Some terminal frustrations

273 pointsposted 15 days ago
by aragilar



12 days ago

> inconsistent command line arguments: is it -h or help or –help?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the error "Option `--help` not understood, did you mean `-help`? Use `-help` to display program options." is one of the most insulting things a program can say to me. `--help` is the lowest common denominator. You have to support it. I don't care what your program has to special case in its parsing, just do it. If I knew your program's preferred syntax, I wouldn't be asking it for help.


11 days ago

Also, single dash for long args and not just short args. I think mostly Go tools do this, and whatever purism is used to justify the choice, I can't think of many CLI apps that don't use a single dash for short args (and combining a sequence of flags) and a double dash for long ones.


11 days ago

Double dash for long args is a GNUism. One which even they don't adhere to uniformly as evidenced by GCC's options.


11 days ago

It is, but combining a sequence of flags is POSIX.


11 days ago

it's a simple to learn gnuism that most good tools follow but (mostly) java apps for whatever reason disrupted it and added a lot of mess.


11 days ago

The Java tools predate the GNU convention (or at best were developed at the same time, unbeknownst to each other). Golang uses single-dash as well (but also accepts double-dash), as do PowerShell and Unix commands like find. In early Unix, there wasn’t a clear convention to use a dash for options at all (dd, tar, ps).


11 days ago

`find` comes to mind. I consistently need to look up the syntax.


11 days ago

Use fd instead


11 days ago

If it’s not installed by default on server-oriented flavours of Linux then it’s dead to me, unfortunately. Most orgs aren’t going to agree to roll it out across tens of thousands of machines on a whim.

My entire Linux experience is dictated by what’s installed by default on rhel and/or ubuntu.


11 days ago

This is why I originally learned vi. Working on DoD machines as well as this of other consulting customers. I had a notebook of short scripts and commands that would make my life easier. I couldn't use any media or even reference the internet in many of the data centers and labs.


11 days ago

"installed by default" should never be a compelling consideration for an org with ten thousand machines, or one hundred. As soon as they have their own package repos and automatic deploy systems, it should be as simple as saying "fd is a fast file finding utility packaged upstream as 'fd-find'. Please add it to the deploy list for these classes of machines" or whatever else starts your change management system grinding.


11 days ago

Unfortunately that doesn't cut the mustard in most organisations either, with the typical responses being along the lines of: "Who will support it? Can you provide a security assessment? Is your team happy to be responsible for any issues?"

I sorely wish it was as simple as "please deploy", and in days of yesteryear you could probably get away with that either yourself or if you were friends with the linux team, but those days are over now as far as I see.

For context, my opinion comes from being a security consultant for over a decade - I see a lot of other people's environments and how their organisations handle requests like this. Not every environment will have objections, but most won't add it as a standard package across the fleet.


7 days ago

My opinion comes from decades of running the department that provides an initial security assessment and then signs up to support it.


10 days ago

Wonderful, thank you. I've already cut my typing in half with rg, I'm ready to commit to another 50%


11 days ago

It's most common in Go's own tooling (e.g. `go build -buildmode`) but is also present in older tooling like e.g. GNU findutils (e.g. `find . -name something`).

The go tooling also has the irritating tendency to take a command like `go build --help` and say "oh, run `go help build` for details" instead of just printing out a list of possible options. Also: the details page doesn't always present you with a list of possible options, so you have to read each paragraph to see if there's an option relevant to your interests.


11 days ago

A lot of Java tools do this for some reason and I hate it.


11 days ago

This sets me off. Whenever I have any viable alternative to a single dash long arg tool I take the alternative.


11 days ago

Personally, I dislike gnu style double dash and actively despise the double dash equals variant( --arg=value ). I just think it adds a lot of unnecessary noise to the command line.

And after a bit of shower thinking, you know that alone time with nothing better to do but ponder the mysteries of the universe, things like black holes, the nature of light and the ascetic of the command line. I decided that single dashes were also sort of ugly and hindered readability, but there was a better way as hinted by the single most screwball command in the standard unix installation.

Yes it is I ( evil laugh ), that misanthrope actively making new cli scripts what use dd style arg=value

Actually the real epiphany was when I was doing some work with "megacli" the tool for lsi hardware raid management. I noticed that sometimes I could forget to add a dash to an argument. A little experimentation showed that no arg actually required a dash and the capitalization was ignored. it was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, much better this way.

    MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -PhysDrv [1:1] -Array2 -row1 -a1

    MegaCli pdreplacemissing physdrv [1:1] array2 row1 a1


11 days ago

Does MegaCli still ship with its own copy of libc5 because it's so old and disgusting that they can't bring themselves to upgrade it? Or did they figure out how to resolve that eventually?


11 days ago

No idea. megacli was always a weird program you had to sort sneak on the server however you could fit it. it got renamed to cmdtool at some point(I think because intel were shipping lsi cards). Honestly I am fairly happy we no longer use hardware raid here. Too many mysteries.


11 days ago

The fact that they already special-cased the parser to let you know that you used the wrong help option, but didn't just forward to the right one, is just incredibly pedantic


11 days ago

Likely they print that message for any unknown argument.


11 days ago

It's probably fuzzy similarity search


11 days ago

If you can bother writing a fuzzy similarity search, you can just short-circuit it on "--help". Most software I see with such problems do neither.


11 days ago

I think the idea is that fuzzy search makes it easier for users to spot typos and this is a general feature of the flag library not something specific for --help.

Short-circuit any typo may be dangerous.

Now, an argument can be made for including as many aliases for "help" and "version" as possible but that's a different story


11 days ago

You can of course - I think the point here is it's different people with different goals writing the CLI lib vs the application.

So it's often not the case that a single person who made the decision to have a message that says "you asked for help, but you did it wrong; before I give you help you have to ask correctly."


11 days ago

"this dependency I picked at random from CPAN doesn't support that" is a pretty weak excuse for shipping a poor user experience


11 days ago

I don’t think people bother to write them, more likely it’s built in to whatever cli lib they happen to be using and they enable it.


11 days ago

sorry, you've typed "[em][en]h[Cyrillic]lp", try again


11 days ago

Is it? It is helping you. Your first tip: here's what the argument syntax looks like, use it.


11 days ago

It's "helping" in an incredibly pedantic and unhelpful way. The developer has opted to add explicit support for the common option, but only as a means to tell the user that they are "holding it wrong" (in the immortal words of Apple)


11 days ago

When I was a kid, I was playing Beyond Zork, and one night when I was very tired I came across a pterodactyl. Unfortunately, I kept making typos.

>> aim wand at perodactyl

> I see no perodactyl here.

>> aim wand at pterodacyl

> I see no pterodacyl here.

Frustrated at my continuing mistakes, I decided to try to short-circuit their logic. Despite knowing the difference, I typed this:

> aim wand at bird

And the game replied:

> a pterodactyl is not a bird


11 days ago

Haha. “The developers thought of everything” (not really though)


11 days ago

I LOLed at that, thank you. Infocom games were amazing.


11 days ago

`--help` is a GNU convention, which is why it's not as universal as you want it to be. Of course these days most Linux users interact with GNU tools and thus go on to develop their own tools with the same convention, but it's the reason why non-GNU things like BSD utils or old `openssl` don't have it.


11 days ago

It's 2025, not 1995. I'm about as sympathetic to this as "POSIX doesn't have it." For something like this, I don't care.

I don't care how it's done. Heck, dump the help if you see any option with two dashes, if you're offended about long options. I don't care what other things dump help out too as long as --help does. But both -h and --help should always produce help, no matter what, no matter where you are, and I'd really like -help too, even if that is a bit more complicated. Though since I also want "a -h or a --help in the parameter list reliably makes it so that help is printed and NOTHING ELSE happens", "-help" should generally work as "-h" and "extra stuff that won't happen because -h is in play". It is an error for a program to both print the help and take any other action; should always do one XOR the other.


11 days ago

To be clear, the point of my comment was to give the reason that `--help` isn't universal, not to present any opinion on whether it should or should not be. (I myself am in the "go on to develop their own tools with the same convention" camp.)


11 days ago

What about programs with such simple CLIs that they don’t have help?

How about non English speakers who might be inclined to type —ayuda or something?

In 2025 I think it should be more obvious that the shell is just running a program and programs have a variety of entry points and the same program can be distributed in different forms and that they might not all be self documenting.


11 days ago

Personal opinion ahead, please don’t be offended:

> What about programs with such simple CLIs that they don’t have help?

It is crapware

> about non English speakers who might be inclined to type —ayuda or something?

Come on… really?! Most utilities use heavily english for option names. Even the names of the utilities. Should we have “buscar” instead of “find”, or “schneiden” for “cut”? What about iger instead of “grep”?

That is just ridiculous! Please stop!


11 days ago

I'm interested in how you've translated "grep".

I would guess you chose something like mapping "Global Regular Expression Print" to "Imprimir Globalmente Expresión Regular". But of course "grep" isn't really an acronym, but a contraction of the ed (and ex) command "g/re/p". Surely you don't mean to alter the syntax along with the words!


11 days ago

Interprete gobal de expresiones regulares, as to my Knowledge grep stand for global reg ex parser.

My Knowledge come from some archaic Sun manual. I wanted to find it, and everywhere it says print… I had it wrong.

Anyway the idea is to show that translating is always partial, ans a full translation would be a titanic and unproductive work.

I’m a native speaker of a couple of languages, and learned some more. So i have used computers in many languages. I hate command line translations, all are bad.


11 days ago

I'm not offended hehe. I like small processes, and am into language learning, so my bias is showing. I think how things are, with most supporting --help, but not all, makes sense.

I think what some are going for perhaps is that all programs to be run in the shell support --help. I think it could be normalized further by having a shell function get help for a command. For most it could pass --help, but it could handle the exceptions. So instead of running "foo --help" you could run "help foo", and it would run "foo --help" or "foo -h" or whatever, and it would be like man except instead of meaning show a manual page it could mean ask a program to document itself.


11 days ago

>I think it could be normalized further by having a shell function get help for a command.

See PowerShell commandlets for a related precedent: Commandlets (shell functions) can annotate themselves and their parameters in a standard way, and then the shell's builtin help command parses that and presents it in a standard way. Though unfortunately this kind of integration only works for the commandlets, not arbitrary executables, because there's no standard for executables to expose such metadata to the shell.


11 days ago

`--long` options started with GNU (I think) but were soon adopted more widely. One of the really nice things about ksh that bash has neglected to copy is that its `getopts` easily handles long options and has built-in `--help`.


11 days ago

The GNU/BSD conventions are a lot of fun when you have some automation scripts that are used by people who are split between MacOS and Linux (or WSL on Windows).


11 days ago

If I’m working in Ubuntu, a GNU/Linux system, I expect to be pretty universal.

I’m BSD and Solaris guy, but when I’m in linux, I spect linux. It should be part of PORTING a program, if the option is not supported.


11 days ago

--help isn't even the lowest common denominator. An incorrect argument list is. The program knows it was given incorrect arguments, it should show help.


11 days ago

Oh god please no, I hate the rare program that poops my terminal full of seven pages of output and I have to use like shift+pgup or the mouse to get back up to see the only four useful words of output: "option --anakyze not recognized". This also confuses the heck out of beginners.

MariaDB also doesn't print the entire manual when it goes "syntax error at ' OR 1=1". It makes no sense.

