3 months ago
I don't know that 37Signals counts as a "major enterprise". Their Cloud exodus can't have been more than a few dozen servers, right?
Meanwhile AWS is growing at 20%/year, Azure at 33% and GCP at 35%. That doesn't seem compatible with any kind of major cloud repatriation trend.
3 months ago
37signals spends more than $3M a year on cloud. So while it definitely isn't a major enterprise. It is also a lot more than a a few dozen servers.
I am not anti-cloud and pro cloud. My major problem with the new trend is that a lot of people are basically rediscovering pre "Cloud" era. which is VPS, Dedicated server and Colocation. And people are suggesting Hetzner or OVH or many other players are equivalent to AWS. While I dont disagree AWS is charging a lot for their offering, putting AWS to other services isn't even a valid comparison.
Completely ignoring the basics such as Server / CPU / RAM / SSD quality. Network quality such as interconnect, redundancy, as well as Data Center quality. If you rally want to do simple price and spec comparison you might as well go to Lowendbox to find a low cost VPS which some people have been doing since 2008.
I really wish there is a middle ground somewhere before using Hyperscalers. Both DO / Linode couldn't reach a larger scale. Hetzner is expanding their Cloud offering only and no dedicated outside EU.
3 months ago
Yep, Hetzner, OVH or even DO aren't even close to offering what AWS offers. Once you start exploring all the things they have to offer you understand why so many large companies use hyperscalers.
Although to be fair, most hobbyists only need basic services like cloud servers/VMs, and hyperscalers like AWS are an awful deal compared to other options if you only need compute + storage + bandwidth. You don't need to use S3, Lambdas and Cloudfront to host a personal blog, a simple VPS will be more than enough.
It feels like most devs nowadays prefer using services that abstract away the infrastructure, at the cost of not developing SysOps skills, so I don't see a future where the Cloud is going to lose relevance.
3 months ago
> Hetzner, OVH or even DO aren't even close to offering what AWS offers
But I think the argument is - do they need to be? How much of the services of AWS (Google/azure/etc) are really needed by the majority of customers?
For companies that need hyperscaling services, I get it. There are definite benefits to the cloud when operating at extremes (auto scaling up and down). But for the majority of workloads, I think you could be well served by a more barebones offering.
3 months ago
> How much of the services of AWS (Google/azure/etc) are really needed by the majority of customers?
Very many. And none of them are EC2 (or its equivalent). Any service that comes with the consumption based charging (i.e. no 24x7 running costs whether it is used or not) and offers a clearly defined functional feature, has plenty of appeal to cloud customers. Another part of the appeal is the mix and match nature of mature cloud platforms: the customers get substantial freedom to choose from services they can instantly start using, or roll (and maintain) their own albeir at a higher cost.
I.e. if the customer wants a queue, they get a queue, and nothing else. The cloud platform abstracts away and takes care of the underlying platform that «runs» the queue and eliminates the operational overhead that comes with having to look after the message broker that provides the said queue. There are other many examples.
3 months ago
Never seen the "operational overhead elimination" really happen in the wild. Sure, you lose the N Sysadmins, you gain at least N+1 SREs/Cloud/DevOps Engineers.
3 months ago
> are really needed by the majority of customers?
Some companies want the space to grow into it. At my job, we just started getting into video decoding. AWS has elastic video processing services. Where as DO would cost way more to setup those services on our own.
3 months ago
> you understand why so many large companies use hyperscalers.
While there are valid use-case where you get value from the extra services the hyperscaller are providing, most of the time people go for AWS “because everybody does it” or because the choice was made by a consulting company that doesn't pay the final cloud bill and is optimizing their own added value at the expenses of the customer's one.
I've been doing freelance work for 7 years now for roughly two dozens if companies of various size, and I can't tell you how many massively underused AWS / Azure VPS I've seen, but it's more than half the cloud bills of the said companies (or division for big companies since I obviously only had the vision on the division I worked for and not the whole company).
3 months ago
> Yep, Hetzner, OVH or even DO aren't even close to offering what AWS offers.
