Sanding UI

342 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by roosgit



an hour ago

I wonder what’s the most polished or “sanded” UI out there?

You would think FAANG would have a half decent UI and UX with the amount of money they have. But anybody that has used or AWS, GCP, or even Azure would beg to differ.

Personally, off the top of my head. The most polished UI/UX has to be “”. I can find anything I need in what seems like a couple minutes.

Compare this to big box stores like “Home Depot”, “Lowe’s”. I can spend 10-15 minutes just trying to find the right size of screw, board, or whatever using their bloated sites. On mobile it’s even worse.


a few seconds ago

I can name multiple Facebook features that have been broken for months. Temporary profile pictures most annoyingly of all. They simply never change back.

No one's sanding anything there.


an hour ago

My biggest issue with mcmaster's website is that it doesn't provide any sort of navigation hierarchy - if you go into, say, the "rounded head screws" subcategory, there's no option to get back to the general "screws" category besides the browser's navigation buttons.


24 minutes ago

Yep, this is indeed annoying but infrequently pointed out.


14 minutes ago

imo GitHub has to be up there. I think some of the recent changes to search and making the code view more IDE-like are steps backward from a “polish” perspective, but still useful features


an hour ago

This is so lost in Agile.

Engineers should get the time to “sand” their products, but we just don’t. If QA doesn’t make a ticket for the space between, it’ll never get fixed.

The customer probably notices this kind of a thing but it’s a miracle if the customer bothers to report it, and another miracle if it eventually turns into a ticket, and another miracle if someone prioritises it enough to spend time fixing it.

[In fact most companies have such opaque issue boards that as a customer I get so frustrated when I find a small issue or bug and have to spend like 50 hours back and forth to prove it’s a bug and actually get a ticket put in the tracker.]


an hour ago

What does agile have to do with anything? You think waterfall explicitly provided time to test out the UI and "sand" it?

This is a process that generally requires a product manager to choose to prioritize, together with a capable UX engineer and/or designer.

That prioritization can be inserted into any development methodology if you want it.

Agile is irrelevant here.


4 minutes ago

As a fellow old, I'm inclined to say labels should just wrap the control unless there's a very good reason for it not to. Would have completely prevented the issue, wouldn't need a global ID nor the "for". Just generally more semantic and cleaner.


4 hours ago

The goto tactic for this specific `<label>` problem is:



an hour ago

Bootstrap moved from <label><input></label> in 4.0 to <input> + <label> in 5.0 for radios/checkboxes [1]. I was curious about why but my guess is that it adds some simplicity for theming when repositioning/padding either the label or input.



4 hours ago

Back in the day I used to think this was taboo for some reason, but maybe it was only for XHTML to enforce one-to-one label -> input association. Flexbox seemed a bit redundant, since even with the non-nested syntax I'd think it would lay out inline and you can just add some padding in the same way.


2 hours ago

This was my first thought. The entire text label should toggle the radio or checkbox, not just the box and the padding.


4 hours ago

Is so important have people with that spark to see and fix those little UX issues, a good analogy used on UX design is papercuts for the user, not critical but it degrades user satisfaction.

To the author I will add that that radio button is not following the convension of a dot for the selected state instead of a check. Users may think at first sight that multiple/no selection is possible.


2 hours ago

One I've experienced on GitHub and Jira is dragging to select text on a dialog, if you release outside the dialog the mouse up event dismisses the pop up which is probably a side effect of being able to click outside the dialog to dismiss it.


3 hours ago

I've been "sanding" my personal website ( for nearly 4 years now, and it feels like it could go on forever. Luckily I enjoy working on it.


2 hours ago

I really appreciate this. Most of the time when I see a "desktop OS on webpage" it feels half-assed and honestly overplayed. This on the other hand is super tight and polished!


2 hours ago

this is very smooth and scratches an itch I didn't know I had -- to use a windowed OS on my phone


2 hours ago

This is so fun to explore. You've done some great work on this! It's inspiring. A lot of fun to think about how you've implemented everything.


an hour ago

very nice. though you cannot have > 1 nesting of afaict


3 hours ago

Warning: Prepare for a jumpscare with authors face. Fun page


2 hours ago

Looks incredible. Snappier than real Windows tbh


35 minutes ago

This is cool and very polished, but my advice (which may not resonate with you) is that you should channel this attitude into some user-facing app instead of letting it basically go to waste on a personal website most people won't see or won't use for more than a second or two.


