc).


6 hours ago

"Lawyer" is a regulated term that comes with a lot of expectations of the "lawyer" (liability for malpractice, a bunch of duties, etc). You can't just say that something is a lawyer any more than you could do the same with doctors or police officers.

Machines are also not allowed to be the "author" of court documents if they actually get to court (so far as I'm aware). A lawyer has to sign off and claim it as their own work, and doing so without the lawyer reading it is pretty taboo (I think maybe sanctionable by the BAR but I could be wrong).


5 hours ago

>You can't just say that something is a lawyer any more than you could do the same with doctors or police officers

Do you think WebMD should be renamed? Lawyers seem to be better at defending their turf than doctors or cops.


7 hours ago

My understanding is that they had much more linear automation of very specific, narrow, high-frequency processes — basically form letters plus some process automation — before they got GPT and decided they could do a lot more “lawyer” things with it.


5 hours ago

On a long enough timeline we all (with the exception of narcissists) see our younger selves as little idiots.


3 hours ago

Donotpay should have used donotpay to fight FTC ruling back. That would have been the ultimate outcome if they would have won.


7 hours ago

> Sometimes I think about where I would be in life if I had no moral or ethical qualms. I'd probably be running a company like this.

I think about this all the time. If I didn’t have a conscience, I would be retired by now.


7 hours ago

You might be retiring in jail, though.


7 hours ago

Unfortunately, "if it's an app, it's legal".


6 hours ago

Given how bad an average attorney is, I wonder if chatgpt would actually be an improvement.


3 hours ago

I'm not sure they mean "LLM based AI".

To me it looks like they automated some boilerplate legal forms and marketted it as "AI" to capitalize on the hype.


3 hours ago

>I'm not sure they mean "LLM based AI"

The article states that they use ChatGPT.


2 hours ago

What is morally or ethically wrong with what they did?

Maybe it's morally or ethically wrong to prosecute them and take their belongings?


2 hours ago

I consider boldly lying about the efficacy of your product in your advertisements to be unethical.

You don't, I guess. That's fine.


2 hours ago

Let's ask a chatbot and find out.


5 hours ago

Another Silicon Valley startup looking to get rich quick, following in the footsteps of Uber, Airbnb, DoorDash, WeWork...etc, which have all played in the legal grey areas


5 hours ago

> Sometimes I think about where I would be in life if I had no moral or ethical qualms. I'd probably be running a company like this.

I invented smaller variants of deliveroo, airbnb and uber in my mind, around 2008, but I thought no, the only way to make any money would be to exploit people and break laws. honestly, what held me back was more the hassle of lawyers to make it all work. I didn't think I could stomach the effort.


7 hours ago

Did they help regular people defend themselves while saving on legal costs or not?

Most of these cases wouldn't be defended at all otherwise.


7 hours ago

>Did they help regular people defend themselves while saving on legal costs or not?

Do you get a free pass to do shitty things as long as you do some good things too?

I am totally onboard with the concept of the business, just not this particular implementation of it.


6 hours ago

That's a little bit how the law works. If you get sentenced for a conviction, your good deeds will affect the decision. Sometimes people get off entirely based on who they are (e.g. athletes, execs, etc).


6 hours ago

>If you get sentenced for a conviction, your good deeds will affect the decision.

Definitely a valid point, but I don't feel comfortable applying the same idea to inanimate entities like corporations.

>Sometimes people get off entirely based on who they are (e.g. athletes, execs, etc).

On a personal level, I have never agreed with this.


33 minutes ago

In that one circumstance. You don't get to do a little murder because you donated to a charity. Why even bother to act like this is some sort of principle that underlines the legal system?


7 hours ago

This is exactly the right question.

Did they provide value to the user? Yes, nearly any situation in life involving money can be improved with a top lawyer on retainer, but that isn't always viable or economical


4 hours ago

To prove that that DoNotPay does not work, they will use DoNotPay on themselves to defend against this case.


