One Year of Rust in Production

7 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by skwee357



2 hours ago

> Compile time is still PITA

This is Rust's Achilles heel and has been since almost day one. Once a project is at a nontrivial scale, it really starts to weight it down. I'm working on a Rust/C++/QT QML desktop app and I've spent the last week refactoring my crates/libraries so I can split them off as shared libraries that can be built independently, otherwise even incremental builds can take minutes. Thankfully there are some crates to make a stable ABI and dynamic reload.

> LLMs rarely help with a proper solution, as most of the packages are kind of niche.

This has also bitten me quite a bit but at the same time, I've been impressed with what Claude 3.5 and o1-preview have been able to do with Rust even with niche libraries like cxx-qt - a relatively new library with little in the training data. A lot of stuff like writing Rust implementations of QAbstractListModel works really well when given the right context (like an example implementation of another list model).

LLMs have also been a boon for writing macros, both macro_rules and proc macros.


14 minutes ago

Code generation isn't the fastest, but you can iterate with `cargo check`


27 minutes ago

# If it compiles, it runs # And when it runs, it’s very stable

Modula-2 40 years ago. The ship had strong bones to build upon a long time ago, but alas, C. The tyranny of the masses.