You can include "See --help for more information" at the end of every error to make sure everyone knows where to find that, though, since indeed not every program uses the same syntax for usage. 90% of the time I don't need a copy of a program's manual in my scrollback when I, say ,typo something or forgot that two options are incompatible. There is a reason scrollback exists and I use it for that purpose. I'll look up the manual or run --help in another terminal tab/window, or choose to run it in the current one at my own discretion thank you


11 days ago

Just to throw this out there: let's also hate on programs that give you seven pages of output for --help but print it to stderr so you have to jump through shell redirection hoops to pipe it to a pager to be able to read or search through it.


11 days ago

This reminds me of something I remember having installed years ago that would format `man` pages as a nice document (using... grotty or something??) and open them in Preview or something. I think it was on a mac and it was 15+ years ago.

Genuinely my least favorite thing in the terminal is when I forget some detail about... usually CURL, since they use the capitals AND the lowercase letter arguments for very different things. So I end up having to use the / command in `less` to search for some common word for 3-5 minutes because the manpage is so disorganized. We have a much better tool than the Terminal for viewing long-form text content, so maybe I just need to alias `man` to open a website that publishes manpages.


11 days ago

Many programs prefer to be concise when their arguments are wrong, perhaps on the assumption that it's probably a simple typo rather than a request for screenfuls of help information. This sometimes is and sometimes isn't an ergonomic choice. (I usually prefer conciseness.)

But asking for `--help` is unambiguous, and is in fact the lowest common denominator way to be explicit about it.


11 days ago

Very few things grind my gears like having to search through a wall of "--help" output and lengthy list of arguments to find the error that describes the problem. Screenfulls of text when the error is "Option 'b' unknown" isn't helpful.


11 days ago

This seems like it would be solved completely by printing the error message ("option b unknown"), and then also printing the "--help" stuff. You can see the error inthe first line(s), so `head` will make that easy to see, but anyone trying to print the help text will get it.


11 days ago

Yeah, except both the error and the --help are going to stderr. ;-)


11 days ago

Oh it's worse than that. Some classes and even supervisors I've had, forced me to read documentation, over and above actually doing stuff


11 days ago

If you need to learn something (e.g. you're taking a class or your supervisor wants you to learn something), then reading the documentation is a good idea.

If you already know the content, but accidentally made a typo and are trying to debug it, then reading the documentation isn't going to help. An error message pointing out the problem will help.


11 days ago

I had a teacher like that in High School. "I made a mistake in this proof, but I'm not sure what it is." "You have the book for the course, the answer is in there."


11 days ago

Reading techical documentation is a skill. It's one that is sorely lacking in IT from develpers to ops. RTFM when learning is a valid lesson in and of itself.


11 days ago

Would you expect a sports referee to manage a match without knowing the rules of the game?.


8 days ago

No but the sports referee perhaps specializes in one or a few games/leagues.

And at high levels, a referee role is probably similar to physician/lawyer where you'll have annual rule updates/changes, jurisprudence history of past rulings, and conventions/associations of referees where they will be spending money, time and effort when not on the field.

Now multiply the referee's game or league types by everything in /usr/bin


11 days ago

lol how the sarcasm was lost on hackernews


11 days ago

-? should be lowest common denominator, because that is exactly equivalent to passing incorrect argument list when using getopt(). Whether that should produce concise help of the kind "usage: foo -abcdeEf <file>" or full help is another question.


11 days ago

`?` is a glob for one character so it would work only if you:

a) use bash-like behaviour of an unmatched glob turning into a bare word, e.g with zsh have `setopt NULL_GLOB`.


b) don't have a file named, say, `-a` in the current working directory.

Try this:

    touch ./-l
    ls -?
The common denominator for getting help would be man(1).


11 days ago

> b) don't have a file named, say, `-a` in the current working directory.


b) don't have a file with a single letter name in your CWD, like `a`

Try this:

  touch a
  ls -?
And yes, it's even more damning; you don't generally find legitimate files named `-a` or similar - rather, it's clear indication of someone invoking some CLI command wrong (`cp` comes to mind). However, single-letter files and folders are a relatively frequent thing to see.


11 days ago

> Try this: touch a; ls -?

I don't see it. What are you trying to show with 'a' instead of '-l'? Why would a file named 'a' interact with a glob like '-?'?

    $ touch a
    $ ls -?
    zsh: no matches found: -?
    $ bash -c 'ls -?'
    ls: invalid option -- '?'
    Try 'ls --help' for more information.
    $ dash -c 'ls -?'
    ls: invalid option -- '?'
    Try 'ls --help' for more information.
    $ touch ./-l
    $ ls -?
    .rw-rw-r-- 0 user 10 Feb 18:32 -l
    .rw-rw-r-- 0 user 10 Feb 18:31 a


10 days ago

ZSH must handle globs in some weird way?

'?' is glob for one character, '-?' means "dash followed by any character", and that's what I'd expect to be matched, and that's what my `ls` does.


10 days ago

I have a non-default option on for zsh, which is incredibly useful interactively. (Bash also has this option, but I haven't enabled it.)

Normally, ls doesn't expand globs.

Why did you say to try "touch a; ls -?"? What am I supposed to see from those two commands?


10 days ago

> '-?' means "dash followed by any character"

but `a` is not "dash followed by one character" so the glob does not match a `a` file?

my haha nearby was wrong! I should have tested it :)


11 days ago

Haha true, I missed the most obvious of all!


11 days ago

> The common denominator for getting help would be man(1).

That's... not what a common denominator means. It's far easier to check for `--help` or `-h` and print _something_ than write a whole document in a weird markup language for man.


11 days ago

"common denominator" is the thing that is guaranteed common for all commands.

man(1) is, provided that people produce man pages. It's also orthogonal and composable without interference: one can write a man page for commands that don't have man pages.

Flags are not, because commands parse their arguments in whatever way; all commands can accept arguments but arguments are also part of the operational interface contract. man(1) is decoupling all possible problems out.

It is also extremely obvious than `man foo` is side-effect free, whereas `foo whatever`, whether `whatever` can be `--help` or anything else, has unknown effects when the command is unknown.

Some argue that man pages are too rich; well the man pages can just also start with a summary identical to what a hypothetical `--help` flag would output.

Turns out this is the conventional `SYNOPSYS` title of section 1 man pages, and possibly the `OPTIONS` one; if these are absent or badly written then one could reasonably posit that a hypothetical `--help` flag output would be just as unhelpful; cue the wads of commands that "--helpfully" output `foo [-4236xXksirtTgsdv]` as help, which tells you nothing really helpful.

`info(1)` can burn in hell though.


11 days ago

My understanding is the opposite: man pages are much more difficult to produce than plain help text, so it's unreasonable to expect they'll always be available, while help is easy enough to (almost) always be there. If you use any CLI library at all, it will automatically be generated. If you don't, the equivalent of `argv[1] == "--help"` is good enough.

These days, I'm positively surprised when I find man pages for a program, whereas I'm annoyed when one doesn't support --help.


11 days ago

> man pages are much more difficult to produce than plain help text

They're absolutely trivial to generate these days, gone are the days of having to deal with roff, you can write a quite dumb markdown file and produce a man page out of it in short order.


10 days ago

I'm not necessarily saying they're _difficult_, but it should be obvious they're relatively harder. For --help, the least I could do would be a conditional at the top of the program, or let my CLI library auto-generate it for me. For man pages, I have to go out of my way to explicitly generate and distribute them.


11 days ago

> Some argue that man pages are too rich

There are people arguing that? My feeling is that man pages are usually so thin as to be useless in 50%+ scenarios I need them. I really wished the culture defaulted to expecting all software to come with Info pages.


11 days ago

An incorrect argument list should concisely tell me what is wrong with the argument list, and that I can use --help to explain the whole thing. I don't want to scroll up 20 pages to fix a typo - assuming the program even printed a specific error before it printed 20 pages of help.


11 days ago

Sometimes, arguably, you can do better. For instance, some CLI tools try to guess what the user was trying to accomplish, and show a more specialized message. Eg. kubectl will tell users that a particular kind of resource they were looking for doesn't exist, but there are some with similar names.

This is especially useful in situations where the help text is enormous (dozens and dozens of options).


11 days ago

I agree with this, but would also point out that many junior engineers I've worked with completely give and ask for help if the program doesn't do what they want it to and prints out many lines of help. Even if there is a clear message at the top of the large output, they get overwhelmed.


11 days ago

>--help isn't even the lowest common denominator. An incorrect argument list is.

--help being an incorrect argument does the right thing, yes.


11 days ago


Some programs give a short help message when options are not understood. A good thing.

That said, in GNU/Linux a program that does not have --help is shitware.


11 days ago

Don't forget when a program only accepts short-form arguments:

`cmd --help`

Error: option - not understood. Use `cmd -h` for help.

Or this pattern that we find everywhere in golang-written tools:

$ helm --version

Error: unknown flag: --version

$ helm version

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.17.0", GitCommit:"301108edc7ac2a8ba79e4ebf5701b0b6ce6a31e4", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.23.4"}

(The reason for this one seems to be that, in your CLI-parsing library, you have verbs that define what you want and flags that pass options to those verbs; 'show me the version' is a verb, so it can't be a flag instead. Without a verb, the program doesn't know what to do.

It's still infuriating, though, but at least it reduces the frequency with which -- is substituted for an em-dash (e.g. when sending commands to coworkers from your iPhone via Slack).


11 days ago

Or database clients (e.g. psql) using `-h` for the host argument. I get it, but I don't like it.


11 days ago

-H is right there and available. But they chose to be slightly weird...


11 days ago

On macOS the shutdown command uses `-h` to mean halt, i.e. an actual shutdown.


10 days ago

That's how shutdown works on Linux too.


11 days ago

POSIX doesn't have any of that.

"I got used to fish and vi mode which are not available when I ssh into servers, containers."

POSIX does mention vi mode as an optional feature.

"Allow shell command line editing using the built-in vi editor. Enabling vi mode shall disable any other command line editing mode provided as an implementation extension. This option shall be supported if the system supports the User Portability Utilities option."


11 days ago

Agreed, but to be fair some of that comes from fuzzy searching the available parameters for close matches. Which is normally helpful.


11 days ago

Its not "$command --help", its "man 1 $command". You should not invoke programs blindly, hoping "--help" causes them to do nothing else.


11 days ago

I genuinely can't tell if this is a joke or not. I've only _once_ in my life encountered a tool that didn't have `--help` support (and that was a script written by the worst coworker I've ever suffered), but plenty of times I've encountered tools that have no manpage entries.


11 days ago

> I've only _once_ in my life encountered a tool that didn't have `--help` support

Never heard of echo? What do you expect this to do?

    echo --help


10 days ago

I expect /usr/bin/echo to respond like this:

  Usage: /usr/bin/echo [SHORT-OPTION]... [STRING]...
    or:  /usr/bin/echo LONG-OPTION
  Echo the STRING(s) to standard output.

    -n             do not output the trailing newline
Were you thinking of the Bash builtin?


10 days ago

I don't expect any such ugly shit. A call to echo should print its arguments, no exceptions.

         echo - echo arguments

         echo [ arg ... ]

         Echo writes its arguments in order as a line on the standard
         output file.  It is mainly useful for producing diagnostics
         in command files.


10 days ago

Exceptions to rules cause mental overhead and maintenance headaches. Why should `echo` be the single solitary tool that responds differently to invocation with `--help`?