6 hours ago

This is my strategy in bug bashes, and it generates way more tickets than anyone who has a multidimensional Cartesian matrix of test case combinations.

It’s good to know those tests cases to start, but random testing quickly outpaces planned testing when trying to find small issues. Also planned testing is often happy path or expected errors. Sanding like this finds edge bugs much faster.


3 hours ago

From time to time, especially when too tired to work on a full feature, I do some random click here and there, and try stuff I usually don't in my game. I always discover some issues or little improvements than can be made. A lot would indeed not come up using planned testing.


2 hours ago

This is totally what I’ve been doing all day. I call it “digital puttering”.

It’s where much of the beauty and craft of something is developed. It requires a craftsperson to not just “call it done and move on”, but instead to be intrinsically motivated to spend time with the creation intimately, rolling it around in your hands/brain. Guiding a vine here and there, plucking a leaf or two… until it ‘feels’ right.


3 hours ago

It’s an important insight that the state space for UI is very large and that is why intuition is especially useful — it’s rarely feasible to account for all possibilities analytically. This is true to some extent in all areas of software development, but I think for UI dev moreso than most.


2 hours ago

I generally wrap my radios inside of the label for this reason. Is there a reason not to do that?


2 hours ago

AFAIK, the only reason to use the label's `for` is when you want to place it in a different place from the widget.


2 hours ago

> I generally wrap my radios inside of the label for this reason. Is there a reason not to do that?

Actually, I think this is the best way to deal with all inputs that have labels—a small number of issues and edge cases (such as the one described in the article) just disappear. It’s also valid hierarchy-wise.


3 hours ago

This attention to detail is what separates the mediocre frontend devs from the rest. How the heck do I improve our hiring process so we get more of you!!!


2 hours ago

Do you already have candidates actually write frontend code? Either async or during an interview, or both? I'm a big fan of being on either end of an interview where I'm actually working on a functioning project.


41 minutes ago

If you’re not putting the input inside the label then you’re doing it wrong.

Bootstrap changing this in v4 is no excuse to not do it.


2 hours ago

That's pretty much what I do.

TestFlight records how many sessions I run, on the release-ready app. I use TestFlight from very early on.

It always shows thousands of sessions for me. The next-highest tester is often only tens or hundreds.

But that number is dwarfed by how many sessions I run in the simulator.

It tends to result in apps that folks like using.

The biggest danger is that I get so familiar with the UI, that I don't understand its [lack of] discoverability for those unfamiliar with it. I can easily design inscrutable UI.


5 hours ago

My beliefs in the same vein:

  - If you think you've found all the bugs, look again.
  - If you think you've just fixed a bug, test again.
  - If you think your program is done, you're wrong.


6 hours ago

I think the article has good sentiments about it. Actually using your application a lot helps polish it down a ton.

However, wouldn't putting the input inside of the label (before the label text) be a better solution than fiddling too much with CSS and flexbox? It's more foolproof to ensure clicks within the label activate the input, and eliminates the need for the "for" reference.


5 hours ago

That’s what I generally do as well, but sometimes I don’t like how it leads to empty space that is part of the clickable area. This will happen if you have a label tag with the label text above the input (and the label text is much narrower than the input widget). This isn’t a huge problem, but it always bugs me.


5 hours ago

> However, wouldn't putting the input inside of the label (before the label text) be a better solution

The one potential downside to doing it the way you describe is (assuming the same CSS flexbox layout) now all the white space on the right side of the label acts the same as clicking the radio/checkbox. Which is almost like the opposite problem to the original issue.

This might actually be a good thing for some designs/contexts, but not always. For example, on mobile it might lead to miss-clicks while trying to scroll past the <label>s


2 hours ago

That's only true if you let your labels be as wide as the parent container.

> on mobile it might lead to miss-clicks while trying to scroll past the <label>s

You can scroll on mobile by swiping over the text of a label itself without activating the input; this isn't generally a concern.


6 hours ago

label>input instead of label+input. This is called an implicit label - time was, there were concerns about screen readers that couldn't interpret them.

I don't know how bad that is in practice:

...but it does look worse than explicit:


6 hours ago

The spec says either way (, but I agree with putting the input inside the label for the acessibility and avoiding the blank space issue.


6 hours ago

The HTML spec doesn't speak much on a11y guidelines. Here's what the W3's WAI says

> Whenever possible, use the label element to associate text with form elements explicitly

> [..]

