Small3dlib: Suckless PD 3D software rasterizer

211 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by flykespice



10 hours ago

The other repos from this person are also worth checking:



10 hours ago

Also worth nothing that this person is an open pedophilia advocate and "race realist" as can be seen on their homepage

Can't speak for the quality of the software but important to note.


10 hours ago

I was about to flag this comment but... yikes. You're right. Super awkward.

"I immediately turn off any documentary where a woman starts talking as a "scientist"." - what the hell.


6 hours ago

  > I no longer use 4chan (in fact I'm banned)
Well. That says something.


7 hours ago

"Some things I like: [...]

    - *n-word*
    - objectifying women
    - weak women
    - stalking"


10 hours ago

Wow, this harkens back to the dark corners of the old Internet, where people posted whatever they felt like because nobody was ever going to find it. I'm not sure which one it is, but this guy is definitely on a spectrum.

The likes and dislikes section is quite a trip.


10 hours ago

“What, they have to be exaggerating.”

2 minutes later, I noped out of there. I want nothing to do with this person.


5 hours ago

> important to note

Why is that important? The guy surely has controversial opinions but you’re not supporting them by importing his rasteriser, is it?


4 hours ago

It's the association. Things vary in value to us depending the brand it portrays. This is why people pay $150 for Nike shoes despite them being made by the same kids in the same sweatshop as the $10 Primark runners.

It's also why initiatives like ReiserFS died after its creator turned out to be a murderer.

As humans we're always looking for things that align with our values and "tribe". Maybe it shouldn't be that way and we should judge each product purely on its merits but for most of us it's just how we are.


an hour ago

People never seem to apply this to the arts.

People still use Eric Gill's fonts (sexually abused his kids), they put on plays by Oscar Wilde (who was definitely a sex tourist and the descriptions in letters makes it fairly clear the boys were underage), several murderers are admired for their works:

I would not want to work with this guy, but using his code is not the same. I suspect if ReiserFs had been more successful it would have been forked rather than died after the murder conviction.

THis guy also sounds like he has severe mental health problems or is trolling: "I am physically the most disgusting form of existence that ever lived, I am so ugly people vomit when they merely see me. I can't even buy a prostitute no matter how much I would pay."


3 hours ago

Reading a bit their LRS wiki made me think that it's another case of a perhaps very good programmer but with some kind of mental disorder, which certainly modify how I would approach their software (trustworthiness, long term evolution and support...).


3 hours ago

Not only that, but also hating on memory safety (for no reason at all) is just dumb. Most of his software is just simple projects, except maybe this, it's definitely not something I'd use in my day to day life.

My opinion on him is the same as my opinion on Terry Davis (if he would contribute to Linux (or other FOSS projects, instead of making his own useless TempleOS), he would leave a way better legacy)


2 hours ago

> hating on memory safety (for no reason at all) is just dumb (and another sign of his mental illness).

Hah, this has to be peak HN, hating on memory safety is now a mental illness :)

What's next, not liking static typing means you suffer from mental illness too?


an hour ago

I agree with your sentiment - and I apologize, I've since revised my comment.

Hating on memory safety as a concept is pretty cognitively dissonant for a programmer (and in this case [& many others], cognitive dissonance is a sign of some underlying mental illness). Memory safety is something a programmer should strive to achieve 100%.

Not only that, but static typing is absolutely unrelated to memory safety. (How can you even compare these two concepts???)


an hour ago

Depends on the use case, while you care about it when writing software for use on modern systems, low level programming on something where you can have unrestricted access to, for example, all of its 1024 bytes of address space at once can be fun too

But of course appreciating this doesn't equal "hating memory safety"


29 minutes ago

I agree with you.