6 hours ago

Crazy people take any advice from people without citing the exact legal clause.


6 hours ago

Then you must find it very frustrating to actually receive legal advice, because it is often more complicated than that and there sometimes is no such clause!


7 hours ago

> if I had no moral or ethical qualms. I'd probably be running a company like this.

You mean you'd be like any other corporation or property manager or attorney? If you operate in the confines of the law that's all that matters. If you give normal people the same power to litigate as a billionaire, that's a feature, not a bug.


7 hours ago

>If you operate in the confines of the law that's all that matters.

This is uh.. Yeah. This is what I meant by having no moral or ethical qualms.

There are things that I find immoral which are not illegal. I do not do those things, even though legally I could.


3 hours ago

so religious zealotry? man-in-the-sky said "no do that!" ?

"This is uh.. Yeah." - can you clarify this remark please?


3 hours ago

>so religious zealotry? man-in-the-sky said "no do that!" ?

What are you on about?

I refuse to compromise my morals just because something is legal. That's it.

My morals did not come from some god, and they did not come from laws. No idea where you are getting religious zealotry from.

>"This is uh.. Yeah." - can you clarify this remark please?

Sure. I stopped myself from saying something rude to you.


8 hours ago

"In 2021, Browder reported that DoNotPay had 250K subscribers; in May 2023, Browder said that DoNotPay had “well over 200,000 subscribers”.

To date, DoNotPay has resolved over 2 million cases and offers over 200 use cases on its website. Though DoNotPay has not disclosed its revenue, it charges $36 every two months. Given this, it can be estimated that DoNotPay is generating $54 million in annual revenue, assuming that all 250K users subscribe for 1 year."[1]

$193K seems like a pittance compared to the money they're making off of this.



5 hours ago

>$193K seems like a pittance compared to the money they're making off of this.

I don't have any special knowledge of this specific case, but it's important to note as a general principle that often the point of these fines is as the start of a process. It creates a formal legal record of actual damages and judgement, but the government doesn't see massive harm done yet nor think the business should be dead entirely. They want a modification of certain practices going forward, and the expectation is that the company will immediately comply and that's the end of it.

If instead the business simply paid the fine and flagrantly blew it off and did the exact same thing without so much as a fig leaf, round 2 would see the book thrown at them. Defiance of process and lawful orders is much easier to prove and has little to no wiggle room, regardless of the complexity that began an action originally. Same as an individual investigated for a crime who ends up with a section 1001 charge or other obstruction of justice and ends up in more trouble for that than the underlying cause of investigation.

So yes, not necessarily a huge fine. But if there weren't huge actual damages that seems appropriate too, so long as the behavior doesn't repeat (and everyone else in the industry is on notice now too).


6 hours ago

The main product actually works, this is for additional claims that were misleading. It isn't right to compare the settlement to the entire company revenue. Better to compare to the benefit gained by wrongdoing, or the amount of harm caused.


7 hours ago

This is founder-raising-funds math (or VC looking for liquidity math). 200k subscribers might not mean paid subs and it certainly doesn't mean 1-year of paid subs. This could be $9M (a single-month of 250 paid subs) or lower.


5 hours ago

Fair points. I hadn't considered that a trial subscription is still a subscriber.


6 hours ago

Their point still stands though. If the output should be reviewed by a lawyer, then the penalty should be all the profits (and maybe also the wages of the CEO) to deter others from doing the same, and ensure that they don't continue in the belief that an occasional 1-2% is perfectly acceptable 'cost of doing business'.


5 hours ago

Maybe $193k is all that the FTC felt could be attributed to the "deceptive business practices."

It's weird to think that the FTC is right about the investigation, but somehow flubbed the penalty


8 hours ago

I love the quote they included in their ads, purportedly from the Los Angeles Time but "actually from a high-schooler’s opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times’ High School Insider":

> "what this robot lawyer can do is astonishingly similar—if not more—to what human lawyers do."