9 days ago

Let me play the uno reverse card: why should "--help" be the single solitary string that echo does not print like the others?


9 days ago

For two reasons, both related to the Principle of Least Astonishment: * Because the likelihood that someone entering `echo --help` _actually_ wants to print `--help` is staggeringly low * Because it's not the "single solitary string" that has special handling - `echo -n` does not print `-n`. `echo` already supports flags, and so it would be most-consistent and least-surprising for it to also support a standard default one


11 days ago

this works great on systems where programs are largely installed via package manager, but in plenty of environments is an unreasonable expectation. There's many many times I've gotten "no manual entry for $program" but there's extensive online help available in the program itself.

Expecting there to be a safe invokation for "how do I use this damn thing" is 100% fair.


11 days ago

> Expecting there to be a safe invokation for "how do I use this damn thing" is 100% fair.

Are you on debian? Do an `/usr/sbin/e2scrub_all --help`.


11 days ago


    $ e2scrub_all --help

    e2scrub_all must be run as root

    $ sudo e2scrub_all --help

    [sudo] password for dan:
    /usr/sbin/e2scrub_all: illegal option -- -
    Usage: /usr/sbin/e2scrub_all [OPTIONS]
     -n: Show what commands e2scrub_all would execute.
     -r: Remove e2scrub snapshots.
     -A: Scrub all ext[234] filesystems even if not mounted.
     -V: Print version information and exit.
(Checking for being root before checking for --help is also frustrating)


11 days ago

`man e2scrub_all` works without root :P


10 days ago

Ansible's recommended install path is as a python pip package, which doesn't add manual pages. It's expected that to access the online documentation for ansible you fire off a ton of `ansible help topic` commands. `ipa`, the active-directory adjacent system published by IBM, also expects you to make heavy use of the `--help topic` pattern.

When manual pages exist they're wonderful and lovely. It's a good standard, and my favorite is when the online help system of a given script or installed package (e.g. via pip) emulates man--but there aren't always man pages

that's the entire point of my complaint here. It's unreliable in many contexts, but you do always have access to the command itself.


9 days ago

That is because Ansible documentation is generally poor. Ansible is one of the projects which i use every day and where the (online!) documentation rarely answers the questions i have. This forces me to fall back into a try & error that takes 10 times longer.


11 days ago

I find it helpful. If it's a program that generally supports single dash options only, having it respond to --help will falsely make me believe that it's one that expects double dash options.

Letting me know that the proper way to ask for help is `-help` also communicates that GNU style double dash long opts is not the way to go with this particular program.

Then I suppose you could argue that GNU style double dash options should be supported. Meh, I dunno. They were the ones that invented the fifteenth standard (xkcd/927).


11 days ago

I mean, it's perfectly fine if the way `--help` communicates that you shouldn't be using double-dash options is by... giving the help text that has all single dash options. That seems like pretty solid communication?

I don't care at all which type the program likes. I just can't remember which programs like which styles. So I ask them. And I prefer if they don't insult me when I do.


11 days ago

Heh. Fair enough :-)

I just don't really see how that one, single, extra three second step is much to get upset about, and I think it's just welcome that it rubs me in the face that I got it wrong. It makes me not gloss over the help text and start double dashing my way into the next to command.

But sure, I see your point. I just wished K&R had had the forethought to establish a proper standard. I don't particularly care what it would have been.


10 days ago

And... before anybody points it out: When I wrote K&R, I obviously had a brain fart. I was thinking about Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, but the acronym is of course normally used to refer to Brian Kernighan and Dennis. Sorry for any confusion :)


11 days ago

Just print help instead of any error during parsing


11 days ago

It’s quite remarkable that the whole stack works as well as it does. I’m using a terminal emulator, which is running a shell, which launches an ssh connection, which opens a remote shell, which I use to attach a tmux session where another shell is already running, which I use to open a file in a text editor, which displays a cat emoji correctly.


11 days ago

Works well because almost all interaction is low-bandwidth low-latency duplex text streams. You can make a lot of assumptions based on that.


12 days ago

> discoverability (55) There were lots of comments about this, which all came down to the same basic complaint – it’s hard to discover useful tools or features! This comment kind of summed it all up:

> How difficult it is to learn independently. Most of what I know is an assorted collection of stuff I’ve been told by random people over the years.

This is all too true, the discoverability aspect is one of the reasons why we exist (0), and there is lots to improve here for discovering terminal tools, how to install and use them.

Also thanks for running this survey Julia.

Also, let us know on what we can improve on the site if you find Terminal Trove useful for you.



11 days ago

I checked out your site (excellent content and very, VERY useful), and I came back comment with what I think is similar feedback that other commenters have.

I would suggest a few things -

1. Less resource intensive site - I’m on my phone, and it took probably 5 seconds to load the front page, and then to actually get to the list, it took a few seconds more. I do not have a current gen phone, but I’d hazard a guess that my phone is about average in age as far as the potential user-base for this site goes! Do not discount mobile users, especially for a site focusing on CLI applications.

2. Maybe I care what language a CLI utility is written in sometimes (Albeit, I can’t recall a time when I have). I’d add a search in the front page, if well thought out. Or, honestly, I’d just have the front page be the list. People are great at lists, and generally quite good at reading, and your list has very well-written descriptions.

3. Kinda related to the above, but I think the categories view is effectively useless. The categories already appear in the description (and if they don’t, they probably should) - so why not just skip straight to the list? You could add a filter for the list if you want. Or, even better - a simple search box!

I’m only giving these criticisms as a means to (subjectively) improve your site, because overall I think it is very well done and thoughtful, without a lot of fluff. There are hundreds more I’d not have criticized, but only because they felt like a waste of time and dead weight. Keep up the good work!


12 days ago

Cool site! Personally, I think the weekly highlight is nice and all, but the value of an aggregator comes from categorization and searching, and I didn't see either on the site. I would love to see it's focus to be like


12 days ago

Thanks for the feedback,

We have categorization here:

Is there anything we can improve here that can make this easier for you?

We will consider searching on the website, what would you search by or search for if this feature existed?


11 days ago

> Is there anything we can improve here that can make this easier for you?

No OP but it would be nice to include link to categories in the header bar. It would make it easier. the dynamic animation of the categorizes at the middle of the page is annoying. You have it in very small font in the footer but this isn't the best.


11 days ago

Ah , missed the link on grayscale. In any case, I think a datatable is a must in an aggregator. I would get a lot more value out of being able to filter and sort based on the language, categories, github stars, etc.


12 days ago solved all my problems with history: history by project : check, history by session :check, global history: check. And if you want you can share history between computers. I just have to enter 2-4 letters and I can found complex command to rerun or to reuse as example.


11 days ago

Prior to using Atuin, I had some fun fish plugins that used fzf to search my history. I still find that I use that most often (it even searches my atuin history too), but when that fails - or becomes overly complicated, that’s where atuin’s native search comes in. It really is a game changer for working on the console and I can’t recommend it enough. Here’s some of the things that are really great about it:

1. As mentioned above, scope awareness when searching history. This can be exceptionally helpful when you know you’re in the same directory where you previously ran a command.

2. Sync - this is why I started with atuin. It’s pretty easy to run your own sync server if you’re not big on send your commands to some random server somewhere.

3. Persistence - similar to sync, I love having my whole command history available when I stand up a new machine.

4. Secrets hidden - you can even set it so secrets are not persisted in your history. This is useful if you haven’t yet migrated to using something 1Password to inject secrets. Also, as a side, it makes it really easy to find secret references you’ve used before too.


11 days ago

(hey! atuin maintainer here!)

Thank you for the kind words! Glad you find Atuin useful!

> It’s pretty easy to run your own sync server if you’re not big on send your commands to some random server somewhere.

We always intended to keep it easy to run a sync server! But also fwiw, sync is e2e encrypted, so we can't actually see anyone's commands


11 days ago

For copy-pasting text to/from the terminal, I prefer to use Mac shortcut Cmd+C. It doesn't work out of the box on Linux (you have to use Ctrl+Shift+C, because Ctrl+C sends SIGINT). But there's a simple way to make Cmd+C work universally across all apps by rebinding Cmd+C to send Ctrl+Insert and Cmd+V to send Shift+Insert. It turns out these alternative keybindings work everywhere (browsers, GUI apps, terminal, etc). I use keyd to do that in software, but some QMK keyboards can do that rebinding on the keyboard itself.

This is my keyd config:

  capslock=overload(control, esc)


11 days ago

I don't remember if I did any special config in iTerm or installed a nonstandard package (I don't believe I did), but in Mac I often find it easier to just pipe a result I want copied into the `pbcopy` command in order to capture it in the clipboard, rather than trying to highlight what may be a long output.


8 days ago

> I don't remember if I did any special config in iTerm or installed a nonstandard package (I don't believe I did)

You are remembering correctly, pbcopy (and it’s partner pbpaste) are preinstalled on all Macs as part of the OS.


12 days ago

I have often thought it would be fun to have a Smalltalk like interaction screen, where you could leave snippets of code lying around and a “do it” menu item.

Kind of like how most of the SQL systems like dBeaver work. I have a scratchpad of SQL in a file I use for fiddly jobs, and a file like that for shell commands would be good if it had all the flags for awk or grep or whatever handy.

Would also be cool for the AWS and azure cli tools. I had something half working as an old VisualWorks experiment that implemented an AWS service on one side and a scratchpad in the middle but I feel like it might be a very cool vscode extension instead.


10 days ago

sounds like Pharo


12 days ago

My current secrets:

* is a great way to avoid a lot of this stuff - there's a commandline tool as well

* usable cli ai setup: simonw's llm ( + openrouter ( + free models ( + glow ( + adding this to your .rc file:

     function lm {
       local input="$*"
       llm -s 'Answer as short and concise as possible'  ${input} | glow
Here's an example,

    $ lm "ssh command to forward the port 5050 on user@remote to my localhost:7001" 
      ssh -L 7001:localhost:5050 user@remote                                        
Now for a sophisticated use-case I have a small tmux program where I can capture what's on the pane, enter a prompt and it will query an llm so I can say things like "How do I fix this error" or "what debian package do I need to get this to run right?" ... both these are recent patterns I've started and they've been real game changers

Some lesser game-changers:

* tmux extrakto - opens an "fzf" like search of all the text on the screen. So after a "git status", I can do git add (run extracto - enter partial path, press tab) and continue:

* mcfly history: just watch the demo, you'll see

* ugrep: grep with a powerful tui: - I became an instant convert.

* batcat: ... you really need to use some of its other features to leverage it. It's really nice.


11 days ago

> Here's an example, $ lm "ssh command to forward the port 5050 on user@remote to my localhost:7001" ssh -L 7001:localhost:5050 user@remote

Was this a real example of the input and output generated, because it seems wrong.

-L 7001:localhost:5050 listens on port 7001 locally and forwards connections to 5050 on the remote host.

Based on the request, you want -R 5050:localhost:7001, which listens on port 5050 at the remote end and forwards connections to a server listening on localhost:7001 on the local end.


12 days ago

Here's my take on an LLM based shell helper for command suggestions and more:

It features an integration with the abbreviation feature in fish and zsh (via plugin) to expand the suggestions for editing, if needed, and execution.

There's stdin support, which can be used to pipe in error messages, for example. I've thought about something like your tmux setup to capture and pass some history to the model, but in practice redirecting stderr handles most of the potential use case.