He's conflating memory safety with languages that provide memory safety (by which I think he means Rust, as that's another thing listed in his "disliked" things list) - that's what I feel is the dumbest about this. For me, this seems like the most of his code is riddled with use-after-free, double-free, not freeing etc. bugs. He may be intelligent, but if his intelligence goes to no use (besides making random C side projects..), it is not worth it. Also he claims he was a member of Mensa, no comment on that one.


2 hours ago

Sucks for this guy that his mental disorders aren't in vogue, eh?


4 hours ago

Nazism and pedophilia are controversial???


4 hours ago

Not all racists are nazis.


7 hours ago

A lot of crazy stuff on there, but Privacy is censorship threw me for a loop.

I haven’t heard that one before


10 hours ago

> open pedophilia advocate and "race realist"

Damn, what a combo... if HN had default link colors, I'd say that one stays blue


2 hours ago

Also self-professed extreme left. I suspected they would turn out like this, now I have a proof.


7 hours ago

woah the guy was banned on 4chan is there a hall of fame for "fires too hot for hell"?


6 hours ago

Looks like that guy got lost a little in his life, I'm asking myself if he can be helped somehow? And if so then how?


6 hours ago

On an individual level - no, I don't think so, at least not easily. One can't be helped if they don't want to, or don't see a reason why they would need help. Successful therapy is 99% your own work, a therapist will help you find the door but it's you who must take the step.

On social level, we need to call out this sort of viewpoint/behaviour, and make it clear it's beyond unacceptable. Then it's up to the individual to decide if they want to reintegrate with society (which would be predicated on seeking help).


5 hours ago

This is what I have learned after working with some really crazy people:

1. Show them some love, even if they don't deserve it

2. Don't be combative or argumentative. If the guy believes earth is flat, don't try to change his mind. But be open on where you stand and don't try to pretend sharing some of his views just to please him.

May not work on everyone and some folks are just evil, but I think many crazy dudes out there are just alone and have really bad social skills.


4 hours ago

> One can't be helped if they don't want to, or don't see a reason why they would need help.

It appears to me he does see a reason why he'd need help. Some statements from his site:

> I am quite lonely

> I am physically the most disgusting form of existence that ever lived, I am so ugly people vomit when they merely see me.

> I am impossible to be loved romantically

> I am largely scared of falling in love.

He appears to have significant social and self-esteem issues. He recognizes that.

I assume the lonelyness he has to deal with is the core reason for why he developed such extreme views.

Since he recognizes these issues it appears to be quite realistic for him to learn to normally engage with society again. I think he can be helped.

Now, as to how someone who's cut off from society and doesn't posess basic social skills can learn to socialize again, I don't know. Therapy perhaps, but that's a difficult step to take.


6 hours ago

> but important to note.

Not sure why. Terry Davis made incredible software and his disability made it more exceptional. Being a weirdo doesn't make code better or worse. I wouldn't want my kids going to a school run by this person, but who cares about who writes interesting code.


4 hours ago

He also likes "trolling" and "Flat Earth"; this all might still be second degree, however distasteful. I mean, "I am physically the most disgusting form of existence that ever lived", seriously.

If so, then people reacting so strongly — even negatively — would play into his hands. Hence the old age saying, "thou shall not feed the troll". He might even get one of those "very generous one time donation" thanks to all that attention.


8 hours ago

He is also the maintainer of a web browser whose specification seems to be ‘to leave as little trace as possible in the event of a police raid’, which is pretty suspicious.


5 hours ago

This is from his homepage. This dude is weird af. Certainly gives off some pedo incel vibes.

>Since I've been banned from Wikipedia, here are some non-sexual, completely legal PHOTOS OF NAKED CHILDREN, hosted by Wikipedia itself: 1, 2, 3, 4. Please stop being afraid of nudity.


>Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and is completely natural, it is not a disorder, it should be morally and legally accepted.


>Censorship is always wrong, possesion and sharing of any kind of information, including any type of pornography, has to be legal and moral.


>I am quite lonely, if you want to FUCK let me know please (but I've never done it yet).