8 hours ago

To be fair if legal paperwork follows a standard process with standard information, a "robot" can complete many orders of magnitude more than any human lawyer. (I'm also not a lawyer and have no idea if this line of thinking is applicable.)


7 hours ago

Honestly most lawyers (that I know at least) just keep templates of most common documents and fill in the blanks as needed

For basic stuff this is 95% of the end product


7 hours ago

I guarantee it’s going to be impossible to compete as a lawyer in most fields without doing most of the work with LLMs, probably within a few years.

I expect the benefits of increased efficiency will be seen as temporarily zeroed inflation for legal services (prices actually going down? LOL) and a bunch of rents, forever (more or less, from the perspective of a human lifetime) to whichever one or two companies monopolize the relevant feature sets (see also: the situation with digital access to legal documents). Lawyers will be more productive but I expect comp will stay about the same.

And I think that as someone fairly pessimistic about the whole AI thing.


6 hours ago

And 95% of a doctor's job is just saying "your checkup looks OK Joe, just try to get some exercise and eat more fiber".


2 hours ago

And the other 4.99% they do that anyways, in my experience.


an hour ago

Tbf it's almost always applicable. Get more rest, drink more water, exercise and have a better diet, is universally good advice.


7 hours ago

This is a very sneaky ethically gray company. Their app is not only of terrible quality but also full of dark patterns. I'm convinced that any revenue they make comes from people who can't figure out how to cancel. Stay away from it.


11 minutes ago

Ironic given the app’s purpose.


7 hours ago

The legal system has a great sense of self preservation. They will surely fight anything that possibly encroaches on their domain, especially things that give non lawyers the tools to defend themselves without feeding the machine.


7 hours ago

Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. Many organizations that purport to be helping the little guy are actually just exploiting them for profit.


6 hours ago

As is the case with this exact company " Fight Corporations Beat Bureaucracy Find Hidden Money " this is exactly and entirely the thing a exploiting company would say it does.


2 hours ago

There’s a lot of hate for the AI marketing aspects, and that AI isn’t up to par for full lawyer replacements, but they’ve been around with a very working and usable app before way before the AI hype.

Lawyers at huge firms or companies automate the hell out of their legal actions against normal citizens and get things wrong all the time. But it’s okay if they do it because they’re part of the same cabal keeping the legal system afloat. Say what you want negatively about some dark patterns and marketing BS, they’re making legal things affordable to the every day person.

The fine seems fair for overhyped marketing claims, but I hope they keep going and improving.


4 hours ago

> initially was advertised as "the world's first robot lawyer" with the ability to "sue anyone with the click of a button."

There is no world in which allowing that to happen is a good idea.


3 hours ago

I understand the sentiment but to be fair this is currently happening everywhere but only the rich people have access as they are the only one who have lawyers on retainer.

Access to legal services to poor will change things. In short term, judicial system will be overwhelmed and are forced to adopt new and efficient procedures.


27 minutes ago

I prefer to tout the unfrozen caveman lawyer.


6 hours ago

DoNoPay has to pay a fine is just an irony.


6 hours ago

Haha, my thoughts precisely. The first 4 words of the title were bewildering for me for a few seconds.


3 hours ago

1. Amusing title 2. Yea it sounds like a smug and shitty company But 3. If I get some parking ticket or some small wrong doing I am totally going to consult with GPT before I go ahead and hire a lawyer. A well trained AI could definitely do the work of most lawyers better than they could. Lawyers and judges usually just recite rules, previous cases and known loopholes. They are a human search engine and they cost quite a bit.


6 hours ago

'''"None of the Service’s technologies has been trained on a comprehensive and current corpus of federal and state laws, regulations, and judicial decisions or on the application of those laws to fact patterns," the FTC found'''

Wow!! That seems so simple, and literally a few weeks to do in today's ecosystem, now thoroughly testing make take a little more time, but wow, I wonder if it was evening attempting to do RAG.