12 days ago

I did a similar thing, where you describe what you want to achieve and it gives you the command and (optionally) executes it for you:


12 days ago

I see you did some prompt engineering:

I think the real sweet-spot flow is to take this and use bindkey to do inline replacement. Let me fork it and see what I can do.


12 days ago

I actually made a CLI tool ( that automatically binds to Control+R to support both history searching and AI queries (by prefixing queries with `?`).

Here's the prompt engineering I did:


12 days ago

Ah this is a far more significant effort. I'm glad to see that there's so much consensus that default shell history is broken (I used to use logrotate because it would always truncate regardless of how many ways I told it to not ever, under no conditions, ever, do that).

Nice to see there's so many options these days. Someone else mentioned "" in this thread - which is also new to me. Keeping up with things is seemingly impossible


11 days ago

Here's how I think I make sure it doesn't truncate:

  shopt -s histappend
  shopt -s cmdhist
  export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
  export HISTFILESIZE=-1
  export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
  export HISTSIZE=-1
  export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T "
  export HISTIGNORE="history:ls:l:ll:pwd:exit:clear"
It's almost a megabyte now... By when did it start to truncate for you?


11 days ago

somewhere around a few thousand lines. I want it to support tens of millions. I have a fast enough computer, storage is effectively free. I've tried all those things - everything short of doing a bunch of bpf filters and setting breakpoints on the binary myself.

honestly, with these modern systems this shouldn't be a problem any more. I look forward to it.


11 days ago

Yeah i have lots. Try my solution might work for you also.


12 days ago

Yeah I tweaked the prompt to make it work reasonably well. There is also an experimental mode where it can reason and correct the command if it fails. Feel free to sent a PR!


12 days ago

Alright, done.

It's a re-invention really.

Essentially you do (assuming zsh)

   $ source
Then you type your thing at the shell

   $ add a user bob using modern homectl methods  
Then you (in the default, CTRL+X+H) and it does this

   $ add a user bob using modern homectl methods ... (name of your default model)
   ... a few seconds pass ...
   $ sudo homectl create-user bob
Then you can choose to press enter and run it.

This is a much more one-and-done approach but 99% of the time I just forget invocation syntax - I'm not actually exploring things deeply.

If you want a "proper" pr, it'd really be a rewrite with two "frontends" - your conversational edit flow and my keystroke invoke.

Honestly they're probably different things.


12 days ago

Interesting approach, thanks for sharing!


12 days ago

Part of the problem with colors is the recent trend of ignoring terminfo and TERM in favor of hard-coding escape sequences. Guilty packages include:

* ipython/prompt_toolkit (,

* chalk (,

* linenose (, and

* plenty of other random programs.

Please, let's just stop doing things this way. I understand that talking to libterminfo is annoying, but it produces a better result for everyone than everyone maintaining obsolete and incomplete databases mapping TERM values to capabilities.

That's not to say libterminfo is great either: we got into this mess partly because for (IIRC) ~10 years or so, the ncurses people stopped updating the terminal database with information about new capabilities like bracketed paste and 256 color support, forcing authors of programs wanting to use these features into using dirty hacks to detect or configure support --- and everyone has a different dirty hack!

Also, terminfo in inconvenient when jumping between machines. Who among kitty users, for example, has never experienced weirdness after ssh because the target machine doesn't have a terminfo file for "xterm-kitty"?

To fix this mess, we need to:

1. Define a new cross-terminal-emulator OSC sequence that instructs the terminal emulator to echo back THE WHOLE TERMINFO CAPABILITY STRING, in-band. No "user agent sniffing" with TERM. We detect features directly from now on.

2. Stop hard-coding random "ANSI" escapes. Use a library. Ask that library, "What does this terminal support? What strings do I use to accomplish what I want?" and then use it.

3. By default, don't output escape codes if output isn't a tty.

(#2 (by recognizing TERM=dumb) and #3 (because pipes) also address the problem of escape sequences ending up in the middle of output files and shell pipelines.

The terminal world is a mess right now. Continuing to live in squalor is a choice.


11 days ago

A lot of people now don't know how terminals work or even that terminfo exists.

Unfortunately due to the progression of technology and education, a lot of foundational knowledge is not being learned. Terminals are probably one of the biggest losers in this area. Even many technically knowledgeable people only know of terminals as "that box that pops up where you can type commands". They cargo cult/copy-paste the common escape sequences. Most things work "good enough" now that they never have any reason to learn more.


11 days ago

In what universe is terminfo "foundational knowledge"


11 days ago

The Unix universe obviously.


11 days ago

> 1. Define a new cross-terminal-emulator OSC sequence that instructs the terminal emulator to echo back THE WHOLE TERMINFO CAPABILITY STRING, in-band. No "user agent sniffing" with TERM. We detect features directly from now on.

XTGETTCAP does that (kindof), it's implemented by xterm, kitty, and foot.

xterm allows querying keyboard caps, plus a few others

kitty adds to that querying all integer and string caps

foot adds to that bools caps, meaning in foot you can query all of terminfo via it.

what we need to do is bring other terminal emulators up to par with foot's XTGETTCAP, and then we can finally ditch libterminfo for good.


11 days ago

> XTGETTCAP does that (kindof), it's implemented by xterm, kitty, and foot.

Oh, cool. Agreed we need to bring other terminal emulators up to speed. I might as well do Emacs's.


11 days ago

One related: If you are a terminal emulator, and you default your TERM to xterm-somethingorother, it is on you to actually support xterm control sequences.


11 days ago

Shout out to atuin [1] which helps a lot with the "remembering syntax" problem especially if you're using several different commands over and over.



11 days ago

Saving others a click: it syncs terminal history between systems

How does this help to memorize syntax if you repeatedly use the same commands?


11 days ago

Has better search for history so you can find the arguments you used last time so you don't have to remember

Also the fact it syncs between machines means even if the last time you used that command was on your old laptop 2 years ago ctrl+r still finds it


11 days ago



11 days ago

Besides history sync, I'm pretty sure fish does all the same things


15 days ago

A good catalog of mostly skills issues.

Many of the points raised point to real glitches, cruft, and frustrations with using the CLI. Those get more frustrating for people who only occasionally use the CLI, and less so for those of us who live in the shell.

Many of the same kinds of problems exist in GUIs. I rarely use Windows so when I do I can’t find or discover what I need.

Over time you remember the commands and flags, write aliases, set up config files, and mostly it becomes second nature.


12 days ago

This comment is a good distillation of my frustration with Unix ideologues. Unix and the CLI can never fail, they can only be failed; any possible unhappiness is a "skill issue"; it's your job to memorize a thousand arcane and badly-systematized program names and flags, created in an era of RAM and disk space limitations which have no relevance today, etc. And going "many of the same problems exist in GUIs" is a "no u" tier of response.


11 days ago

Unix and the CLI tools represent a huge part of the foundation so much newer software sits on. No one can just change the commands and flags to make them less "arcane" or more "systematized" without breaking millions of lines of scripts and tools and workflows.

Anyone can make their own tools if they have a better idea, and sometimes those take off and get adopted -- look at vim and now Neovim, rg (ripgrep), even Python pushing Perl and bash scripts out of the way. And plenty of people will call those things arcane too.

If you manage servers you know that RAM and disk space and other limitations have lots of relevance today. I'll quote you the next time my boss or customer asks me to explain a huge AWS bill.

If you don't like Unix or CLI tools, or don't want to spend the (admittedly signficant) effort to master them, no one will force you. I think the effort pays off. I have dodged more than one round of layoffs because I can work from the command line and keep legacy scripts and code working.

Dismiss or make fun of us "Unix ideologues" if you want, but I don't worry about losing my job or customers like my friends who have "mastered" VSCode pasting in LLM-generated snippets of React.


12 days ago

Do you expect to go inside a plane and fly it with no training? Or pick up a violin and play a sonata? The terminal have its flaws, but all other interactions models have their own. But when people don't try to learn the basic tenet and just ask why it can't be like $other_system_they've_learned_first, you bet that they're going to point you to the manual.


11 days ago

I expect a light switch button on a plane act like any other light switch button everywhere else - switching the light when pressed. The fact that the you can point to the terminal manual that states that you must use --- triple tap for that is irrelevant - that's still very bad design, and you've just dismissed a real issue with an bad analogy.

> why it can't be like

Here is another mistake: in many cases it be.


11 days ago

> I expect a light switch button on a plane act like any other light switch button everywhere else

Me too, which was why I was very surprised when I discovered light switches in the USA worked backwards[0]. :D

(When I initially read your comment I didn't notice the use of "button" by which I guess you're referring to a push-button toggle style switch? But either way I still think light switches are an interesting example of non-obvious things that don't work the same way in all environments. (Even ignoring the "one light controlled by multiple switches" situation.))




11 days ago

Yes, I was aware of the toggle switch ambiguity when describing a button... (not a perfect analogy anyway)


12 days ago

I expect that pilots are allowed to have opinions about systems in the plane as being user unfriendly, like MCAS of 737 Max fame. I expect violinists to be allowed to complain when their bow is rosined wrong. Sure, we should expect users to at least read parts of the manual, but when billions of dollars have been spent so I can ask the computer to write me an ffmpeg invocation, haven't you got to ask to yourself that there's a chance we're making this unnecessary hard on ourselves for no reason?


12 days ago

> but when billions of dollars have been spent so I can ask the computer to write me an ffmpeg invocation

That was an unnecessary spend then. You should ask yourself why ffmpeg still exists if if it's that hard to use. There's a plethora of simpler tools that exists for simple uses (handbrake, XLD,...). The truth is that if you want versality, there's no better than ffmpeg and it's core usage is relatively simple. It's an input | filter | output pipeline, with various options to fine tune each one. If you don't have the domain knowledge, it will be hard, just like a layman inside a plane cockpit. But if you do, everything makes sense.

Same with a lot of other software. There are bad design out there, but if something persists with no other incentive than its users, you should probably ask why first.


11 days ago

> A good catalog of mostly skills issues.

Seems a bit harsh to call out the developers of all that software like that.

But I do agree that software interface design and empathy are both skills that many software developers might benefit from developing further.

In their defence, developers unfortunately often don't seem to have access to many resources for upskilling themselves in these areas either--people don't seem to realise that simply telling someone to, say, just "git gud" at empathy is actually a form of gate-keeping that doesn't really benefit anyone.

Admittedly, if I was feeling snarky I might be tempted to say being able to create software interfaces that may take a person from four to twenty-one or more years[0] to learn could be considered a "skill" of sorts, I guess, but that wouldn't be very empathetic of me.


[0] "40% of people answering this survey have been using the terminal for 21+ years / 95% of people answering the survey have been using the terminal for at least 4 years"


11 days ago

I meant that people who struggle to use basic CLI tools have a skills issue. The tools date from decades ago, got embedded in millions of scripts and workflows, and so their UI won't change. Like it or not we have to accept those tools have become part of the background, so complaining about grep or awk or bash just goes nowhere.

The people who wrote the shells and tools like vi(m) and awk didn't suffer from skills issues or lack of empathy. They wrote tools for themselves and other skilled programmers, in environments that no one under 50 can remember or imagine. Monochrome 80x24 displays, 8 MB of RAM, floppy disks (or worse) -- major hardware and software constraints. Blaming them for not anticipating modern hardware and software (and attention spans) seems like blaming Henry Ford for not inventing the electric Mustang.