I think it was mentioned in the article what AWS offers. Lock-in.
3 months ago
There is indeed a large gap in the market between outsourcing all your infrastructure to Hyperscalers vs. hosting it on DIY-bare-metal and/or VPC providers. An open source alternative to AWS would do much to fill that gap, and we are building just that at Ubicloud (I'm one of the co-founders).
So far with Ubicloud, you get virtual machines, load balancers, private networking, managed PostgreSQL, all with encryption at rest and in-transit. The Ubicloud managed service uses Hetzner bare metal as one of its hosting providers, which cuts costs 2x - 10x compared to AWS/Azure. Would love to hear any feedback if you'd like to give it a try, or go through the repo here: https://github.com/ubicloud/ubicloud
3 months ago
> You can set it up yourself on these providers or you can use our managed service.
Are all the bits and pieces necessary for starting one's own managed service open source? In case somebody is interested in starting their own commercial cloud. How easy would that be to deploy?
3 months ago
There's OpenStack. It's a private IaaS. Had loadbalancers, ipv6 support, support for K8s hosting via the magnum component (and other container orchestrators), HA via Masakari component. The networking is very flexible. It does not currently have functions as a service, I believe that was in the Senlin component, but that's been abandoned, I believe a new incarnation of the idea is in the works though. With something like Kolla-ansible a containerized OpenStack infrastructure is pretty damn easy to manage, upgrades are just making sure you make any needded changes in the global config file (just a vimdiff with the new sample one included in the release) and then literally just a kolla-ansible upgrade -i inventory-file.yml.
I'm just a home labber and I've run OpenStack via kolla-ansible for like 7 years now, and Ceph since the jewel release I think almost 8 years ago for storage. Both are pretty easy to manage.
3 months ago
I totally agree, but I’ve also worked on a project with 0 customers spending about $2M/year on AWS, and there was absolutely zero incentive from the stakeholders to reduce the cost. There’s a certain disconnect between boots on the ground engineers, and decision makers when it comes to infra management.
3 months ago
> Server / CPU / RAM / SSD quality
I had no issues with Hetzner's component and especially network quality for a decade now. Before that, yeah, there could be some hiccups and issues. But they stopped being issues a long time ago. And really, what hardware issues do you expect on this hardware:
3 months ago
My opinion from analyzing the 37signals cloud offboard case is that it shouldn't have been done.
They didn't save a whole lot of money from it (they aren't spending a whole lot on it anyway), and now their business ever so slightly loses focus. Not to mention, as you said, the quality aspects. Cloud gives you many things "for free" (like local disk RAID, network and power redundancy, datacenter compliance, in-transit and on-disk encryption, optimized OS images, overall network security, controls around what their employees can do - that $5/month lowendbox provider from Romania is almost certainly logging into your VM and going through your files) which you lose when going to a "pre-cloud" provider.
3 months ago
there's a mile of difference between Romanian lowendbox.com and renting a cage in, say, an equinix datacentre
if this approach to DC compliance/security/redundancy is good enough for the world's financial services industry then it's probably good enough for everyone else too
(but yes, then only saves about 90% of the cost instead of 95%)
3 months ago
Umm, millions saved in the future seems like a decent amount of money? Yeah, they paid for the hardware in year 0 that equals to their AWS bill, but the subsequent years that money is not spent on aws or new servers
3 months ago
Although it's private so we can never be sure, their revenue seems to be in the ballpark of $100m with about 40% margin. So even if they save a million per year, it's not worth it, especially when it's a trade-off.
3 months ago
> 37signals spends more than $3M a year on cloud.
Isn’t most of that just S3 storage/bandwidth?
3 months ago
If so, they should move to R2.
3 months ago
You can have multiple trends at once. Veteran cloud users leaving, international business onboarding.
3 months ago
And then there's me: never left the datacenter in the first place.
3 months ago
Wise person. Wish we hadn't. Managed to multiply costs 8x (no joke).
3 months ago
No way that is true if you did it properly. Practically nobody has a workload where this could be true - and it's definitely not a workload smaller than several DCs.