What in the fuck lol


3 hours ago

Dude is the king of incels. What I see is a lot of "I'm lonely" on the page, but at the same time he lives out in the woods and has the kind of personality that made this page. Dude would probably benefit greatly from some dude taking him under his wing and getting him cleaned up inside and out, but that is a huge task for anybody to consider. This guy is really far gone at this point.


2 hours ago

He extensively talks a ton about pedophilia. He for sure is a pedo.




The reason he was banned from Wikipedia is noted as:

>Reason: WP:CHILDPROTECT: advocating defiance of "arbitrary law-imposed age limits" regarding sex & the legalization of child pornography at [] (page on a personal website that is linked openly on userpage.) History of on-wiki pedophile-coded conduct as well.


2 hours ago

> He extensively talks a ton about pedophilia. He for sure is a pedo.

I'm not sure why there is any doubt, "child nudity" is literally filed under "Some things I like" on his website. Not sure anyone needs any further evidence.


7 hours ago

Your home can be raided for, say, running a Tor node, and you best believe they'll be looking for anything to charge you with because that's their job. I don't see anything wrong with this one.

Fun fact: having nmap installed on your computer is illegal in Germany.


6 hours ago

Fun fact: having nmap installed on your computer is illegal in Germany.

That does not sound right and I am unable to find any source for that claim.

EDIT: Nmap might fall under § 202c STGB [1] and »verschaffen« (obtain) probably does not even require installing it, downloading it would probably be sufficient. But my non-lawyer interpretation would be that this only applies if you are doing it for the purpose of a crime as it starts with »Wer eine Straftat nach § 202a oder § 202b vorbereitet, indem er [...]« (Who prepares a criminal act according to § 202a or § 202b by [...]).


6 hours ago

Fun fact: I operated a TOR node for a while (not an exit node). It was in a datacenter and I mostly got yelled at because the IP was flagged as malicious outbound and the reputation of the IP range was degraded. I stopped the node but I still have the IP adress which is still inaccessible to most office workers years after ;-).

At no time did I think that I was risking jail time if my computer was seized. I'm lucky enough to live in a democratic country and I have a clean conscience.

There are two main types of people who are interested in TOR, the defence of privacy and the development of privacy protection software:

- Those who think about the situation of homosexuals and journalists in countries where they risk the death penalty or life imprisonment. Police state, government overreach, woman health, etc...

- Those who live in democratic countries but have a lot to hide.

The two populations coexist but do not mix.


4 hours ago

Interesting, I thought that only exit nodes carry a reputation risk. I guess there must be some really zealous scrapers who ban middle nodes based on the public list.


3 hours ago

Entry nodes also run a big reputational risk. A number of list providers filter them. Many organisations want to prevent their users from accessing TOR to bypass filtering or exfiltrate data.


2 hours ago

I’ve seen quite a few instances of excellent art produced by people whom I would classify as extremely abominable, so I think we should eat the fish, throw out the bones here.

He’s quite the specimen, though. Wow. I remember reading stuff by crazy people on the old internet some years ago, he sure would fit right in.


7 hours ago

I would consider personal non-technical idealoligies of the author of this code are off topic.


9 hours ago

So disgusting that you should probably drop `https://` to make it not directly linked. I'm not only talking about "usual" stuffs, but he also overlaps with Terry A. Davis to me in the way that they are technically proficient and have potential to make a great thing but still remain very terrible as a person...


9 hours ago

Terry A. Davis had a mental illness, so it is a bit unfair to claim that he was very terrible as a person.

If someone breaks a leg, they may be unable to walk, but may walk again when they are cured. It does not make them a non-walker as a person.

I think the distinction between illness and identity is important.


6 hours ago

Also, was Davis that hateful? Haven't followed him, and what I know from him is mostly anecdotal, but apart from some slurs he mostly did long weird God and CIA unhinged posts, but not active hate edgelord stuff like what I see from this guy.