7 hours ago

Ok well it seems my test for whether we really have AI yet (are there self-driving lawyers) remains unsatisfied. For me lawyers work is significantly easier to automate with some proto-AI than is software development or driving a car. So although recent AI progress is highly impressive, I'm not retiring until it takes over the lawyers.


5 hours ago

Truly one of the worst takes on AI I've seen. What is the purpose of a lawyer? It's not to read the law, the text is free (or should be). It's to advise you, based on the law but also on the immediate, historical and sociopolitical coontext, as well as on their understanding of the characters of all the humans involved.

If that gets automated, we are in AGI territory.


3 hours ago

> What is the purpose of a lawyer?

This is a good question. Is the point of paying the lawyer the piece of "intellectual output" (contract, specific advice, legal briefs, etc) or the fact that they stand behind it? Is a company using AI liable if the agents sell something for a pittance? Do the AI agents have intent and standing?


5 hours ago

Your first paragraph with very small tweaks (laws of physics etc., not law) could also apply to human attendants in elevators.

The second paragraph… hard to make a call on that one.


31 minutes ago

I think you'll find elevator attendance errors rather cheaper.


7 hours ago

It's not a question of how easy it is to automate it. It's about how frequent and costly the mistakes are. Lawyer AI is a high bar - plus the people watching you are human lawyers, exactly the kind of people who can make your mistakes more costly.


7 hours ago

Even before AI, that website has been making overly optimistic claims for many years. It was never clear to me how real or effective it was. The Wikipedia article has more detail but it seems like this is the first time the government has actually called them out?

Of course this didn't stop them raising $10m from credulous investors in 2021.


an hour ago

In 2021 a literal discord group raised several million dollars so take that into consideration.


7 hours ago

The problem with today's technology is it is indistinguishable from magic. Sometimes the magic is real, sometimes it's an illusion. It's nearly impossible as a regular consumer not deeply knowledgable of the current capabilities of models to know which is which.


5 hours ago

I think DoNotPay and find out is the vision of this company.


3 hours ago

About time. I've been waiting on this one for a couple years now.


6 hours ago

Funny thing is, they're probably still ahead financially vs if they actually hired lawyers to do this on the up-and-up.


7 hours ago

Has the chance to make their best marketing material yet.


8 hours ago

Honestly not that surprised, the only surprising thing to me is how little of a slap on the wrist this feels like.

It felt like a shaky premise at best as far back as I can remember. Even "standard" things often have many intricacies that a person might not know to say, and it may not let them know/ask them about it.

As an example, think of all the questions TurboTax et. al ask about taxes.


6 hours ago

Maybe they can use their own AI to get out of paying it?


5 hours ago

I am stopping myself from releasing shitty chatgpt wrappers which I see at every trade expo. I am just not doing it because I don't want to add more shit to the shitshow.


5 hours ago

Yes, I get it they did a bad thing. But most of what they are setup to fight is people abusing the legal system so it’s not unfair to fight fire with fire surely?

As an example I parked my car to drop my daughter off at a party and paid online - but mistyped the little number for the car park and ended up paying for 3 hours parking somewhere across the country.

Naturally the private car park tries to charge me 20x the parking fee as a “fine” - which they can whistle for frankly. But they sent varying letters that sound but don’t actually say “court” or “legal action” (things like “solicitors action prior to court”

I kept sending them the same answer they kept rejecting it

Then they actually sued me in county court. Oh wow I thought I better pay. And as a court judgement is really bad on credit record (one above bankruptcy) it’s serious. But I checked the court website anyway to be extra careful. And Incoukd challenge it - actually appear before the beak and say “hey it’s not my fault”.

So I filled in the form that says “yes I will challenge it, see you in court”

That might my wife said don’t be fucking stupid they have won pay them

So I went back the next day - and guess what - they had after 9 months withdrawn their action against me, no further need to progress, cancelled

I called the court to find out WTF

They had, and do every week, mass spammed the court with hundreds of parking cases, knowing that pretty much everyone would act like my wife pay a couple of hundred quid not to risk their credit record. I mean a county court judgement and you can kiss a mortgage goodbye.