It doesn't work out well if you just create some long lived EC2 instances and call it a day. But that's not really using a cloud, just a VPS - and that has indeed never been cheaper than having your own servers. You need to go cloud native if you want to save money.
3 months ago
Any egress heavy workload can quickly cost more on cloud than on prem. Especially if you’ve got consistent egress bandwidth that can be negotiated against.
3 months ago
If it's so heavy that you pay 8x the price of deployment and maintenance of physical servers then you're either very small in which case I'm surprised you don't need the flexibility, or you have many options to make a deal. Don't accept the listed prices.
3 months ago
Can I suggest that perhaps I have extensive experience with very large aws deployments and negotiations and stand by what I said.
3 months ago
Sorry but this claim makes me seriously question your experience with this particular regard. I'm an AWS partner and this (negotiating better prices) is what we do every week for our clients. There is no way egress causes your costs to 8x compared to on-premise deployment, even if you pay the listed price, and definitely not if you pick up the phone and call the first partner in registry.
If you said 2 times I'd think it's overestimated but okay, let's not dwell on details. 3x is bullshit and so is the rest.
Perhaps you're comparing apples and oranges - yes, it's possible to do a much less capable on-premise deployment that will obviously cost much less. But if we're comparing comparable - just the internet subscription you'd need in your DC to match the AWS offer in availability, connectivity and stability would make any egress costs pale in comparison. Saying this as someone who used to run a hosting company with 3000 servers before the clouds made it obsolete.
And lastly, yes - paying people to do stuff for you usually costs more than time and materials. If you fuck it up, it's up to you to fix it. If AWS fucks it up, you're compensated for it - part of the price are guarantees that are impossible to get with a DIY deployment. Maybe you don't need it, so choose accordingly - a cheaper hosting provider, or even the less capable on premise. But matching the cloud offer all by yourself is not going to be cheaper than the cloud unless you're on AWS scale.
3 months ago
There are so many blogposts about AWS egress being crazy expensive. Here is one: https://www.vantage.sh/blog/cloudflare-r2-aws-s3-comparison . Their example "image hosting" has ~$7K for AWS, vs $36 on R2, mostly due to egress costs.
Yeah, maybe "AWS partner" can give a discount but I bet it'd be 10% for most, or maybe 30% tops. This won't turn $7K into $36.
3 months ago
AWS offers Cloudfront as an alternative to Cloudflare. Serving traffic straight from your S3 bucket is wrong. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service and they really mean it - it's a low level object storage service intended for programatic usage that does exactly what you tell it without any caching or anything else, not a web hosting. Add Cloudfront and your costs will instantly lower multiple times. AWS tells you this during S3 bucket creation when you try to make it public, btw - it's not hidden.
Cloudflare networking solution doesn't nearly match - and to be fair, they're not trying - what AWS offers. Cloudflare is a small, focused service; AWS is enterprise universal do everything and stay secure&compliant while doing it solution that has the entire Cloudflare offering included and it's not even a big part of AWS. Don't conflate the two - use whatever is better for your use case, budget/margin, risk profile, reliability requirements etc, but each has some and the price is justified.
3 months ago
Are you sure you are AWS partner? Cloudfront is not going to "instantly lower multiple times" - it's still $0.060/GB (for US, other countries are even more expensive), so that would be at least $6K monthly bill. Its only few tens of percents reduction.
And sure, Cloudflare does not have all the breath of Amazon services, but I find it hard to justify $60 vs $6000 price difference. Amazon egress is simply incredibly overpriced, and any price-sensitive company should avoid using it.
3 months ago
It is not overpriced, it's simply not fit for your purpose - that's all I'm saying. That's fine, use the best tool for the job - I use Cloudflare too, it's great. But there are times when the capabilities offered by AWS networking are necessary and the price is well justified for what it offers.
3 months ago
It’s easy. Lift and shift, then fuck it up by not quite completely migrate everything to numerous badly managed kubernetes clusters. That’s what we did.
3 months ago
> No way that is true if you did it properly.
