Brainfuck Enterprise Solutions

222 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by linkdd



6 hours ago

Wow, would love to adopt this on our infra! Just one teensy problem - legal's a bit worried about the name. Would you consider renaming BF? Maybe Brainfriend?


3 hours ago

Of course this post is written in jest but fck-nat is useful enough that adult organizations adopt it despite the name, as an actual example of “profane but useful software that jumps over the wall of corporate use”. It helps that the specific use case it’s built for is something you usually only run into when you have corporate level spend on AWS


6 hours ago

Maybe BE. Brain Excellence.

Also, do you have a PowerPoint explaining how to setup a Center of Excellence?


5 hours ago

Imagine changing Python's name, that doesn't make sense, and as you said, it's a very small problem that should be ignored.


5 hours ago

How about bellyfuck? or brainfart?


3 hours ago

Stuff like this is a breath of fresh air: real hacker vibes. The best memes (like all the best hacker stuff) are high-effort, somewhere between kinda funny and outright satire, technically nontrivial, and delivered deadpan.

Top kek.


3 hours ago

++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++. >-.------------.<++++++++.--------.+++.------.--------.<+++++. >+++++.<<.>----.++.>+++++++.<<.----.<++.>-.<+.+++..---.<.>--.<. <.>-----.>+++++.---------.>++++++++.---------.>+++++.-------.<. >--.<+++++.<<.>--.+++.>++++.-------.<<.---.<++.---.+++.<++.+++. >----.>+.>+++.<---.>-.<<.>>---.++++.-------.<+.<<.>+++++++.<<--. >+.>+++.<--.++++.<-.>>----.<<.>>++++.<<----.>>+++++++.<<---. >-.<+++++++.>>-----.<<.>>+++.<<--.>>----.<+++.<---.>>+++++.<-.>.<.


5 hours ago

Who in their right mind would choose brainfuck for enterprise solutions, over befunge?


4 hours ago

You can't discount the need to keep your hiring pipeline full to replace the people whose RSUs have cliffed.

Befunge, like Rust, is impossible to hire for, so nobody uses it, which means nobody has experience, which means it's impossible to hire for, so it's a bad idea to use it. BrainFuck has been around for decades and its problems can be avoided by just hiring sufficiently-talented developers.


an hour ago

Funny thing about Rust. I use it for a few small projects. I have advocated for it on a current work project in part because it makes sense for a few reasons. I had planned on it, an advisor (small startup) recommended it, so myself as a mid experience and two people more junior in their career, are writing Rust.

As I said, I have used Rust for multiple unrelated to this task thing. Had various versions of our planned project working. Then I revisited it and made it more Rust-like. It literally looks like I've done nothing since I through a lot of things out.

It's fun to learn.


4 hours ago

This is excellent for my needs! My company needs to migrate from INTERCAL and now I am convinced that Brainfuck is perfect for the job!


4 hours ago

I miss this from the Internet early times. The Church of the SubGenius, IOCCC, Phrack Magazine, The Tao of Programming, ...


13 minutes ago

I think POC||GTFO carries on some of the spirit of those times.


6 hours ago

We are committed to keeping the Brainfuck community healthy -- best sentence ever


6 hours ago

Like a joke that's just gone on a little too long.


6 hours ago

After visiting the link I was surprised to find out this wasn’t about SharePoint.


5 hours ago

-[>--<-------]> 110 > ++++[>+++++<-]>+ pop 20 so 0 0 0 70 0 '20' 0 0 0 [[>>[>]+[<]<-]<]< create array of x 1's [>>>>[ {"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"} >]<[<]<<<{"-------------------------------------------------------"}] copy left val to all Rval >>>>[->]<[<]< <+++ +++ +++ +++ pop 12 so 0 0 0 '12' 0 110's nilterm [->> >H--->a->p >p >y+ > ------ >B---->i>r>t>h>d->a->y+ > ------ >t >o > ------ >Y-- >o>u [<] <<] >> >H-- >a- >p++ >p++ >y- > ------ >B++++>i----->r++++>t++++++>h------>d++>a->y- > ------>t++++++>o+> ------>Y+++>o+>u+++++++ [<]< +++ [- >>[.>].<[<]<]


7 hours ago

brainfuck is truly the language of the gods


5 hours ago

posting codegolf'd brainfuck on stackexchange was a pivotable moment in my life

i was zen


4 hours ago

I'm just glad I lived to see this.


an hour ago

I take your point - it does have a saving grace, after all.


3 hours ago

Something straight out of Cyberpunk2077


an hour ago

That's the stupidest shit I ever heard lol


5 hours ago

Irritating when people try to draw our attention to otherwise banal things by exploiting the shock value of swearing.

People that swear liberally in everyday conversation irritate me intensely.


9 minutes ago

The High Court of Australia ruled that swearing isn't by itself offensive. So I s'pose you're shit out of luck if you cross our border.


4 hours ago

People who get uptight about swearing irritate me. I understand getting upset about racial slurs or other actually loaded language, but getting upset about the word "fuck" but not "sex" is just making up things to be upset about.


5 hours ago

> Brainfuck is an example of a so-called Turing tarpit: it can be used to write any program, but it is not practical to do so, because it provides so little abstraction that the programs get very long or complicated. While Brainfuck is fully Turing complete, it is not intended for practical use, but to challenge and amuse programmers.[3][4] Brainfuck requires one to break commands into microscopic steps.


5 hours ago

Brainfuck isn't exploiting the shock value of swearing--it's accurately describing the experience of using it.


3 hours ago

Yes. That's true in most cases but let them youn uns have some fun will ya!


5 hours ago

Conversely, people who get all pearl clutchy about their poor, sensitive wittle ears when I swear irritate the shit out of me. We're not in elementary school, adults say fuck and that's ok.


5 hours ago

Well shit, seems like there’s no talking to you about Brainfuck then.