A flight search engine that combines flights from different airlines? (2014)

61 pointsposted 15 hours ago
by beatthatflight



13 hours ago

It's called "virtual interlining".

The startup I co-founded (Adioso - YC W09 [1]) tried to do it, including having discussions with a travel insurance provider about offering "layover protection" - so that if one leg was delayed causing you to miss your onward leg(s), your costs are covered. Kiwi.com does this now.

We worked on it from about 2008 till 2013 then basically gave up, as it was too hard to offer a service that customers could really love and trust. (It wasn't for nought; the technology we developed was valuable, and the company was able to rebrand and pivot and now does important work for airlines to optimise loads and fares [2], though I left when the rebrand/pivot happened).

The thing that makes it hard to do is it's basically impossible to get all the flight inventory, including fares and seat availability, that's complete and up-to-date enough to deliver a service that customers can trust.

The engineering challenge is one thing - solving a multi-dimensional travelling salesman problem (price and distance/duration) highly repetitively - but you can solve that with enough smart engineers and "compute", which ITA did in the early 2000s, and on a smaller scale, our team did a decade later.

But you could build the most beautiful routing engine the universe has ever seen, and still have a user experience that's kind-of garbage because the industry just keeps the flight inventory data so locked down.

These days there are APIs and feeds available from the major distribution platforms - Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport, but it's still not comprehensive. You often still need to negotiate individual agreements with major airlines in order to be able to publish and sell their fares. And even then, many of the low-cost airlines (which are often most of interest to travellers who want to find the cheapest route and deal with self-transfer) are not available through these distributors, and some, like Southwest, have blanket refused to be on 3rd party search sites, only starting to relax that position very recently and only with the dominant platform [3]. Kiwi.com has only recently come to a partnership agreement with Ryanair [4] after being in legal battle with them for years [5]. (I hate the thought of having to be at war with your most important partners).

Others have mentioned Skyscanner, which was always the closest to us in what we were each trying to offer (we talked briefly with them about being acquired by them).

Right from the beginning when we got funded for Adioso, my mind became fixated on the thought "if only you get every single flight in the world loaded into one big graph database, what could you do with it?", but it turned out to be a very big "if".

[1] https://techcrunch.com/2010/08/31/adioso/

[2] https://amadeus.com/en/blog/articles/creating-a-private-resa...

[3] https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffwhitmore/2024/05/25/southw...

[4] https://media.kiwi.com/company-news/kiwi-com-and-ryanair-ann...

[5] https://www.travolution.com/news/kiwi.com-celebrates-three-w...


4 hours ago

> Kiwi.com does this now.

Sorta, the real pain point is if anything needs changing on any of your tickets, it's a total PITA. I value 'less hassle' more than I do saving 5-20% of the airfare. For me Kiwi (and other middlemen like it) are a hard 'No'.


an hour ago

This is true when going through any third party portal for either flights or hotels.

No reasonable amount of savings is enough to convince us to ever use a third party portal.

My wife and I travel a lot as a hobby - mostly domestically with one or two international trips a year - and something is statistically going to change between the time we book and the time we fly on at least one of our trips.

It’s a lot easier to make changes directly with the airline/hotel especially when you have status than going through a portal

Just last month we had a flight to Vegas + hotel over Labor Day that we changed at the last minute to go see my mother in law who had been taken to the hospital by our older (adult) son. We were able to change our flights to another city (ATL instead of LAS) as an even swap.

This was Delta airlines.

Then two hours later we found out she had Covid and decided against it and were able to call and change our flight back all without any change in fees and get our hotel reservation back.

Good luck doing that when booking through a portal.


2 hours ago

Is this the real Aviato?


an hour ago

Seems likely if you imagine the producers just looked at an alphabetically sorted list of YC companies for name ideas.


an hour ago

I loved Adioso! I used it all the time to find great deals in Europe. Thank you for building it!


an hour ago

I love hearing this! Makes it all worth it. Thanks for sharing :)


6 hours ago

I enjoyed Adioso back in the day. Found lots of cheap flights.


5 hours ago

Great to hear! Thanks for saying so.

I still hope to rebuild it one day but only when I can do it as a passion project. You can’t make a living from a site like that.


10 minutes ago

Why not? People make a living from Amazon affiliation websites. Don't the flight companies have the similar programs?