It's quite easier to mess up in a hyperscaling cloud because it's extremely forgiving. In a different setting you wouldn't be able to make as many mistakes and would have to stop the world and fix the issue.
3 months ago
there is absolutely a crossover point at which it would've made more sense to stay put.
My organisation is feeling it now and while our cloud environment isn't fully optimised it has been designed with cost in mind.
Using opex to make up for otherwise unjustifiable capex is suitable only in the beginning or if you need the latest servers every six (or whatever) months
3 months ago
I assume you just run everything on prem and have a high speed up/down connection to the Net? Do you have some kind of AWS/Heroku/Azure -type thing running locally or just use something like Apache or what?
3 months ago
But you have provided zero evidence for any of it.
3 months ago
How much of that is what technologists would consider "cloud" (IAAS, PAAS) versus what someone on the business side of things would consider "cloud" - office365, google gsuite, etc?
3 months ago
Given that AWS is doing $100B in annual revenue and still growing at 17% YoY ... and they do NOT have a collaboration suite (office/gsuite) - it'd say at least for AWS it's nearly all IaaS/PaaS.
3 months ago
It may not be as popular but they do have Amazon WorkDocs
> Amazon WorkDocs is a document storage, collaboration, and sharing system. Amazon WorkDocs is fully managed, secure, and enterprise scale.
3 months ago
I'd agree on IaaS/PaaS being the main driver. Id guess that everyone is running away from serverless offerings from all the main cloud providers. It's just day 1 lock in to a platform with no shared standards. It's very uncompetitive and kind of slow to innovate.
3 months ago
We’re migrating over a hundred apps to Azure App Service.
One has an issue with the platform-enforced HTTP timeout maximum values.
I migrated that app back to a VM in an hour.
It turns out that the “integration” for something like App Service (or CloudRun or whatever) is mostly just best practices for any kind of hosting: parameters read from environment variables, immutable binaries with external config, stateless servers, read only web app folders, monitoring with APMs, etc…
Sure, you’ll experience lockin if you use Durable Functions or the similar Lambda features… but no worse than any other workflow or business rules platform.
Ask people how easy it is to get off BizTalk or MuleSoft…
3 months ago
Amazon loves it when you run idle EC2 instances ($$$) rather than using Lambda.
Most real workloads I've seen (at 3 startups, and several teams at Amazon) have utilization under 10%.
3 months ago
That's really where you see that no answer is right across the board.
I worked at a very small startup years ago that leaned heavily on EC2. Our usage was pretty bipolar, the service was along the lines of a real-time game so we either had a very heavy work load or nothing. We stood up EC2 instances when games were lice and wound them down after.
We did use Lambda for a few things, mainly APIs that were rarely used or for processing jobs in an event queue.
Serverless has its place for sure, but in my experience it have been heavily over used the last 3-5 years.
3 months ago
I think the solution to that problem is usually to have fewer and smaller EC2 instances.
And you only need to get utilization up to like 15% to make reserved instances significantly better than lambda.
3 months ago
Not to naysay, any idea of that includes their own website? Just curious. I don’t az itself is the largest aws customer anymore.
3 months ago
I’d suspect there is significant growth of businesses acting as intermediaries for cloud storage. I think that other software providers have also realized that ransoming users data is a great way to extract predictable, hedge-fund-owner-pleasing revenue without performing useful work.
AEC software providers all do this. ProjectWise is worse than owning or renting a plain file server in every way I can imagine, yet every consultant in transportation dutifully cuts Bentley a five-figure check or larger every year so they can hold your project files hostage and pretend to develop software.
I pray for a merciful asteroid to end it all.
3 months ago
I’ve worked with a few organisations that I’d call “late adopters” to the cloud, and it’s rare for them to use IAAS or even PAAS. It’s all SAAS and serverless, and while they all say they’re doing devops it’s almost always clickops.
3 months ago
For Azure, all of it. Microsoft clumps Azure together with their server software (e.g. Windows Server, SQL Server) licensing when reporting the revenue, but give more fine-grained information on growth rates. This is the latter. (We also know the Azure business was already massive at $34 billion in 2022, since it got revealed during one of Microsoft's ongoing antitrust cases.)