> In some situations, form controls cannot be labeled explicitly... Generally, explicit labels are better supported by assistive technology

...but people have been saying that for like 15 years now, I don't know how big of a deal those failures are. That'd be a good blog post


5 hours ago

Parent link says NVDA, VoiceOver, and JAWS all support the implicit way. That’s the industry standard suite to support, they’re all free and available across all platforms.

If some company makes a shoddy half baked solution for sale (looking at you, Dragon), and they don’t understand basic HTML that has been standardized for years, that’s not my problem. The same way I don’t only use the subset of web technologies that the AOL Premium web browser supports for $10 bucks a month.


5 hours ago

Yes, all the screen readers handle implicit labels just fine. As the tests show, it's Voice Control software that fails, not just Dragon NaturallySpeaking but also the built-in Voice Control in macOS.

I think the implication is these voice control programs aren't using the accessibility tree built by the browser but parsing the DOM themselves, poorly. It's not really surprising for Dragon since it does hardly anything in a browser without its browser extension installed and extensions don't have access to the accessibility tree. It's more surprising for macOS Voice Control.


5 hours ago

There’s no reason you can’t do both, and indeed some a11y linters recommend doing that


5 hours ago

Put the input inside the label and still use "for" on the label. No way to test right now but that's what I usually do.


2 hours ago

Built an app when the iPhone first came out. Spent 2 months building the core app and another 3 months working to reduce the number of taps and remove road-bumps in the UI/UX flow.

Totally paid off.

Working on another app now. Sweating the details on the 'watercourse way.' That first experience is critical.


5 hours ago

I miss this attention to detail in popular websites' UI. Often even clicking on the label won't update the form.


4 hours ago

This applies to mobile apps a lot. If you're not careful (especially when using the iOS/Android simulators too much) you can create tiny awkward hit boxes for buttons that are difficult to tap with fingers


2 hours ago

I like this idea of sanding your UI...

Just recently have done quite naturally the same thing... Expand the clickable surface area of a region


2 hours ago

That should be a metric... % clickable. Could look at app, page, component levels


5 hours ago

Something for the sanding list: Navigating between and makes the layout shift a bit in Safari on macOS. The reason is that Safari only shows the scrollbar when it's needed but without "reserving" the space.

I once spent hours debugging this before I realized what was happening, my confusion coming from the fact that with the inspector open that wasn't the case (As there the scrollbar was always visible...).


5 hours ago

There's a newish CSS feature to fix just this: scrollbar-gutter ( Unfortunately, Safari doesn't support it.

Can also lead to an ugly gap in your navbar depending on which container you're making scroll.


5 hours ago

> The reason is that Safari only shows the scrollbar when it's needed but without "reserving" the space.

Every browser with non-floating scrollbars will do this, right?

Safari, in its default configuration on a touch-ish device (macbook without a scrollwheel mouse, iOS) don't show explicit scroll bar gutters IIRC, and so won't have this problem.


2 hours ago

A broken pattern I see constantly related to author’s example is large buttons where only the button label - and not the rest of the button - is clickable.


2 hours ago

I prefer a well tuned smoothing plane or a card scraper, personally.


5 hours ago

oof ouch I just got stabbed by a giant checkmarks-in-radio-buttons splinter


5 hours ago

Is this Jim Neilsen related to Jakob Neilsen (famous UI guy)?


5 hours ago

  It’s kind of a QA tactic in a sense
It's not kind of a QA tactic, this is literally the definition of QA. Specifically, this post is about ad-hoc functional testing. Kinda funny how this kind of testing used to dominate, but in the era of CI/CD, dedicated QA departments, and fancy webdriver suites, we've flipped too far the other way, and developers need to be reminded to QA their own stuff!

I think we've all learned the hard way that nothing works until it's been fixed, no exceptions... no code comes off the dome flawless.


2 hours ago

The algorithm of clicking around trying to break things heavily optimizes for workflows the designer finds natural. The more you do it, the more you reinforce your existing patterns because, you know, brains.

This tends to produce experiences that are very smooth for a large group of people but fail really badly for anyone who is slightly different. Most Apple stuff feels like this to me, for example. It's like carving a polished stone path where any direction you step off the path is raw and jagged.


4 hours ago

Just put the input inside the label. Problem solved, no need for for=


5 hours ago

On Safari (iPad), type something in the search bar. If you accidentally click outside of your keyboard it will deselect the bar and delete everything you typed.

On Spotify the three little dots to do some action to a song have too small of a hitbox. Press even the slightest bit under the button and it will start playing the song. You'd never click there to play the song.