2 hours ago

The last few times I used Skyscanner, I was disappointed because their "database" was outdated. When I clicked on a flight from the search results, it took me to the airline's website, which then showed a higher price. Often, there's no official fare from the airline, and Skyscanner lists prices from third-party providers I don't really trust.

I'm finding Google Flights more reliable these days.


9 hours ago

Why would airlines even want penny pinching customers to snag the best deals via a third party?

At the very least it would make more sense to let their own frequent flyers snag such deals.


6 hours ago

It’s an ongoing tension. Direct bookings are ideal but are only adequate if your brand awareness and loyalty is strong, like AA and Southwest. To whatever extent that’s not the case, you need to be available via partners/agencies and on metasearch sites in order to be found.

Our pitch to airlines when we were trying to establish partnerships with them was that we could find flexible travelers to fill seats that would otherwise be empty, and we had unique ways of doing that (which is why the company was able to pivot to enterprise), but we weren’t strong enough for them to feel the need to partner with us (and they don’t want to help a small player grow into a big player).

Flight revenue optimization is an art and science at least as old as industry deregulation, and funnily enough is now something my old company is providing a lot of help with. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em as they say.


6 hours ago

Same reason they offer deals in the first place, price discrimination and yield management.


2 hours ago

But that's exactly the opposite of what is happening - allowing third parties to construct itineraries that compete with the ones that are being sold by the airlines results in a competitor; not an enabler; for yield management purposes.


8 hours ago

One reason I could see is to keep perceived price level for the frequent flyers. If they don't see best deals they won't expect those. And the hardcore deal hunters are not loyal to you or your brand.

Giving frequent flyers very good deals make them expect them, thus not be so willing to pay "regular" price.


3 hours ago

They could easily position it as a reward for loyalty for FFs who spent more than $X in the last calendar year with them.

The loyalty reward in this case would be treating virtual interlining tickets as if they were an actual interlined ticket.


2 hours ago

Virtual interlining is really dangerous model for them and their brand. It basically means that they would be reliant on someone else without any guarantees in case there is delays or problems.

And with different alliances they already have fully functional interlining model. So trying to extend outside this is not beneficial for them.


42 minutes ago

Those flyers don’t care. Most frequent flyers are using other people’s money (business travelers) or are not price conscience.

We don’t even compare prices for domestic flights and we fly a lot on our own dime (15x-20x+ a year since mid 2021). We instinctively just book Delta where we have status and lounge access.


an hour ago

Once an airline schedules a flight, each additional passenger is 0 marginal cost.

Besides the people who have high status with an airline are usually price insensitive business travelers.

The people who aren’t penny pinching customers who do fly often on their own dime are either going to pay for business class or first class seats or are going to get auto upgrades for free once they book. At least that’s how it works on Delta.

They surely aren’t going to sully themselves by sitting in the “cattle class”.

For instance, Delta releases cheap economy seats to their partners like Virgin and KLM. I routinely book short flights between MCO (Orlando - current home) and ATL (former home) all of the time for 5500 points via KLM/AirFrance to fly Delta (cash price $230 one way) and to see my parents in small town south GA (MCO - ATL - ABY) for 8500 points (cash price one way $358).

The tickets that Delta releases to partners are the least desirable times and they take away even tho use three weeks before the flight because they can jack up prices.

As an example, there are at least 15 flights a day between MCO and ATL on Delta. Three of those flights may be available on KLM or Virgin


8 hours ago

To fill empty seats ? Still better than nothing


4 hours ago

People say this, and yet we see vacancy everywhere all the time.


3 hours ago

The last ~10 times I've flown have been completely maxed flights. I can't remember the last time I saw an open seat anywhere.


2 hours ago

Yep, post-covid it seems like airlines are favoring fewer flights that are more packed. I don't fly a lot (couple times a year), but when I do, it's very rare to see a flight that is not at least 95% full.


an hour ago

Yeah, for the routes I've flown over the last 5-10 years, significant numbers of empty seats are very much the exception rather than the rule, and it got worse post-covid.


3 hours ago

Eventually there just isn't someone who wants to go at any price, but the airplane still needs to fly.


14 hours ago

Happy to see ITA software mentioned in the comments: https://matrix.itasoftware.com/search

I still have fond memories of their legendary (pre-leetcode) coding challenges [0] posted on the T (they also hosted the Boston Lisp users group in the early 2000s which was filled with mind-blowingly incredibly brilliant people, everyone there seemed to be an expert in software and had a PhD in some other, non-related field)

Having worked a bit in the travel industry, I highly recommend that you never book through a third party (by all means use their search). Third party apps are not allowed by airlines to charge less than the airline and typically have abysmal customer service, and I can assure you any "add-ons" offered by a third party are ultimately a scam.