For Google, I'm not aware of a reliable way of estimating the GCP vs. Workspace numbers. But they get asked it during earnings calls, and the answer has always been that the GCP growth is substantially faster than the Workspace growth.
3 months ago
Afaik, MSFT shows growth in Azure and Office as separate things during earning reports, so the % mentioned before is just Azure, and 31% is huge.
3 months ago
I sincerely doubt 37 signals has "a few dozen servers." Every company I've been in has a huge, sprawling cloud and that no one has governance over. New instances are stood up by individual teams in order to avoid bureaucratic delay, and these propagate indefinitely.
3 months ago
"In parallel, GEICO, one of the largest automotive insurers in the United States, is actively repatriating many workloads from the cloud as part of a comprehensive architectural overhaul."
Is GEICO a major enterprise
3 months ago
Per google, more than 30,000 employees, so I'd say enterprise-scale, sure. One of the biggest? No, but not tiny or even medium-sized.
3 months ago
Insurance companies tend to have far more capital than their employee numbers would suggest. Particularly Geico, who are famously cheap.
3 months ago
"Have" is an interesting word. Much of that capital is covering a bad year in Florida or California.
3 months ago
> Their Cloud exodus can't have been more than a few dozen servers, right?
"At the moment we have somewhere between 20-25 servers in each cab, or about 90 servers in each site. Here’s what the rack layout looks like in Chicago, for instance."
- https://dev.37signals.com/37signals-datacenter-overview/
Their "server count" is definitely much higher than what you are thinking.
3 months ago
aws and other hyperscalers will keep growing, no doubt. Public cloud adoption is at around 20%. So the new companies that migrate into the cloud will keep the growth going. That doesn't deny the fact that some might be repatriating though. Especially ones that couldn't get the benefits out of the cloud.
3 months ago
One thing I've seen in every startup I've been in over the last decade is that cloud asset management is relatively poor. Now I'm not certain that enterprise is better or worse, but ultimately when I think back 10+ years ago resources were finite. With that limitation came self-imposed policing of utilization.
Looking at cloud infrastructure today it is very easy for organizations to lose sight on production vs frivolous workloads. I happen to work for an automation company that has cloud infrastructure monitoring deployed such that we get notified about the resources we've deployed and can terminate workloads via ChatOps. Even though I know that everyone in the org is continuously nagged about these workloads I still see tons of resources deployed that I know are doing nothing or could be commingled on an individual instance. But, since the cloud makes it easy to deploy we seem to gravitate towards creating a separation of work efforts by just deploying more.
This is/was rampant in every organization I've been a part of for the last decade with respect to cloud. The percentage of actual required, production workloads in a lot of these types of accounts is, I'd gather, less than 50% in many cases. And so I really do wonder how many organizations are just paying the bill. I would gather the Big cloud providers know this based on utilization metrics and I wonder how much cloud growth is actually stagnant workloads piling up.
3 months ago
The major corps I've worked in that did cloud migrations spent so much time on self-sabotage.
Asset management is always poor, but thats half because control over assets ends up being wrestled away from folks by "DevOps" or "SREs" making K8S operators that just completely fuck up the process. The other half is because they also want "security controls" and ensure that all the devs can't see any billing information. How can I improve costs if I can't tell you the deltas between this month and last?
3 months ago
Yep. Developers leave and when they go, dev resources are often left running. Sometimes, it is whole environments. This junk adds up.
3 months ago
> That doesn't seem compatible with any kind of major cloud repatriation trend.
Agreed. I don't think this is a real trend, at least not right now.
Also, fwiw, I'm really not a fan of these types of articles that identify like a small handful of people or organizations doing something different and calling it a "trend".
3 months ago
Submarine like articles trying to create a trend I suppose.
3 months ago
37 Signals has enterprise scale influence in some software development circles.I’m no fan of them but they have it right on this one.
Revolutions cannot start huge, they must start small.
3 months ago
> Azure at 33%
Forcing people to use OneDrive surely has an effect. /s