11 days ago

> I meant that people who struggle to use basic CLI tools have a skills issue.

I very much understood that's what you meant.

(And assumed you meant "skills issue" in the dismissive sense--if you didn't, ummm, feel free to skip to the last line of this comment, I guess...)

My comment was written in a manner to "humorously" imply I misinterpreted your comment as criticising presumably much older individuals rather than the actual intended targets of the criticism. This was in an attempt to prompt a possible reconsideration of the statement.

Seeing as I obviously failed in my attempt, let me restate my point less delicately but more clearly:

Unlike the tools from decades ago that can be & often are useful today--in spite of their less than perfect interfaces; attitudes that lead to shallow criticisms of people's skills are outdated, should be deprecated & removed from use--because such gate-keeping serves no useful purpose. In fact, it never did.


I mention this because I happen to care about our shared hobby/industry and those who have chosen to be part of it--because the technology is really fucking fun and/or fulfilling and/or frustrating.

And if the technology can be really fun why wouldn't I want as many people who are interested in it to have some of that fun? Or, heck, earn a living with making it less frustrating?

Humans are often already fantastic at self-critique of their skills--they don't need other people to shit on their skills too. (And I'm intentionally writing all this in case some of those humans are "in the room with us now".)


Besides, these survey respondents were primarily people who have stuck it out with our imperfect technologies for at least four to twenty or more years.

Not only were they prepared to admit that they didn't know something (something I personally find challenging to do, at times *cough*) they were kind enough to do so in the context of a survey that would help Julia Evans create an effective targeted resource to help people learn the very skills that are apparently of such importance!


I would also note, for example, one might consider it reasonable if only ~7-10% of people might know to use `cmd1 |& cmd2` for redirection of both stdout & stderr given it has apparently only existed since Bash v5.0, a mere six short years ago--and, coincidentally, probably one of my favourite Bash tips I've learned in the past five years because I could never seem to remember which order the `2>&1` went in--and seems maybe I wasn't the only one?

Why, if I was feeling petty, I might even point out that the existence of `|&` might even suggest that decades-old tools can in fact change their UI and that even complaining about bash might not just go nowhere.

Why, if I was feeling optimistic, I might even imagine that maybe attitudes can change!


On a definitely related & probably incredibly condescending sounding note:

What's a useful CLI tool tip you'd suggest would be valuable for people to know?


11 days ago

You can read skills issue as an insult or call it gatekeeping. I meant it literally: not learning common and fundamental skills of the craft of programming. Worse, dismissing tools as arcane or poorly-designed rather than learning how to use them. And blaming laziness or poor memory on the tools.

People actually frequently fail to self-critique their skills, leading to what we call the Dunning-Kruger Effect, the Expert Beginner, the 21-year-old "senior engineer." Listening to and learning from someone who has mastered a skill -- a mentor -- describes one of the best ways to learn something. Interpreting criticism as a personal insult, then blaming inanimate things like Unix CLI tools, doesn't seem productive or professional.

Calling command line tools poorly-designed, arcane, cryptic, etc. blames the tool, and perhaps by extension the author. I have managed to remember 0=stdin, 1=stdout, 2=stderr for decades, and I expect anyone who wants to get into programming can remember three file descriptors. If they can't remember those things, or look them up when necessary, and then blame the operating system or tool, what would you call that if not a skills issue?

As for the survey results that started this thread, I interpret them in the context of my own (40+ years) experience programming. Some people master the Unix CLI well enough to get things done with it. They appreciate the original intent of composability, "everything a file," plain text as the common format. Many other people have learned to type a few commands they don't understand, or copy and paste one-liners found online. Those people "use" the command line in the same sense that I "use" TurboTax -- infrequently and without motivation to master it. I have and continue to work with programmers who have a terminal window open all the time in their IDE, but can't actually do much with it. Then they get on threads like this to complain that command line flags "lack discoverability," as if the man tool didn't exist.

You can criticize what you perceive as my attitude. I have mentored and taught enough programmers how to improve their command line skills over the years to feel OK with myself when I tell complainers to stop blaming the tools. I got lucky early on and had mentors who taught me this stuff, the concepts and design behind Unix and its tools, and got me through my skills issues. Now when I run into something I don't understand I interpret it as my own skills issue, not as a sign that another programmer didn't know how to predict the future or didn't care about correct "design," as if that described anything real.


11 days ago

> A good catalog of mostly skills issues.

It's a good reminder to some of us that we are not in fact imposters.


11 days ago

You also forget commands and flags over time, leading to the responses you denigrated as a skill issue. And this is not from a "rarely use" crowd like in your Windows example


11 days ago

Sure. That's why --help and man and info exist, along with the volumes of online and printed documentation. The Unix/Linux shell and command line tools have to rank near the top of most-documented software in use.

When I wrote "skills issue" I had in mind the mentality that equates learning the standard tools, mastering the environment, and always improving skills with a waste of time, a few minutes or hours diverted from pasting together API calls or prompting an LLM. I have watched programmers spend hours setting up color schemes and fonts in their IDE, and then complain that they can't remember a flag for grep.

Years ago I worked at a software company where everyone used the Eclipse IDE. I tried it but it felt too slow and buggy, so I fell back to my usual vim in the terminal. Every week or so the team came to a halt when Eclipse got an update to the Subversion SCM plugin (this happened before git took over). Eclipse would have a version of Subversion incompatible with the version on the servers, causing the team to stop to deal with that. I used svn from the command line, same version as the server, so I could keep working. Eclipse broke down so often I couldn't understand the team-wide devotion to it. And they made fun of my "arcane" and obsolete workflow. Now I work with teams who use VSCode and I see the same kind of thing play out -- plugin updates that break the whole environment, weird problems from the bowels of npm that no one can figure out. And they tell me they don't have time to learn vim.


11 days ago

All these complains about "shortuts for copy-paste" are so confusing...

COPY: select text with the mouse

PASTE: middle click

don't people use that? No need for the keyboard at all! It works across all programs since forever (except inside jupyter notebooks on firefox, for some weird reason).

If I had to single out a unique feature that makes linux worthwhile (as compared to windows or macos) it would be that one! Way ahead of anything else.


11 days ago

Where is that the case? Middle click copies the selection and right click pastes on every terminal emulator I use.


11 days ago

Middle click to paste the most recently selected text is how the PRIMARY selection works in X Window [0], it's not specific to terminals.

What terminals have middle-click-to-copy, right-click-to-paste? Sounds alien to me.



11 days ago

> What terminals have middle-click-to-copy, right-click-to-paste?

CMD on Windows, default PuTTy settings, WSL as well. I honestly haven't used GUIs on native Linux environments much, and when I have I must have changed the terminal emulator settings.


10 days ago

Ah, so Windows. Makes sense that it would have something completely different from everything else.


11 days ago

I don't know the details for I am but a simple engineer. But using a government RHEL system a couple years ago, middle clock universally pasted whatever I had highlighted with the cursor. Didn't matter what program I was copying into or out of.

I mostly used this to copy paste from a terminal into a COTS GUI tool, or from that tool into the OpenOffice (or maybe LibreOffice, I don't recall) spreadsheet program whatever that's called.

Honestly it was incredibly useful and probably saved me collective hours over the few years I worked there

Obviously this thread is about terminals, but the functionality does exist in some places


11 days ago

All terminals are judged by how far they stray from xterm's light.


11 days ago

This does not work in a vertically split window inside a tmux session, for example. (Same with split buffers in vim, and so on.)


11 days ago

… selection absolutely does work with a vertically split vim?

If the desired selection is large and spans multiple lines, yeah, you're going to have a bad time doing it via the terminal emulator (but that has little to do with the split, other than splits make it more likely to wrap), but you can then just fall back asking vim to copy it to the selection.

(This does get back at the complaint in TFA, though, that they're not the same, the moment we have to switch from the terminal to vim's command.)

(All of this probably applies directly to tmux too, but I don't use tmux.)


11 days ago

Selecting text with a mouse inside a tmux session absolutely honors splits so long as mouse support is enabled.


11 days ago

I think it was more common until Apple normalized the one button mouse.


11 days ago

What if you can't use the mouse?


11 days ago

Making command line tools at work really made me appreciate the work it takes to make a good one.

Do you have a good `--help`? Did you catch the common mistakes and return a helpful error message? Did you put reasonable defaults? Do you have enough examples on how to actually use it: not just one running example, but actually one that uses at least _some_ of the options.

Your UX instincts do get tested in this.


12 days ago


11 days ago

Detector seems a bit off when it also includes the item-id where it's posting.


12 days ago

Is this a bot?


11 days ago

Nope. Just someone who also submitted this earlier as well. I think HN’s dupe detection is off these days.


11 days ago

I think the dupe detection works only if there had been substantial discussion before, which none of the previous three had in this case.


12 days ago



12 days ago

does it matter if it is?


12 days ago

It matters to the person above, which would be why they asked the question.

That's generally how question asking goes...


12 days ago

Isn’t this the forum for the technically curious? So yes, it matters.


11 days ago

and I'm curious on the technical details for why it matters for you.

if it's, say, a chrome extension someone whipped up that makes it a button click to generate, or a script someone handcrafted, or somone had an LLM generate, or a fully automated bot doing it off a Cron job, or a billionaire is paying a human in the Philippines to do it by hand, some SV startup millionaire is bored with life and spends too much time here, a college student that has some free time between classes... the end result is a relatively simple post linking back to previous threads.

in what manner does having a human in the loop for that specific post affect your broader feelings about this site?


11 days ago

I’m merely curious.


9 days ago

so, how does it matter?


9 days ago

I can't possibly explain it any better than "I'm curious, and at hackernews we are here to discuss & understand how things work"


7 days ago

and I'm here to understand how, among other things, how other people (who aren't things) work/think. It was clearly important enough of a question for you to bother to login and post the comment asking if it was a bot, and you wanted some sort of reaction from you posting that message, so I ask, in all earnestly and not confrontationally - there are no wrong answers, what were you thinking?


7 days ago

It's a good idea and I was curious if it was a bot or manual. reply


7 days ago



11 days ago

Whatever version of find I have installed, it's an incredibly bad actor:

  > $ find --help
  > find: illegal option -- -
  > $ find -help
  > find: illegal option -- h
  > $ find -h
  > find: illegal option -- h
I say "whatever version" because I cannot find that out either. A bare `find` doesn't tell me and I get similar non-support for --version / -v.


11 days ago

You have a manky version or an alias over find somewhere.

On my system Ubuntu 24.04:

  $ find --version
  find (GNU findutils) 4.9.0
  $ find --help
  $ find -help
  $ man find
  then /help works


11 days ago

Have you tried finding its path and looking into the file itself? Maybe it's a wrapper or alternative version somewhere in your $PATH you installed and forgot?

And to add some mor efor testing: you can try "find /help", "find /?" and "find -?", in case it's using dos-style parameters.


11 days ago

  > $ file `which find`
  /usr/bin/find: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]

  > $ find /help
  find: /help: No such file or directory

  > $ find /?
  zsh: no matches found: /?

  > $ find -?
  zsh: no matches found: -?


11 days ago

Is this MacOS? As I remember, they are using the tools from freebsd, and according to man-pages I randomly found on the internet it has indeed no help-parameter. I guess, their culture is to use "man" instead of flavors of --help.