0. https://github.com/mattbraz/ita-puzzles


13 hours ago

> Third party apps are not allowed by airlines to charge less than the airline

Technically true in that they can't undercut the airline on the same fare class.

But there are many different fare classes and some of them are only offered via 3rd parties, so you can often get much better deals via e.g., Expedia than you can by going direct to the airline.

Just this year my family flew Melbourne-Madrid then Milan-Melbourne, both legs on Cathay, but this route was only available on Expedia (and maybe other OTAs too, I don't remember) - all I know was that it was impossible to even search for this route on Cathay's own website. We didn't have any issues, but if we did I don't know if I'd worry about Expedia's customer service being much worse than an airline's own service.


10 hours ago

> We didn't have any issues, but if we did I don't know if I'd worry about Expedia's customer service being much worse than an airline's own service.

The problem (speaking as someone who has to deal with Travel Agents many, many times) is that Expedia will say it's Cathay's problem, and Cathay will refuse to speak to you and tell you it's Expedia's problem.


2 hours ago

This has happened to me so many times with both flights and hotels. Now I very rarely book through third parties (only search) unless the discounted rate is compelling enough.

It just happened to me 2 weeks ago. I booked a resort in Cancun through Chase Travel at a heavily-discounted rate and made an error in booking, for one person versus needing two. Chase said they couldn't change it and to call the resort, their middle agency said they couldn't change it, and the resort said they couldn't change it and to call the agent! It eventually got fixed after hours of calling and essentially pleading.


2 hours ago

Who was the one who eventually was able to change it?


13 hours ago

> Third party apps are not allowed by airlines to charge less than the airline

How come I regularly see third-party OTAs offer the same itineraries cheaper than the airline then?

Sometimes there's a mystery fee added just before payment, but not nearly always – and I've flown such itineraries once or twice myself (if the difference was significant and I was absolutely certain I wouldn't need any change or extra service).

I was under the impression that these effectively share part of their agent fee with the traveler as a form of kickback (to appear as the cheapest option in search, which in the end might end up a win-win for both).


8 hours ago

One trick they use is to book via a different country. Flight from A to B when booked on the main English website in dollars can be a higher price than the same leg being booked on the Russian website in rubles.

Two reasons for that, one can be because the airline is less known in that market and whats to price more aggressively, and the other is that the ticket conditions are slightly different. For example your right to get compensation in case of a delay (and how much) may be different between those tickets.


13 hours ago

One way I've heard is they don't book your ticket immediately but predict when the airline's price will go down and book in then. I imagine they have far better data to enable price prediction than the general public, and can spread the cost of getting it wrong over their other customers.


12 hours ago

At least the ones I’ve used have always sent me a ticket number within at most a few hours, and usually instantly. I’d be surprised if that really was a factor these days.


10 hours ago

From what I remember from working in the industry many years ago, the process is actually split into (at least) 3 parts.

1. Reservation

2. Booking

3. Ticketing

Each step has its own expiration dates set by the airline, which can range from "instant" to several days/weeks. They may also set different cancelation fees for each step. A smart travel agent could in theory use this to cancel an old booking and book again if the price is reduced, but I think some airlines have changed their practice to avoid this.

Keep in mind that I mostly worked for the European market. I know US airlines operate a bit differently from the rest of the world. They usually have more flexible rules around flights and exchanging of tickets.


4 hours ago

> Having worked a bit in the travel industry, I highly recommend that you never book through a third party (by all means use their search). Third party apps are not allowed by airlines to charge less than the airline and typically have abysmal customer service,

That’s not always true. I’ve often used services like Skyscanner to find a flight, then checked directly on the airline's website, and the prices didn’t match. Sometimes, it depends on which country you're in too. For example, I once looked at the same flight on Lufthansa’s German site and on a localized version for another country, and the price was different due to taxes. By a third part, I never had a different price depending on which country you are buying it.

However, nowadays, I still prefer to book directly through the airlines, though, because when they cancel your flight—and they’ve been doing that quite a lot since COVID—you have a better chance of holding them accountable.