That is simple abuse - an overworked courts system, hundreds probably thousands of rubbish claims that are put simply to strong arm people to pay up with legal threats, and no genuine attempt to filter out cases with merit, or even only look at “repeat offenders”

But is it worth the time of any parliamentarian to take this on (well frankly yes it would be great backbencher cause celeb, but what do I know.

Anyhow there was a point here - there are many many legitimate companies whose ficking business model is based on legal strong arming anyone who makes a minor infraction and that’s ok, but having a scam my business model to fight the scammy business model is bad?

Yes DoNotPay could have stayed on the right side of the line - but then would frankly run out of money. I guess we can only put our Hope in the hands of our elected representatives:-)


5 hours ago

In the US, parking and private parking lots are easily one of the scammiest businesses.


6 hours ago

My bet is they won’t pay.


8 hours ago

I am honestly surprised the fine is not more. We need to see more of these come out as AI is shoved dangerously into places thanks to the ability to use it with little to no technical knowledge.

Especially when you are really just shoving data into an LLM and expecting a response to do some job, you are not training it to do a specific task.

Like the home buying AI that was on HN yesterday.


7 hours ago

If a tenant is able to file a case that costs his corporate, PE owned landlord $25k to litigate, that's a win in my book. That's the same landlord who increased the rent 20% per year for the last 5 years because "the Market", well, Blackstone, welcome to the "market" where each eviction now costs you a collateral amount for ruining a hard working persons life. Imagine that, if there were a consequence to greed?


8 hours ago

Good, AI shouldn't be anywhere near anything where accountability matters...


7 hours ago

It's amazing to me that people think they need other people to resolve disputes, or that "law" is some kind of magic...

And yet people keep thinking so, both selling it as magic, and buying it as magic, and not once taking the time to consider what the words on the paper might mean.


7 hours ago

> that "law" is some kind of magic...

Law is some kind of magic, though. Consider the case where I want to cast the "Lawyer" protection spell.

If I chant "I am invoking my right to remain silent. I want to contact my attorney" then the police must stop questioning me and provide me one [1]. The spell worked.

If I chant "This is how I feel, if y’all think I did it, I know that I didn’t do it so why don’t you just give me a lawyer dog ’cause this is not what’s up" then my spell is not strong enough and the police can interrogate me as they see fit [2].

And then there's the time where a wizard had to interpret a comma [3].





6 hours ago

This is precisely the madness that I'm astounded by. Most people think this is sane, normal and moral.

And, I imagine most people reading this think I'm either insane, ignorant or uneducated, or will attach some other adjectives to further alienate me. It's okay, I already feel like an alien.

I'm not looking for an argument. I don't need to convince anyone.

I was hoping for a more receptive audience. Oh well.


7 hours ago

It's a risk/reward issue. By analogy, I am perfectly capable of filling out an IRS 1040 form, so why pay a CPA? Because the CPA knows what things can be classified as business expenses. They have first-hand knowledge of which items have passed audits and which the IRS dismissed as farfetched. You're paying for someone who has the insider knowledge to navigate a minefield of non-obvious questions.

Or for a technical analogy, I'm capable of learning any programming language you can throw at me. However, a business who wants to hire someone is going to prefer someone with experience in that language's entire ecosystem. It's not enough to know the syntax. That's the easy part. The harder part is knowing which parts to reference at a given time, which modules experienced devs would choose to solve a specific problem, etc.

Well, same here. I'm wholly capable of reading and understanding the words of a contract or a summons or a lawsuit. What I don't know is the significance of specific phrases in those things, or what I'm allowed to use as evidence on my own behalf, or which issues I might raise that a judge would dismiss as something learned in the first semester of law school. And that's why I'd pay a lawyer to address legal issues for me.


7 hours ago

It's the same with plumbing, wiring, programing, writing, cooking, gardening, and most of the other verbs.