11 days ago

If you have brew you can install findutils to get gfind which behaves more like you'd expect


12 days ago

For colorsheme allow me to suggest

Has configs for multiple programs, is warm (low blue light), avoids too many colors / clown vomit

I was considering giving up on colors with zenbones before I found this

For copy/paste I'm using a 36 key keyboard, ctrl is on a thumb key hold, while holding , is shift-ctrl. But that's probably not as generally useful to others


10 days ago

RTFM. I have never met a shell user who has read `man bash` from top to bottom. It's not a hard document to read if you have been using bash for a while. People read bits of it, as you do with other man pages, and get frustrated navigating it. But man bash should be read top to bottom with intent to understand it before complaining about it. It should be given the same attention to details that you give any programming language, not any gui tool (that you can exct to be intuitive) bash is a very powerful language and deserves 1 hour of you time to read the man. It you want to write good scripts

Read Google bash coding guidelines.

Try to write shells scripts that don't fork. That approach really helped me write resilient scripts.


x=`${...}`. Instead of

echo |...

Then you bash starts to improve every day, instead of accepting mediocre all your life.%

I have given the above lesson to a few folk who suddenly found bash fun and a highly productive programming language.

Like all languages get it working first, make it testable and refactor until it's good.

With bash that whole process can take 5 mins for a simple script: and scripts should only be simple


10 days ago

P.S. dont blame bash for sed. Once you grok bash, other tools make more sense. If you don't understand bashes escaping rules and options

echo x | sed "..."

Is doubly confusing.


11 days ago

I think there are at least two different issues here:

1) the general UX of terminal emulators. Which as the wording suggests is about emulating some severely obsolete, at least half a century old hardware, including weird limitations that came with those. Most modern terminal emulators work hard to undo some of that. But it is weird that we stick with these being emulators for stuff most people here would never have touched in their life because they are not at retirement age yet. I just turned 50 and I remember having some slightly less fancy terminal emulators to work with (xterm basically) on hpux, sgi, and some sun workstations we had at university in the nineties. Even then the whole notion was basically obsolete. All those came with xwindows, xterm and some basic shells and other command line tooling.

2) the general UX of cli software that you would use from a terminal. Which is a bit all over the place and generally not great.

If you use something reasonably modern, the terminal environment is not completely horrible. I use iterm2 on a mac, which is pretty nice. There are a few competing products. What I like about iterm2 is that I can use cmd+c and cmd+v for copy paste so I don't have to think about having to hit the shift key just because I'm in a terminal window (like on the Gnome terminal). Also nice is that two finger scrolling works. Even when using less/bat/more/whatever. There are a few other nice things that they solved but that solves a few basic UX issues.

The second issue is harder to address because it basically involves fixing a lot of tools that have been around for decades, which is just not going to go down well with those that have used those tools for a few decades. There are some nice modern replacements for some of those tools. For example, I use eza instead of ls (via an alias of course). And there are a few similar rewrites of classic cli tools that offer some nice features and performance. But mostly those aim to be drop in replacements.


11 days ago

> But it is weird that we stick with these being emulators for stuff most people here would never have touched in their life because they are not at retirement age yet.

It's a standard that works, keeps a massive trove of software from being obsolete, and gives you backwards compatibility for free.

Case in point, I recently installed Gentoo on my desktop from a VT320 terminal given to me by a friend. After a simple config line to tell the init system to put a shell on my serial port with the right options, I was working with modern Linux tools in 2025 on hardware from 1987.

It's a testament to the value of maintaining standards and emulation that this terminal can be saved from e-waste. Everything mostly "just worked" once I got the TERM/environment set up right. Oddly seems like you need to set options to vt300, not vt320, for the best compatibility.

It's a joy to use. The keyboard feels very nice to type on, very good for rubber dome. The amber light is easy on the eyes. I find working on the terminal makes me less prone to distractions, and it's also prompted me to get back into learning vim better. Any cases where I had trouble with control codes etc. were a good opportunity to learn more about the ecosystem - helps that that was my mindset going into installing Gentoo in the first place.


11 days ago

Am I the only one to whom the term _terminal frustrations_ sounds like things that frustrate you and then you die?


11 days ago

Headline editors gonna edit

You could also think about sitting at a train station trying to code, or that feel when you lick a battery


10 days ago

It's likely correct because I doubt these frustrations will be solved in our lifetimes.


12 days ago

Some good points made in the article.

If you use the terminal for any appreciable amount of time I heavily suggest getting fzf (even if just for the search).

Tmux is great if you need any more than 1 terminal window open at once - just remap some of its hotkeys to stuff that make more sense for you (e.g. I use "Alt + |" to split vertically and "Alt + -" (minus) to split horizontally).

Man pages are generally about 500 times longer than I need them to be (just help me do a basic curl/SSH copy/... please) - so I have aliased which helps a lot with simple "how do I use X".

Aliases in general are insanely useful. If you're a fzf search whiz they may not help you as much but seeing people type common commands out multiple times a day... makes me happy knowing I have my alias bank.


12 days ago

> Tmux is great if you need any more than 1 terminal window open at once - just remap some of its hotkeys to stuff that make more sense for you (e.g. I use "Alt + |" to split vertically and "Alt + -" (minus) to split horizontally).

Nice tip! While I don't mind the default Tmux keybindings (<prefix> " and prefix % for horizontal and vertical splits), one thing that used to annoy me early on was how new panes would default to the directory where Tmux was originally launched, rather than inheriting the current working directory. Fortunately it was easy to fix with a few lines of code in ~/.tmux.conf:

  bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
  bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
  bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
This ensures that while splitting a pane with <prefix> " or <prefix> %, or while creating a new window with <prefix> c, the new shell inherits the working directory of the previous pane. This small tweak saved me countless unnecessary "cd" commands.


11 days ago

> one thing that used to annoy me early on was how new panes would default to the directory where Tmux was originally launched

Not just current dir, but the whole env:

   export SECRET=oops  # could be silent if you use e.g direnv
   tmux                # first one => start daemon
Then another unrelated terminal:

   env | grep SECRET  # oops


12 days ago

second this. huge game changer. should be default.


11 days ago

`fzf` is so universally useful I just recommend it by default to everyone I work with now who touches a terminal. The new fuzzy finding shortcuts it creates for shell history and switching directories alone makes it worth it, even if you never call `fzf` itself, as I recorded back in my tutorial eons ago. [1]



11 days ago

I think these same core frustrations have been voiced literally for decades, and certainly since the birth of the Unix and what evolved to be the modern shell (Ritchie's /bin/sh). As an example, the frustrations I experience when moving between modern MacOS and Linux/GNU command lines exactly mirrors that of switching between System V and BSD Unix back in the 80s. I distinctly remember how annoyed I was at having to relearn even basic commands when forced to move between my primary development machine (a VAX running 4.3Tahoe) and the target machine for a new product (a 386 running an early version of Xenix). Eventually GNU came along to hide many of the incompatibilities, but it still represented yet a third set of command-line patterns for me to understand/remember. Similarly, I remember the differences in keybindings between my VT-220 compatible terminal and the PC keyboard on my 386 as frustrating as hell.

These frustrations seem inevitable given the diversity of systems people need to interact with. But I think a lot of them could be eased with better help systems; in particular, with help systems that focus on learning by example rather than enumerating an exhaustive list of features (like most current man pages). AI clearly has a role to play here, but most tools I've seen seem focused on simply providing the answer rather than building proficiency in the user.


11 days ago

> help systems that focus on learning by example rather than enumerating an exhaustive list of features (like most current man pages)

I almost always prefer exhaustive lists of features. Examples don't really teach you what each flag being used does, so you end up just memorizing combinations of flags without knowing what they actually do. I suspect learning solely by example is exactly why so many people have a ton of trouble learning how to use tools like tar, and the common refrain of "I have to look it up every single time".

Examples are useful, but not sufficient on their own for learning.


12 days ago

I encourage users to log context switches and then find tools to address the context switch. Try to stay in your terminal whenever possible .

For documentation context switches (e.g. stackexchange/googling) : install tldr, fabric , devdocs, sdk docs etc . And get comfortable searching man pages with “/“ and man -K

For job/task context switching (e.g. running multiple jobs like a transfer job and a measure-status job), get familiar with bash job control or tmux

For history context switching (e.g. re-running an old command) , set a long history like HISTFILESIZE=100000 and use ctrl-r. If you ever run out of history, make it bigger . Also dump helpful commands into a with echo COMMAND ARG1 ARG2… >> . Fzf is also helpful.

For context-switches stemming from missing settings / dot files, set up “dotfiles bare git repo”. You can push this repo around with SSH, so every fresh machine will have your settings on first login.

The challenges in her survey are common, and I wish shells did better user onboarding and tutorials, the way games and consumer apps do. But each one can be addressed with the right preparation.


11 days ago

I use zsh history and fzf as my second brain. I can recall complicated, long winded commands I executed years ago with a few key strokes.

This makes ‘remembering’ syntax and flags less stress inducing. You only have to figure it out once. Fzf will pull it up for you in a second. I also add #comments at the end of the commands to serve as search tags..


11 days ago

I have 100% same process, including the adding of comments at the end to tag commands for future fzf searchability (although in practice I find the need for this pretty rare).

Of course it does also presume keeping an appropriately long history, which from some of the comments in the article make me believe that I have long since forgotten that I needed to change that setting.


11 days ago

Are you backing up your command history?


11 days ago

No. But I copy it over when I setup a new computer.


11 days ago

Can I just say I loved reading the comments here. Some great suggestions!

> keyboard shortcuts for tmux, text editing, etc

tmux -> zellij has good discoverability of shortcuts. Since written in Rust, it can be installed with cargo

For vi, I don't have an alternative, the first thing I do on a machine without vi is get neovim, or vim, or vi. I mean, I don't know how good emacs is these days, and nano is limited but back when I started to use pico (which nano is a successor for) it had good discoverability.

My very first text UI editor was a DOS text editor called Q&A. All the F-keys were mentioned on the bottom. But once you know them, that information becomes redundant. Especially on a low resolution. So nowadays, given we hardly ever use 80x24 anymore, yet stuff looks good on high resolution (due to good DPI) it is only a minor sacrifice.


11 days ago

Learning command line options is like learning hundreds of DSLs. It gets worse when you have to learn more, or different, sets for different platforms, like Linux vs MacOS.

Unices, by design, intend for you to compose many of these, so you not only need to learn the DSLs but you also have to learn the input and output formats, and learn even more DSLs to “glue” the commands together.

Finally, you need to learn yet another language (typically bash) to compose these together.

So using the CLI either slows productivity greatly as you have to look up everything, or requires years and years of time investment to become proficient, much of which investment is non-transferable.

I think that Microsoft PowerShell makes many of these problems much better, but aliasing for brevity re-introduces some of the toil involved, and afaict psh has not gained traction anywhere but Windows.


11 days ago

Not transferable? In the context of the most widely-used server operating system? I have transferred Unix skills for decades, from one job and project to the next. Even Windows can run a Linux subsystem now.

Having learned Unix/Linux and many of the tools myself I challenge the "requires years and years of time investment to become proficient." You missed that the knowledge and skills grow incrementally, so while you get to proficiency your skills constantly improve at the same time. You don't have to stop everything, study Unix for years, and then go back to doing something "productive" once you've memorized it all.

