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iOS web voice assistant that can talk/listen/use tools when Safari loses focus

1 pointsposted a minute ago
by ojschwa

Snake-bios: A snake game made in the BIOS

1 pointsposted a minute ago
by thunderbong

Smartphone Tethering: A Bigger Grind Than It Needed to Be

1 pointsposted 2 minutes ago
by shortformblog

Fuzzcheck-rs: Structure-aware, in-process, coverage-guided fuzzing engine for Ru

1 pointsposted 4 minutes ago
by fanf2

Chongqing officials: Cloud seeding didn't cause winds that sent laundry flying

1 pointsposted 8 minutes ago
by impish9208


1 pointsposted 9 minutes ago
by beardyw

Why I Wrote Data Science for Crime Analysis with Python

1 pointsposted 10 minutes ago
by apwheele

Gitea blocks PR from community, charging $$ for open-source contributions

2 pointsposted 11 minutes ago
by ironmagma

Show HN: I made a simple tool to generate a new task/goal list each Monday

1 pointsposted 12 minutes ago
by ejs

I made a site where you can create Pornhub-style logos for fun

2 pointsposted 14 minutes ago
by alexzn596

TSMC's Arizona Trials Put Plant Productivity on Par with Taiwan

1 pointsposted 15 minutes ago
by gmays

Show HN: Automatic chaptering – From raw transcripts to structured documents

1 pointsposted 17 minutes ago
by Yannael

The Art of the Brew: Exploring Hops and Other Plant Ingredients That Define Beer

1 pointsposted 18 minutes ago
by dnetesn

Our Memories Are Stored in Triplicate

1 pointsposted 19 minutes ago
by dnetesn

Grokking Concurrency

1 pointsposted 19 minutes ago
by teleforce

The Future of European Competitiveness

7 pointsposted 19 minutes ago
by mxstbr

On Currencies

2 pointsposted 20 minutes ago
by mooreds

Mitsubishi is an example of anti-consumer, poor design decisions

2 pointsposted 20 minutes ago
by bbarnett

An Open Letter to Google from a Small Publisher

1 pointsposted 20 minutes ago
by nunorbatista

ReMamba: Equip Mamba with Effective Long-Sequence Modeling

1 pointsposted 22 minutes ago
by PaulHoule

Matchbox Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine

1 pointsposted 22 minutes ago
by jonbaer

.com vs. Not .com – YC Company Domains by Batch

2 pointsposted 22 minutes ago
by geepytee

Two Useful Prompts to Explore Intent and Behaviour

1 pointsposted 25 minutes ago
by mooreds

China's Pledge to Counter U.S. GPS Reaches Key Milestone

2 pointsposted 25 minutes ago
by howard941

Apple's Next Big Thing Might Be a Button

2 pointsposted 25 minutes ago
by miguelrochefort

Judge's ruling opens door to US election betting

2 pointsposted 26 minutes ago
by delichon

Lessons learnt building a real-time audio application in Python

2 pointsposted 27 minutes ago
by spmvg

Show HN: Volumes Technical Preview in Wasmer Edge

1 pointsposted 30 minutes ago
by syrusakbary

AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture – bringing RDNA and CDNA together

2 pointsposted 32 minutes ago
by prng2021

Show HN: HypergraphZ – A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig

1 pointsposted 37 minutes ago
by yamafaktory