For the most part, everyone can do these things, but it's nice to pay someome else to do it; especially in fields where experience gives expertise and hopefully wisdom. Also, it's handy to hire a licensed practicioner in fields where government requires licensure to sell services.

Some people are really woried about making big mistakes that are expensive to clean when plumbing or wiring or lawyering. It's a legitimate thing to consider.


7 hours ago

It's a matter of opportunity costs as well. If you want to be able to do plumbing, wiring, framing... you likely don't also have the time to learn the potentially vast amount of knowledge required to adeptly navigate the legal system.

> Some people are really woried about making big mistakes that are expensive to clean when plumbing or wiring or lawyering.

Even worse, if you lawyer wrong (or wire wrong), you might not be able to clean it up - you just do your time or perhaps die.


7 hours ago

There's a difference, though. Law and medicine are fields with very strong gatekeeping. You also need a licence for many construction engineering roles, and in fact both stakes and accountability there are much higher than in the former two (in fact, it is a bit appalling, how little lawyers and doctors are hold accountable for stupid shit they do, if they follow the playbook), and realistically you need to learn as much if not more to be a good construction engineer (but most construction engineers are not especially good, just as most lawyers and doctors aren't very good), but you don't see so much reverence towards construction engineers, and there are much fewer artificial borders for one to learn construction engineering.


7 hours ago

You can get very far in life by just reading the contract, even farther by googling some context, and even farther by hiring an expert in the field.


7 hours ago

FTC overreached here: the AI was not tested to see if it is like a lawyer’s level of work. Why would anyone have to do this kind of study?

Back in the day, anyone who touted AI generated works by default exclaimed that the work was not as good as a human. That changed now but was a valid statement back then.


6 hours ago

>AI was not tested to see if it is like a lawyer’s level of work. Why would anyone have to do this kind of study?

The service it purported to offer is licensed. We could sit around and talk shit about the threshold to be licensed, the bar association, or licensing in general. But that's all distraction.

The point is the legal system has implemented a quality standard for providing certain services. There is a new thing providing the same service in novel way. Why wouldn't the legal system expect proof of quality?


7 hours ago

I have not seen any evidence that AI output can reach quality levels of a human.

Any non-trivial code generated by it takes more time to debug than just writing it from scratch.

Its "art" is abominably bad and repetitive.

Text generated by AI reads like corporate ad copy written by several committees of committees.

"Lovecraftian nightmare" best describes its video output.

AI voice generation sounds like soulless ripoffs of famous voice actors (the Attenborough clone is the worst) with misplaced stresses and an off-putting cadence derived from being completely unable to understand the broader context of the work it is narrating.

Its explanations on things are inferior to the first paragraph of any wikipedia article on the query topic.

A child with a pirated copy of FL-Studio can make more interesting music.

The wall being erected by AI customer service agents between a problem and an actual human who might be able to solve it is frustrating and useless.

On top of all of that the answers it confidently gives (almost always with no sources) are often extremely wrong.

Is there a secret AI product everyone is using that is actually good?

Edit: AI is however extremely good at rapidly creating an endless stream of barely-passable content designed to distract very cheaply so I expect its use by marketing and social media firms to continue its meteoric rise.


7 hours ago

> it's not about trivial vs not trivial.

It's about how common the code is which you are asking the AI to generate and how much contextual clues it has to get the generation right.


5 hours ago

The Dagoth Ur voice generation is shockingly good. I found a youtube channel of Dagoth Ur narrating Lovecraft stories; it's as good as human narration IMHO.


7 hours ago

Yeah why would any company have to test the efficacy of their product before making claims about its efficacy?

Snark aside, this is literally a quote from their marketing: "what this robot lawyer can do is astonishingly similar—if not more—to what human lawyers do."

So to claim that they “exclaimed that the work was not as good as a human” is inaccurate.


7 hours ago

> Why would anyone have to do this kind of study?

Because the company chose to publish ads with misleading claims about the efficacy of their system.