Unix has one file format: plain text. The tools all compose around that. You can of course find exceptions -- you can't express everything in plain text -- but you can get remarkably far with simple single-purpose tools redirecting their output to the input of another tool.

The core tools have more consistency than you give them credit for, describing them as hundreds of DSLs. They all have man pages, they more or less follow the same conventions with I/O and flag names. Plenty of exceptions, sure, but no more than you find in any large legacy system that has grown and adapted over time.


11 days ago

Powershell is so asinine I don’t know why you would bring it up unless you’re a blue badge crypto posting for Microsoft.

Do you want to talk about portability and transferability? It is the epitome of non-transferable and non-portable.

It is a domain specific shell language built for the Windows operating system win32 only. It does not work on Mac. It does not work on Linux. If you somehow managed to replace the Win32 shell with something else, it doesn’t work.

Bash or at least the shell script in UNIX has been going for 50 years. Power shell was shit out of Microsoft’s ass in 2007 and reached “usability” in 2013.

It broke compatibility with batch scripting, you have to call cmd to get batch scripts to behave. It broke compatibility with W scripting, or rather, justified to MS that abandoning script host was a worthy goal. It does not follow any of the same conventions as the Shell scripts and terminal commands that windows had used for decades at that point. If I want to accomplish something in powershell, I have to go look it up or I have to trust some command that somebody’s written on stack overflow will do what they say it does because I don’t have the time or the energy to go through and look up every single aspect of the command for a domain specific shell language that only works for a single operating system & that is worthless with any other system.

I spent probably about a decade of my life from 11 years old to 21 years old learning to use the Windows command line and W script.

To the degree that I literally automated myself out of my first tech job.

So therefore, my decade of time investment to become proficient with Windows scripting is non-transferable and Microsoft decided to throw it out.

If I had spent that time learning UNIX I would have been able to immediately go and use any other UNIX system and probably would’ve been able to get a much higher paying job at the start of my career.


11 days ago

The problem with shell scripts are that they are objectively badly designed. And I do mean objective--there is no reason to accept that "accidentally delete your home directory" is a sane default behavior for "oops I forgot to set a variable". Any project that attempts to make shell scripts not broken is, by design, going to have break compatibility, because compatibility is insane.

Powershell is interesting because it's attempting to introduce a different modality into shell scripts--rather than marshalling data as streams of bytes, you can actually represent the output as, well, data. So that a producer program can say "I'm outputting a list of files" and the consumer can actually handle it as a list of files and easily deal with the fact that maybe files have weird names like " ". A task that, for all the 50 years of experience on UNIX, still requires you to jump through hoops in every other shell script.


11 days ago

> If I had spent that time learning UNIX I would have been able to immediately go and use any other UNIX system and probably would’ve been able to get a much higher paying job at the start of my career.

You'd probably be on here complaining about systemd and iproute2.


12 days ago

"Most of the legacy cruft, it would be great to have a green field implementation of the CLI interface."

This is very true.


11 days ago

This is Chesterton's Fence.

The problem with any terminal replacement is that you have to support all existing terminal applications. If you don't, then your replacement is going to be useless for half a century until everything gets re-implemented and installed everywhere (and this is assuming you can get buy-in from everyone on this speculative 50 year investment). If you do, then congratulations, you have all of the legacy terminal baggage.


11 days ago

I couldn’t disagree more.


12 days ago

Check out powershell


11 days ago

It's so bad that I'd actually take the decades of cruft over it.

It was made by people who don't know how to use existing tools and what the actual problems are. It's like people who keep creating "new" text editors, but they never learned well how to use existing ones. So they end up with crippled half-baked thing that's some concept from the 80s that was discovered to be a dead-end in the 90s, but with modern cosmetics.

PowerShell is just incompetence and hubris of people working for a large company which can push their random garbage software on a lot of users and developers due to having huge market presence.


11 days ago

This is the single worst take I have ever read on Hackernews. You didn't actually give a single concrete reason why PowerShell is bad. I will give a major reason why it is AWESOME:

objects are piped instead of text. This single change makes a ridiculously huge improvement. You are no longer forced to perform incredibly tedious and fragile text manipulation. This also enables filtering on property names and the ConvertTo-JSON command which is amazingly useful.


11 days ago

What are your specific criticisms of PowerShell?


11 days ago

The criticism of Unix shell coming from the authors of PowerShell and those who like it says something to the effect:

We want modern (and by that they mean C#-like) programming language in shell. We want user types, type checking, structured, modular code.

And they forget that the reason Unix shell is easy in some respects is precisely because it has none of that. Since everything is text, serialization is trivial. But serialization is vital if you need to work remotely between different shells.

Structure will require a lot more operations for composing and decomposing it in order to transmit messages. Equality and identity become a problem.

Custom types are similar to structure, but on top of it present a problem with serialization (somehow both shells need to have same type definitions, and what happens if they inevitably don't).

The problems above not being addressed... what you get is another "scripting" language, of which there are already dozens, with no special benefits when it comes to it being used as shell, but with some problems. Just not worth it and illustrates lack of research and understanding of the problem space on the part of the authors.


11 days ago

" Since everything is text, serialization is trivial. But serialization is vital if you need to work remotely between different shells."

Serialization is trivial in PowerShell but also much more powerful because you can pipe the output of any command to ConvertTo-JSON or ConvertTo-CliXML which gives you very nice STRUCTURED serialization that is much easier to consume.


9 days ago

> Serialization is trivial in PowerShell

There isn't really. For a lot of PowerShell objects, there's no way of converting them to JSON or XML. Imagine what happens if you convert a closure to JSON? It doesn't matter what language you use, it's always going to be a problem.

You are simply too inexperienced with the subject to be able to have a judgement on how (well) it works.

Trust me, it's anything but "trivial".


11 days ago

Not the OP, but everything requires tons of case sensitive typing. It's easier to just write python script instead of typing this

(curl http://localhost:5555/log | grep -o -E "2025[0-9-]+")

    (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:5555/log" -UseBasicParsing).Content | Select-String -Pattern "2025[0-9-]+" -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }

or this (ps ax | grep ffmpeg)

    Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -match "ffmpeg" }
Maybe it's good for scripting (why not python then?) but really sucks when you need to get things done in terminal.


11 days ago

`ps ax | grep ffmpeg` sometimes will match grep itself, so either prevent the match from matching itself, or maybe instead use pgrep(1).

  $ ps ax | grep ffmpeg
  66898 pe  S+p      0:00.01 grep ffmpeg
  $ ps ax | grep '[f]fmpeg'
  $ pgrep ffmpeg
As for PowerShell, it does not seem useful, but then again I live mostly on OpenBSD and in the terminal.


11 days ago

PowerShell is mostly case insensitive, `get-process` works as well as `Get-Process` or `GET-PROCESS`


11 days ago

Powershell has very good tab completion. It isn't a problem. And it is case insensitive.


11 days ago

> or this (ps ax | grep ffmpeg) > > Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -match "ffmpeg" }

The way to write that on the command line Powershell would be:

    ps ffmpeg
Whereas your longer example is what you put in the PS1 file.


11 days ago

curl and ps are both aliases in powershell for their respective posh equivalents. For some reason grep isn't though, I'll give you that.

It also has positional parameters meaning you don't have to specify parameter names, though you might as well because tab completion is a thing. And if you're really keen on not using tab completion, it autocompletes parameter names for you meaning "get-help man -e" is equivalent to "get-help man -examples".

Here are less verbose posh commands for your examples.

  (curl http://localhost:555/log -useb | select content | sls "2025[0-9-]+" -a).select.matches
Still arguably a mess. Select-string not having a -o equivalent parameter is a big gripe of mine.

  (gps ffmpeg) or (ps ffmpeg)
Get-Process has a name parameter. Why not use it?


I should have added, curl ships with Windows now so a farer comparison would be a select-string on curl.exe.


11 days ago

I agree. I use SetAlias ss Select-String or gm / Get-Member but you’re right the language is too verbose.

Auto complete is quite good though.


12 days ago

I've actually written many thousands of lines of Powershell for work and play. I first learned it because Vsphere used it for a CLI but I soon learned to love piping objects and filtering by property name. beat the hell out of bash that is for sure. And the ConvertTo-JSON command is amazingly useful.


12 days ago

Yeah. I also like the PowerShell model of cleanly separating the shell logic itself from various "shell hosts" (of which powershell.exe is just one). The Unix equivalent is the PTY interface, which is too low-level to be optimal.


12 days ago

it deserves more advocacy


11 days ago

I think I remember swyx had compiled some thoughts on CLIs: I particularly liked this part, where it starts by collecting examples of CLI apps like by the the authors:

Beyond that, I am enjoying a little bit too much customizing Fish, bobthefish, FZF, and replacements for established CLI apps (e.g., find/fd). I spend too much time asking Claude how to do various things. And I am the happiest with my current setup—until I have to SSH into the barren lands of a production host.


11 days ago

One of the highest ROI things I ever did was just write a few bash scripts which can be run out of the box on a fresh copy of Ubuntu, and set me up with everything I want there to be. [1]

As a result, most of the non-memory issues listed here are things I solved once in those scripts and rarely have to think about again. Most of the simple memory issues can be solved by running `cheat x` and/or `tldr x`, where x = the program I'm struggling to remember the basic usecase of, both installed by those scripts of course. Most of the more obscure memory issues I can deal with with either ChatGPT or Anki these days.

I originally considered writing my scripts as a `host: localhost` Ansible playbook instead, but then I remembered that whatever I might gain in idempotency I would lose tenfold in hackability. I am guaranteed to be doing shell for the rest of my life; I am decidedly not guaranteed to be doing Ansible, or any other config management tool for that matter.



11 days ago

I did the same. I have a little dotfiles repo[0] on github that I clone on a new machine, then I execute a file that installs a messy set of aliases and functions to set up my cozy unix world.



11 days ago

I always enjoy seeing people still using Perl out in the wild. Lynx, too. I use chezmoi for dotfiles management myself but honestly it's kind of overkill, I should probably just start tracking ~ like this.


10 days ago

I've tried a few dotfile management tools, and yeah they're always overkill. Plus it's one more dependency to handle when I'm setting up a new environment.


12 days ago



11 days ago

In the "which keyboard shortcuts do you use" section I was sad that Ctrl-D was labeled just as "EOF" when i'd suggest "Disconnect" is just as important. Pressing ^D to close a shell, including say, a shell in a container, an SSH session, or just to end the whole terminal session, is my favorite keyboard shortcut and I'm always surprised to see people typing out "exit" and pressing Return.

Hopefully one person sees this and saves thousands of keystrokes over the next few decades ;)


11 days ago

I didn't realize until now how many problems I avoided by using Emacs and ansi-term (and usually tmux running in it). Stuff like struggling with color schemes or remembering key bindings... I just solved them once many years ago and don't even remember anymore how I did it. Same for copy and paste.

A lot of problems mentioned in the survey aren't really problems with the terminal, but, I guess, respondents didn't care about that kind of precision. Like... AWK syntax isn't a problem with terminals at all.


12 days ago

I can relate to many of the frustrations. As years have passed, I've been trying to lessen the (repetitive) effort required for basic monitoring and maintenance over plain SSH. I felt that just the shell wasn't good enough, and large software stacks just increase maintenance burden.

Ended up creating a GUI app called Lightkeeper ( Works over SSH, requires no daemons and is configurable. Still working on some unfinished features.