When you consider the scale of these apps, there must be so much combined annoyance.


2 hours ago

On the Tesla screen, parked view you can tap the frunk and trunk buttons to open them.

If you miss them by even a slight amount, the view does this annoying animation which hides the frunk and trunk butttons for about a second. You have to wait for the animation to stop before trying again.

So damn annoying.


2 hours ago

OMG yes! That appeared in the somewhat recent UI revamp and I’m so tired of mashing at that button. Not only is it unavailable for what feels like more than a second, but now it’s in a different place


3 hours ago

Reading this on Safari on my iPad, the favicon for this tab is the Youtube logo. I genuinely have no idea how this bug came about, but it's been like that for months now.


2 hours ago

Safari is really, really bad when it comes to everything around favicons. The biggest annoyance being it doesn’t accept updates, so things like mail status favicons don’t work.


4 hours ago

I believe that the iPad behavior you describe is intentional. I’m not sure I’m right here, and there are tradeoffs. I get frustrated with it too. But I think Apple is going for clarity, lack of ambiguity.

If your text remained in place but the control were not focused, what would that control then indicate? In Safari now it _always_ indicates (a) the current page, or (b) your current typing. To do otherwise would be to create a third state: “Used to be typing.” Then it would no longer unambiguously indicate the current state.


an hour ago

I don't know if it's a Windows/Mac thing, click/touch thing, or Apple vs others thing. I do notice that on Chrome/Firefox/Edge on Windows, when you click away from address bar after modifying the URL, it does not revert the value. Actually same on Android.


2 hours ago

That doesn't sound too complicated? There's two things here being conflated, the view and the data.

You can show the current state when not in focus and show the edit state when in focus.

Or view it from the angle of the input. Show the current state or edited, but the input device could be smart enough to auto-fill a field if you click off and click back onto it within a short time period.


3 hours ago

This is only tangentially related, but the Safari address bar already does not always indicate the current state, specifically when pages take time loading and when going back and forth in history. There is some kind of broken synchronization between page display and address bar, in conjunction with page loading timeouts.

That being said, I would be fine with an "address bar has been edited but not commited yet" state. It's how most other (desktop?) browsers work and it's not an issue.


3 hours ago

Yep it's just pure jank. Even Apple (especially post-Jobs) can produce jank.


3 hours ago

I've never understood the claim that Apple's UIs are better than others'. That wasn't true while Jobs was around, and it isn't true now. Apple Photos, for example, loses keystrokes every time I create a new album. That's been true for years. And Time Machine randomly drops files from backups. Linux isn't perfect, but my daily experience using it has been far superior for years.


2 hours ago

Well the Time Machine comparison doesn't really belong in a laundry list, it's basically Apple's greatest unmitigated disaster ever.


2 hours ago

Time Machine's "Floating Time Tunnel" user interface for browsing backups and restoring files is such a useless pretentious piece of shit. I DO NOT CARE for it taking over the entire screen with its idiotic animation, that prevents me from browsing current Finder folders at the same time or DOING ANYTHING ELSE like looking at a list of files I want to retrieve on the same screen.

It even sadistically blacks out every other connected display, and disables Alt-Tab, as if it was so fucking important that it had to lock you out of the rest of your system while you use it.

You can't just quickly Alt-Tab to flip back to another app to check something before deciding which file to restore and then Alt-Tab back to where you were. No, that would be too easy, and you'd miss out on all that great full screen animation. It not only takes a long time to start up and play its opening animations, but when you cancel it, it SLOWLY animates and cross fades back to the starting place, so you LOSE the time and location context that you laboriously browsed to, and then you have to take even more time and effort to get back to where you just were.

It was designed by a bunch of newly graduated Trump University graphics designers on cocaine, with absolutely NO knowledge or care in the world about usability or ergonomics or usefulness, who only wanted to have something flashy and shiny to buff up their portfolios and blog about, and now we're all STUCK with it, at our peril.

Crucial system utilities should not be designed to look and operate like video games, and turn a powerful mutitasking Unix operating system interface into a single tasking Playstation game interface. ESPECIALLY not backup utilities. There is absolutely no reason it needs to take over the entire screen and lock out all other programs, and have such a ridiculously gimmicky and useless user interface.

Whatever the fuck is wrong with Apple has been very very wrong since the inception of Time Machine and is STILL very wrong. How can you "Think Different" if you're not bothering to think at all?

Time Machine isn't just Apple Maps Bad...

It's QuickTime 4.0 Player Bad.