5 hours ago

Take a look at some of his HN accounts (like and judge yourself if it's hateful or not.

Some would say the hateful language came only because of his disease, others the disease only added to existing behavior. Hard to know from the outside without really knowing him I'd say.


2 hours ago

For anyone else curious, you have to go into your HN settings and change showdead to YES in order to see all the majority of his Comments. Only two show up if not.


4 hours ago

Ah well, not great. I didn't know his HN accounts, I think I mostly read his site for TempleOS and something else (can't remember, it was long time ago so this was mostly a gut feeling).

It's true it feels like it comes from a different place, but yep, not great.


6 hours ago

He never struck me as a cruel person, maybe a bit callous, and definitely very sick.


7 hours ago

How do you know the drummyfish person doesn't have a mental illness either? Arguably most personality "quirks" are caused by either some medical issue or events in childhood, some of which can be addressed as an adult and "sorted out", but some of which cannot.

It's entirely possible that drummyfish is a victim of some childhood trauma, which is likely easier to get into control than severe schizophrenia in the case of Terry Davis.

To be clear I totally agree with you, but I am arguing that you never quite know where illness ends and identity starts and we should try to attribute less bad behavior to identity for everyone.


8 hours ago

I mean, not exactly his fault but most people would still find it difficult to deal with him anyway.

On the other hand, I'm actually less concerned about the identity stuff. I'm much more concerned about how he represents himself and makes multiple conflicting statements without any context in public. I don't want to judge how minor-attracted people should be considered in the society because I honestly have no idea, but the modern society at least in principle requires some tolerance in the value system and I can see absolutely no such evidence from the website. Never good for his identity even if we can accept that.


5 hours ago

>Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and is completely natural, it is not a disorder, it should be morally and legally accepted.

Dude is a pedo


8 hours ago

I just skimmed it, but to my mind and judging only by the few sample texts I red, it seems that it’s really someone who suffers extreme loneliness and try to put "pure logic without conscious will to make suffer anyone" to some extreme reaching thus some bizarre conclusion.

I mean, when I see people making video of themselves stating "ĉiuj nigraj devas morti, vivu Hitler" ("all nigers must die, viva Hitler" in Esperanto) in some easily accessible Telegram channels, it feels like a far harder case of "Ok, this person is really on a wrong track, how can I help steer them to a saner state of mind?".

Also consider this: who is the most dangerous, someone like this person who publish without filter what is in their mind, or some sociopath making political plots through lies all day through promising consensual bullshits and ready to use all forms of violence to achieve their secret egoist goals?


6 hours ago

I don't think anyone is personally scared, just not someone they want to follow or associate with.


3 hours ago

Race realism died long ago when education mattered far most than genetics, at least on behaviour.

- African tribe culture not used to give playtime/talk to kids when they are babies: behavioural problems raise at adulthood.

- Western world used to it, no matter the class or money: potentially good adulthood.

The problem is that the wealthy class didn't like to have educated citizens in Africa; but a brute workforce, like donkeys, to get nearly free raw goods.


12 hours ago

I know nothing of this topic, but it sure looks neat.

A few features that are great to see are:

- No dynamic heap allocation.

- No dependencies

- C99

Maybe it’s time for me to learn something new.


8 hours ago

There is something so satisfying about software written in C99 with this style/philosophy. This program has just the right amount of complexity. This is an art that needs to come back into style.


6 hours ago

Lua is written in C89, perhaps a good example of that.


4 hours ago

I implore you all to read the coder's website, This is one of the craziest rabbit holes I've been through. That being said, the guy sure can code, but judging by the website and its content, he can't AT ALL function in a normal society. His "wiki" is a cesspool of cognitive dissonance. I don't even think flat earthers or other anti-system people have that much cognitive dissonance going on. In short - this guy is as if someone took the worst opinions from a left-wing person and the worst opinions from a right-wing person. I hope he can get treated for whatever condition he has and live normally. I feel sorry for him.


an hour ago

Yeah, I'll just throw this here seeing as the other main thread on here is so long - his website _is_ wild, and I'm not prepared or willing to go through and figure out where all we agree and disagree. BUT, the linked library is public domain, and the dude's website specifically says he's against forced attribution [0], so one should feel completely free to use the library and his other projects without even mentioning the author.