11 days ago

For remembering CLI args, I now often turn to command line AI tools like 'llm' [0] or 'gh copilot suggest' [1]. They work remarkably well.

[0] -

[1] -


11 days ago

For real, this is one of the things that LLMs are unconditionally great at doing. They are like lossy compression algorithms that store Stack Overflow threads and retrieve manual pages. Or, with a fair probability of success, you can ask them to write the command.


12 days ago

My biggest terminal frustration would be lack of access to Terminal. I have loved terminal windows since about 1981 or so. I was a big DOS fan and would only use Windows up until the Mac switched to OS X. I switched and never looked back.

Every day I use zsh on my Mac and bash on all the servers I use (almost all are Ubuntu).

My biggest peeve is the difficulty with formatting output in an elegant way when writing shell scripts. I have wrangled it for the most part, but all the solutions that I have found seem a bit janky.


11 days ago

> Half of the comments on keyboard shortcuts were about how on Linux/Windows, the keyboard shortcut to copy/paste in the terminal is different from in the rest of the OS.

On Linux I rebind SIGINT to Ctrl+Shift+C and similarly Ctrl+V -> Ctrl+Shift+V. This has never caused problems, except when a friend/coworker is trying to use my machine.

GNOME Terminal makes this easy; if you map Ctrl+C to copy, it will automatically remap SIGINT to Ctrl+Shift+C.


11 days ago

I don't mind Ctrl+Shift+C so much, except that I mess it up several times a day, and that combo opens dev tools in Chrome, which takes several seconds to load on my work machine, messes up what I was doing and is a general nuisance. I wish there was a way to NOOP that combo in Chrome.


11 days ago

This is a mishmash of things people don't like about keyboards, windowing systems, terminals, shells, and unix CLIs. All of which are completely valid, of course, but it's a mix. I would say my biggest issue is discoverability. Many of the tools I use daily are ones that I wish I knew earlier. This holds for both newer tools, such as "rush", and ancient ones, like "paste".


11 days ago

My most frustrating thing is when you use a command that doesn't output a newline and the next prompt becomes messed up when you use line editing commands.

Its not clear what the solution would be. My pet solution would be to have a control character that is only a newline if the previous character was not a newline, which you could put un $PROMPT


11 days ago

I believe fish shell solves this by inserting a visible "⏎" character at the end of the line and moving to the beginning of the next line for the prompt.


11 days ago

    if [[ "${TERM}" != "dumb" ]] || [[ $- == *i* ]]; then
        PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "⏎%$((COLUMNS-1))s\\r"'$'\n'"$PROMPT_COMMAND"


11 days ago

Anyone else have their zsh history get truncated occasionally? Not sure where in my setup the issue is but sometimes the history file will just be recreated. I have all the histsize and other env vars set correctly and I haven’t been able to correlate it to anything in particular I’m doing when it happens


11 days ago

Occasionally happens to me too. I believe I researched the cause being some kind of history corruption (eg bad control characters mistakenly pasted/output), and zsh will just make new history file if it detects corruption.

Now, I made myself a cron script that once a day just copies the history file to a backup folder, so that I can bring it back if it ever corrupts.


11 days ago

For categorising feedback like this, a card sorting exercise can work well, and then move go a spreadsheet.


12 days ago

If I could change two things about terminals it was thesd:

  1. Make text editable with a cursor and mouse selection like in any other modern text application
  2. Make use of the normal and expected text shortcuts for copy, cut, paste, select all etc. Make ESC *escape* the current program.

And I am a heavy terminal user who has no issues with how it currently is, but I also have to teach these things...

I am aware that such a change would probably be 1000 times more complex to pull off than most people would think, but every time I have to explain to beginners they can't edit the text I die a little inside.


11 days ago

1. I probably don't care. On the list of things I want from a shell (what you are asking for isn't a function of the terminal, but of the program running in it) this is so low, I would never cared if it was added. I never wanted it to work like this, but as long as it doesn't actively get in the way, I'm OK with it.

2. What's "normal"? Do you mean CUA-style navigation? In that case, absolutely, no effing way! These keybindings are awful. And it's good that they are awful. It wouldn't be a good idea to often accidentally press C-c and kill whatever thing you are working with. But, it's not a convenient key chord for an operation as common as "copy". Now, you may say "in addition to already existing text editing key bindings": but then, again, no, because I want these keys for rare and dangerous operations. I don't want them to be duplicates of existing and better functionality.

NB. Both of your improvements aren't about terminals. They are about programs run by terminals (eg. shells). But you probably knew that already. I realize that OP and the comments lump all these tools together under the same label. But it's still worth pointing out that these are separate issues at least in the sense that nothing you can do to the terminal will effect the change you want to see.


11 days ago

You can already do this, in Emacs and possibly other terminals. It is pretty easy to implement. The problem is that this can also cause other problems, especially for newbies, because editing the text may not do what you think it will do (e.g., editing the output of ls or editing a command after you started running it).


11 days ago

Those are two instances of text that should not be editable.


12 days ago

The use of a terminal is to communicate with an application (the shell mostly, and other REPL software). The text shown is a log of that interaction, not the interaction itself. We could probably design a better interaction model (smalltalk, plan9) but the current one is the most simple.


11 days ago

I understand that. But there is no reason (other than legacy cruft) why I shouldn't be able to fix a typo mid-command with arrow keys instead of backspace before sending that command as a default.

I am perfectly fine with having sent commands uneditable and responses uneditable as well.


11 days ago

You... can? Perhaps I misunderstand you, but doesn't readline solve this problem?


12 days ago

The frustrating thing is that the code for mouse move/selection already exists, but it's a total rathole to get it working, and I don't have the whatever to be a whatever maintainer across everywhere.


12 days ago

macOS’s terminal app does #1 but you have to option-click. It’s kind of a hack too, it just issues a bunch of right/left arrow key codes to the shell to move your cursor to the designated spot.

Your second point is definitely my #1 issue, at least it is on Linux and Windows (macOS at least uses Cmd-c everywhere and it works.) I have to constantly remember to use ctrl-shift-c to copy in the terminal but ctrl-c to copy everywhere else, and I constantly forget and use ctrl-shift-c in a not-terminal program, and do something stupid like open dev tools in chrome, ugh. This is, unfortunately, not fixable. Not without rewriting every app on my system to use a different copy/paste combo.


11 days ago

Agree, MacOS terminal has this distinction between Control which is purely terminal modifier, and Command which is purely Mac modifier, hence when I work in terminal on MacOS I do CMD+C - CMD+V and this is consistent with all the other apps, while on Linux you have to either think of CTRL+C as a copy or as a SIGINT, depends on which app you are using.

This was so good experience for me, that I reconfigured my Linux terminal to have Win+C, Win+V and Win+T (for new tab). However this is inconsistent with Linux window management. Since then I have been actively looking for a way to change the Linux OS manager to have default global hotkeys in the MacOS style. Anybody knows how to do that? ( - suggested xmodmap is a key mapping way which will break my CTRL+C in terminal )


11 days ago

Wait, what do you mean not fixable when you can just change the keybind in the terminal app to use ctrl-c to copy?


11 days ago

Ctrl-C is SIGINT, I don’t want to change its definition of sigint just to make room for copy behavior.

What I want is to make a different shortcut trigger copy/paste, everywhere, and that’s not fixable. Every app independently decides to make ctrl-c implement copy, so changing that is basically not possible.


11 days ago

You don't need to change the definition of sigint, just its shortcut!

Though it's also possible to fix it everywhere - use a keyboard rebinding tool to make Ctrl-Shift-C send Ctrl-C key combo instead


11 days ago

> You don't need to change the definition of sigint, just its shortcut!

That’s what I mean? Changing sigint’s shortcut isn’t what I want to do.

> Ctrl-Shift-C send Ctrl-C key combo instead

Then ctrl-shift-C will send SIGINT too, and I’m back to where I started (SIGINT and copy having the same shortcut)


11 days ago

> That’s what I mean?

I'm sorry, I thought there might've been some confusion re. actual sigint definition based on some deeper history and ASCII codes (which didn't seem like it from cursory search)

> ctrl-shift-C will send SIGINT

You filter against your terminal app, where Ctrl+Shift+C will continue send Ctrl+Shift+C


12 days ago

You can edit text, at the prompt. Afterwards output is readonly and copyable. Doesn’t make much sense another way.


11 days ago

Yeah? Like in a normal text editor?

Please write:

  echo "12345789"
and insert the missing number without deleting the already existing numbers in a vanilla (non-emacs, non-vim) terminal. In nearly every other editable text field people know well in their lived (including the one you typed in for this comment) you can move your cursor to the middle of a sentence and insert text with a mouse click or the left/right arrow key.

And before someone suggest some option to enable this: my comment was about changing the defaults.


11 days ago

Using the arrow keys to navigate the current input is well supported on most modern terminals, and has been for most of my adult life. If this isn't working properly in your terminal, then I'd recommend experimenting with the various settings available to you.

Some terminals also support mouse navigation, so keep an eye out for that as well.

I'm sorry that you've been dealing with this frustration for so long and under the impression that it was just supposed to be that way and not fixable. The good news is that it's NOT supposed to be that frustrating and you CAN fix it

Edit: you edited your comment somewhere between my first seeing it and my reply posting. I haven't had to modify the default settings on my terminal to fix things like this in about 20 years. I've changed them to tweak various preferences like scrollback, cursor shape/size, etc. But arrow navigation has worked out of the box for me for so long that I literally can't remember when I last had to fix it. I don't know why our experiences have been so different, but I'm sorry that a tool that has been so useful for me has been so frustrating for you.


11 days ago

I see this in situations when terminal relies on readline() to do this stuff, but that isn't installed.


11 days ago

The terminal model is just to display the text that the currently running software provides and send input to it. It’s not a text editor. The prompt is a feature of the shell and other REPL programs, not the terminal. Bash and Zsh and others use readline which allows text editing like navigation [0]. And there’s rlwrap for programs that lack these.



11 days ago

I've not had luck with selecting a position with my mouse in a terminal shell, but arrow keys is rarely a problem.

Old enough terminal or old enough host, sure, there can be some fighting involved. Of course, working in those conditions, sometimes backspace doesn't work either and you have to hit ctrl-H like an animal.

But I haven't had issues with that lately.


11 days ago

Press left arrow four time and type “6”.


11 days ago

No option is needed, it’s worked this way since the 90s at least. Mouse is not commonly enabled but would be inefficient to use as hands are already on the keyboard. I haven’t missed it, but it could be set up with a script, no?

If arrow keys not working for you, install a new distro.


11 days ago

You can do this in the default windows Terminal. Which is also how I interface with WSL, so it's also my Linux terminal.


11 days ago

just use fc (fix command)


12 days ago

Iterm grabbed text highlit under mouse immediately for paste. Mac terminal. It's mac norms which means cmd-c

A very minor annoyance.

I dropped iterm to reduce my surface of dependency on complex systems. Somewhat confusingly un reductionist, xquartz and xterm would be the logical endpoint.


7 days ago

is it possible in linux to map copy to WIN+C and paste to WIN+V. universally across entire X system. but not Ctrl+C sending, like in terminal if i press Win+C it should not send close signal.


11 days ago

Do you know any nice copilots working in the terminal?

"remembering exact commands" (vide and "getting context for a given instruction" are precisely things at which LLMs excel.


11 days ago

'I built a tool' no you didn't, you wrote a program. Stop larping