13 hours ago

Airlines own systems are often awful UI and in case of some asian low costers your data is immediately sold to spammers (and they collect as much your data as they can too).

Depends on exact case but if traveling on a budget going with low costers and connections a good third party can be better than an unknown shitty airline's system.

I used Expedia a few years back, got a lower price and could cancel for full refund within a day but they probably don't do that anymore. Kiwi seemed okay. Ctrip now owned by China.


13 hours ago

I'd be very careful with Kiwi. They don't have official OTA agreements with all the airlines they resell; at least Ryanair at one point was actively hostile towards them, and Kiwi was working with personal Ryanair accounts to get around their roadblocks. This in turn meant I couldn't access Ryanair's mobile boarding passes and had to find a printer on short notice at the airport.

While airlines can apparently not legally completely prevent such "uncooperative" third-party resellers, and I do have some sympathy for the business model, it's not great to be stuck between travel agent and airline when things go wrong.

Other OTAs like Experian actually take the role of a good old travel agent (the entity historically doing much of the ticketing work the airlines are now doing directly) and will usually only sell you itineraries of interlining (i.e. cooperating) airlines, and also only of airlines that accept travel agents as business partners in the first place.


9 hours ago

I have bad experiences with Kiwi and ctrip and a bunch of other ones. The support is indeed terrible and if anything goes wrong, the airline will tell you to contact the 3rd party agent... which has horrible support so there you are, stuck somewhere in asia. I had multiple occasions in which I just booked another ticket because of their incompetence, losing a few $100 as I could not take the risk of being late. Now I only book directly at the airline: at that time the company was booking and they just took what google flights gave them, which is often not directly at the airline.


13 hours ago

Expedia still offers refunds within 24 hours. At least for every flight I've booked originating from the US in the last few years.

I thought it was because of the DoT rule, but apparently they wouldn't be subject to that.


4 hours ago

From the great presentation linked: http://www.demarcken.org/carl/papers/ITA-software-travel-com...

> Amazingly, the graph diameter is often as high as 20: there are airports that can take 20 flights minimum to get between

I wonder if that's still true. It's hard to imagine. And just the thought of having to optimize that search function made my cortisol levels spike a bit.


3 hours ago

I imagine it must be something like small Pacific island to small town in the Canadian far north or something...


31 minutes ago

Has to be worse than that. 20 is still way too many degrees of separation if every region operated on a hub and spoke model.

I would imagine we're seeing two to four groupings of sequential routes which are subsidized access. A floatplane which hits every island in the archipelago, like a bus route, before reaching the international airport with jets. Likewise with bush planes in Arctic villages, and regional turboprops that hit a sequence of rural airports because they only attract a few passengers a day on their entire route.


2 hours ago

The next line specifies:

> typically this will be a small airport in Alaska or Canada to another small airport in Africa or Indonesia

It's still mind blowing to me. Surely any Alaskan airport would be within 5 hops of Anchorage (or not have scheduled flights at all, fine, but that can't be the case here), likewise surely any Indonesian airport is within 5 hops of Jakarta, and Anchorage-Jakarta can certainly be done in 3 hops in a multitude of ways. But one of those assumptions is wrong by 7 hops!

There aren't even that many airports to consider, the same presentation gives 4000 as the number included in the analysis.

Maybe the graph topology is something like a series of tiny airports that each only connect to the next airport in the series, probably by the same flight that makes multiple stops (not unknown in island hopping, and maybe then in Alaska/Canada too). So you don't really board 20 planes but you do require 20 takeoffs and landings.


6 minutes ago

It may also depend on optimizations. Potentially you may be able to do fewer hops but if the schedules have 1/week flights they may end up taking 2 weeks calendar time for 7 hops while 20 hops gets you there in 4 days. If the window used for the graph creation doesn't cover enough schedule time, more optimal routes may fall off the edges.


2 hours ago

Thinking about it, I bet you can prove this is the topology. If the graph is generally densely connected (almost all nodes have 3+ destinations) then the diameter can't be that high compared to the size of the graph. Proof left to the reader. So either there are chains like described above at the edges, or there's a chain like that separating two parts of the graph (suppose there was only one route connecting the US to Europe, and it stopped in Newfoundland, Keflavik and Shannon). The last possibility is obviously nonsense, though, we know that major airports are densely connected.


3 hours ago

Canada is too rich - there are more likely to be flights.


3 hours ago

Yes probably Russian far north is more likely I guess!