The most damning praise comes from Wired Magazine, 06.08.2007. Fuck Core Animation and the "Delicious Generation":

>Core Animation will allow programmers to give their applications flashy, animated interfaces. Some developers think Core Animation is so important, it will usher in the biggest changes to computer interfaces since the original Mac shipped three decades ago.

>"The revolution coming with Core Animation is akin to the one that came from the original Mac in 1984," says Wil Shipley, developer of the personal media-cataloging application Delicious Library. "We're going to see a whole new world of user-interface metaphors with Core Animation."

>Shipley predicts that Core Animation will kick-start a new era of interface experimentation, and may lead to an entirely new visual language for designing desktop interfaces. The traditional desktop may become a multilayered three-dimensional environment where windows flip around or zoom in and out. Double-clicks and keystrokes could give way to mouse gestures and other forms of complex user input.

>The Core Animation "revolution" is already starting to happen. Apple's iPhone at the end of the month will see people using their fingers to flip through media libraries, and pinching their fingers together to resize photos.

>The "Delicious generation" is a breed of young developers who embrace interface experimentation and brash marketing. The term "Delicious generation" was meant as an insult, but they wear it as a badge of honor.

>Image: Adam BettsShipley's initial release of Delicious Library, with its glossy, highly refined interface, gave birth to a new breed of developers dubbed the "Delicious generation." For these Mac developers, interface experimentation is one of the big appeals of programming.


>Apple has been ignoring its own HIG for some time in applications like QuickTime, and is abandoning them completely in upcoming Leopard applications like Time Machine.

>Functionality-wise, Time Machine is a banal program -- a content-version-control system that makes periodic, automated backups of a computer's hard drive.

>But Apple's take on the age-old task of incremental backups features a 3-D visual browser that allows users to move forward and backward through time using a virtual "time tunnel" reminiscent of a Doctor Who title sequence. It's completely unlike any interface currently used in Mac OS X.


>While it seems logical to speculate that interfaces like those of Time Machine and Spaces will lead to the end of the familiar "window" framework for desktop applications altogether, many Mac developers predict that the most basic elements of the current user interface forms won't disappear entirely.


2 hours ago

Hard disagree over here. Apple's not always been good but my experience has usually been better than the competition (at least OSX 10.4+). They've been on a downward trajectory, certainly I've whined a lot about how bad MacOS 14 is, but their main competition (Microsoft) has also been working to lower the bar. Linux on the desktop's largely been a non-starter for me due to Apple's ARM stuff and disinterest in spending the effort to find compatible hardware.

I've not used Apple for photo stuff past monkeying around with Aperture. However I recently tried digikam, darktable, and rawtherapee. Darktable in particular was atrocious, and if that's how Gtk apps are on Linux I'd consider that another strike against desktop Linux. All three crashed or hanged repeatedly. You could rather easily dismiss some things like keyboard shortcuts not being aligned (rawtherapee) or partially aligned (darktable) with MacOS norms. Even the lack of app signing (darktable, digikam) and mix of cocoa and gtk widgets could be attributed to big bad Apple.

But once you dig into them it's a rogues gallery. Darktable has two different modules for setting the white balance (ugh). Countless issues have been opened (and then closed) over this on github. The docs explain when each one comes into play. With the default settings if you believe the docs and change the module that's supposed to be active, you'll get an error. Widgets respond to mouse events even if you think the cursor isn't over the widget. Rawtherapee, for some reason, renders the metadata widget as blurry mess to the point of the text being illegible.

To me it feels like open source projects sneer at ease of use (especially after looking at how bug reports are dealt with) vs commercial software companies willingness to fund a UX team.


5 hours ago

org chart has been shipped (excel labor cost model actually)


4 hours ago

UI/UX standards in general are dogshit in most modern software. It's actually baffling how nobody bothers to do even the most basic polishing of their application as the OP. Like they note, clicking around for 10 or 20 minutes would reveal many imperfections, not to mention actually having testers and experiments and any semblance of a scientific design methodology.


4 hours ago

I believe it boils down to what we teach as “finished”.

Is a feature finished when the code works? When the pull request is merged? Or when a feature works well?

I also believe there’s a lack of care. The difference between a craftsman and anyone else is care.


3 hours ago

The lack of care from the product managers filters down through engineering. Product managers only care if a feature is shipped, not it it is polished. More shit shipping means more personal gain.


2 hours ago

but then why not keep going down the line, and say that the customers also doesnt care?


4 hours ago

You can also do <label><input> label</input>