[0] "Attribution mustn't be forced and the requirement of attribution (e.g. by a license) is inherently wrong."


3 hours ago

Also he is afraid of women. Come on, most scientists, mathematicians and programmers would love to have a smart and curious partner.


an hour ago

My point exactly! (Well not only being afraid of them, but also being a fan of them being objectified and generally being treated as less..)

In his case, being (mostly) straight (taken from his website) means being doomed from ever having a partner - if he dislikes the gender he's attracted the most to.


11 hours ago

Note that it’s not by “Suckless (TM)”. I.e. not affiliated to


5 hours ago

I think at this point "suckless" (as a quality) is pretty much understood in the same way as "free software", and firmly distinct from " e.V." or "Free Software Foundation".


4 hours ago

I assumed it was, so I appreciated the distinction


10 hours ago

This is very cool and a very impressive effort.

I want to discuss though if "real" 3D is the right solution for such constrained platforms. The aliasing is quite extreme due to large pixels and lack of filtering. A more constrained 3D renderer or faking 3D with billboards may be better suited for these platforms. Then the aliasing can make it look more like pixel art than the unstructured noise a real render gives.


10 hours ago

“ The aliasing is quite extreme ”

One interesting thing in becoming a graphics expert and discussing graphics with non-graphicsprogrammers, is that many don’t care about aliasing.

Aliasing in sound is usually painfully untolerable. It does not seem to be like that in graphics.

Based on this, I dont’t think aliasing is a technical critical fault - it should be considered a specific aesthetic IMHO. As long as people can perceive the shape of the geometry information displayed, it’s ‘fit for purpose’.

If one is rendering in constrained environments I’m fairly sure they’ve made peace with the platform limitations.

(I’m not arguing for aliasing, just that in many practical cases it does not actually matter)


9 hours ago

> it should be considered a specific aesthetic IMHO

Case in point, in a 3D platform/adventure game i made back in 2020 for an MSDOS game jam[0], the rasterizer has intentional "flaws" - like lack of subpixel and subtexel accuracy, no zbuffering and no perspective correction (and perhaps unintuitively, the last two actually made the whole renderer more complex) because i had in my mind a specific "glitchy" look. Adding those would be trivial (and probably speed up the rendering a bit on 90s hardware), but things like the wavy lines (as seen in the first shot) and "trembling" vertices are intentional.

Similarly when i ported the game to use 3D hardware APIs, i went for full bilinear filtering because i wanted that 90s "just ported our SW 3D game to use 3dfx" style that a lot of 90s 3D games had (and FWIW the game also runs on an actual Voodoo 1 too[1] :-P). Though i do know some people dislike it so i added an option to disable it.




2 hours ago

> Aliasing in sound is usually painfully untolerable. It does not seem to be like that in graphics.

It's tolerable in graphics in many cases, but becomes painfully obvious when the spatial frequency of some model approaches the pixel grid's frequency, and you get very distracting Moiré patterns.


But I guess in 3D rendering you deal with this differently, probably. You probably don't want to spend resources on painting model details that are half a pixel in size, so they get entirely culled, instead of causing any Moiré problems.


11 hours ago

Like below, I’m not the target market outside this is interesting enough for me to maybe considering for a project I’m playing with. I love the old school graphics.


11 hours ago

Definitely had to read that subject line twice.


8 hours ago

Sometimes you just want to show things, without showing things off..


3 hours ago

Sadly, I'm getting Terry Davis vibes from this particular developer. I hope they seek help.