2 hours ago

tomhoward is correct. It's called "virtual interlining". I started the team that built it at Hopper (started working on it in Fall 2020 and we launched our first version in Fall 2021). They're called Mix & Match fares on the Hopper app. It's a really hard problem. So hard that we didn't even try to solve the "best" flight. We used a bunch of heuristics to find what we believed would be "better" flights. We measured what we called "beat rate" which was the rate that a VI flight was the cheapest on our flight list. When I left the team, our beat rate was around 0.5 (so a VI flight was the cheapest half the time).


13 hours ago

One search feature I wanted was a way to look up a list of all flights leaving an airport on a certain day.

In the early stages of vacation planning, it’s be fun to see a list of all possible direct flights to evaluate my options, but the use case of doing flight searches with an unknown destination isn’t too common. Basically, i want to be able to browse flights like a bus schedule and just see what the possibilities are from a particular start point


4 hours ago

Google Flights seems to do this. Just leave the destination field empty and select direct flights only.


13 hours ago

You could use flightaware.com for this. Just search a date and a departure airport. The caveat is that the list will be fairly large, with a lot of repeats.


13 hours ago

You can get something similar from https://www.kayak.com/explore/ except the results are shown on a map rather than as a list: you specify an origin (and optionally a departure date) and the map shows price icons at all possible destinations.


11 hours ago

> One search feature I wanted was a way to look up a list of all flights leaving an airport on a certain day.

Skyscanner does this pretty well.


9 hours ago

Google Flights does this really well - just leave the destination empty or use something generic, like Europe/USA. I do this all the time to find new places to go to.


10 hours ago

One use case I’d love to see is the ability to find the best price for multiple city tickets.

I’m fairly flexible on dates, but getting the best price for it is a super iterative process. Having some similar functionality like excel’s solve function would be awesome to find optimal dates within a range for each destination.


4 hours ago

Google built something amazing in Google Flights [1] (and they haven't ruined it yet).

It's no-nonsense, easy to filter by number of stops, and 'date grid' is great for scoping out savings by departing a day or two earlier/later without having open multiple tabs as other sites necessitate.

Only criticisms are extremely mild ones: it defaults to 'return', doesn't remember your currency, and bizarrely defaults to a month ahead for the departure date (actually, they must have very recently fixed this because it doesn't do that anymore!)

[1] https://www.google.com/travel/flights


2 hours ago

Google didn't build it. They acquired ITA.


4 hours ago

My biggest criticism of Google Flights is that sometimes the price it shows you is only available through some sketchy third party OTA based out of a foreign country that only offers support through email. Good luck if anything goes wrong or needs to be changed with your ticket.


2 hours ago

Fun fact: sometimes Google Flights will show a (lower) fare on United that doesn't exist on United's own site. But if you click though to United from Google, it magically now does exist, and can be ticketed. I don't know if this happens with other airlines (I look for and book mostly United).


2 hours ago

Didn't know this! Although had seen the opposite: flights (/prices) listed on google that are no longer listed on the airline's site.


4 hours ago

> third party (online travel agent)

I've used Google flights ~50 times and hadn't seen too many recommendations for flights booked through OTAs, but hard agree with avoiding them (and booking directly with the airline).


13 hours ago

The leading response does a good job calling out that this is pretty risky for the traveller. Similar to skip lagging, if anything goes wrong you can end up is a pretty difficult position.


7 hours ago

Even if you have insurance that can cover the cost of the low cost connection ticket you just missed.. try buying a new ticket at the airport for that same day or same week even and you’ve now spent more than getting a regular ticket in the first place. And that regular ticket airline is responsible for getting you to your final destination.

I did some extreme budget flying as a youth and you might just get stranded at a random airport so you better be very flexible with your plans. If it’s inside the US maybe you’re fine to rent a car or take a bus or something but if you happened to layover in UAE or something then it gets trickier


3 hours ago

I want to search from multiple cities. I have often saved a lot of money by flying out of an airport 1.5 hours drive away from home.


2 hours ago

Most major airlines support this. Search for "Los Angeles" on Southwest, for example, and you can simultaneously choose from LAX, Burbank, Long Beach, Ontario, or any number of airports across the region.


4 hours ago

Never book anywhere else but the airline website. It's not worth it, these days. There might be some deals but when and no longer if, IRROPS happens you will face an uphill battle to fix your problem playing a triangle between the airline and the OTA you booked with. Flying has changed: past covid and Boeing-being-shit-revealed there are not enough long range planes, in Europe because of the Ukrainian war Hungarian ATC is overwhelmed which creates ripple effects all over and nothing is on time. And that's just the regions I know about. https://travel.stackexchange.com/q/174173 has more.


14 hours ago

I think Google Flights can do that?


13 hours ago

They can; this usually shows up with a remark of "separate tickets".

There are considerable caveats when doing that – it's generally not advisable for connecting flights (you're essentially on the hook for missed connections etc.), and even just for separate outbound and return tickets it can mean trouble (e.g. if the outbound flight is cancelled, there is no obligation for the separate ticket to be refunded to you).


13 hours ago

Granted I only travel with hand luggage, I never had any issues with cancelled or delayed flighs when booking separate tickets. Even so they are relatvely cheap. It is even cheaper if you book your return flight ticket separately.


10 hours ago

You need to be more clear about what you meant by saying "never had issues".

The point is there might be issues because the second flight has no obligation to refund you if you're late (but they might still do out of generosity).

It's not like it's gonna happen all the time. So having data points saying that didn't happen is kinda pointless.


7 hours ago

> Granted I only travel with hand luggage

That makes an enormous difference, since you usually can do your check-in online a day or more before departure.

I just had a flight where I had purchased my connections on separate tickets. When I arrived at the baggage drop-off, it was closed and no staff from the airline was anywhere. So I had to bring my big suitcase along through security and then the airline staff at the gate was friendly enough to check it in for me for free.

But if you're bringing anything in your checked luggage that security doesn't like, you will have to just leave that item at the airport. You might also have to pay a high fee to bring it to the gate instead of checking it, depending on airline. I had purchased my ticket directly from the airline, so maybe they treated me better because of it?


6 hours ago

I've never understood the comments on all of the posts like this advising people to never book via a third party. Is it an American thing?

I've probably been on around 250 flights in the past 7 years in Europe and I can't remember one time that it was cheaper to book directly than through some third party. Sometimes it's the same price to book direct, but it doesn't matter either way: the support you're going to get is the same, and the insurance or whatever depends on... exactly whatever you've paid for already.


4 hours ago

> the support you're going to get is the same

I think this is not true. In my limited experience, if you book a flight through a third party or even a code share agreement, you don’t get full access to the flying airline’s UI and things like changing your flight or dealing with cancellations are a real hassle.

Just last week I had an issue where I had booked an Iberia code share flight through American Airlines, but then Iberia bumped me from the flight onto an AA flight. Of course, both Iberia and AA support initially claimed it wasn’t their problem and that I needed to contact the other airline.

Maybe in Europe it’s not as much a problem because (1) modifiable flight tickets aren’t as common and (2) passenger rights in the case of delay and cancellations are stronger.


3 hours ago

Yeah, due to thw Fly America Act, I (usually) have to book through a US carrier even if it's a code share for work travel and run into this problem often...


2 hours ago

It's often slightly more expensive to book direct but if you want to e.g. buy extra baggage at a discounted online rate (i.e. not an airport mugging), there is no guarantee that a third party will have a UI for that.


an hour ago

I've also never booked a flight through one of the 3rd parties where I couldn't access the booking on the airline's website.

Some time again (as discussed in this thread), Ryanair had some spat with resellers. So I had to upload a picture of my ID to the Ryanair website in order access my booking that way.


13 hours ago

I worked on this for tripstack a while ago. They offer it through their partners. Kiwi is the other one who made it a thing. Now it’s more common to see it all over.


7 hours ago

kiwi.com is also pretty good at this.


14 hours ago

Isn't that what Expedia does?


13 hours ago

As explained in the answer, almost always Expedia will issue a single ticket across one or more airlines (the technical term for that is "interlining"), which is different from an itinerary made up of actually separately issued tickets.

In the former case, there's always exactly one airline responsible for getting you to your destination in case of a missed connection or itinerary changes; in the latter case, you're often on your own.


13 hours ago

I used Kiwi.com for this a few weeks ago (combining multiple European carriers, including Ryanair) and it worked rather well.

My first flight was delayed, and it seemed likely I would miss the second leg flight, so they sent me an email with a list of options to reschedule. I'd purchased the 'Premium Protection', so I think I could choose a new option up to €250 (+ hotel if overnight) without paying any extra.

I decided to risk taking the first flight, as the second airport was much bigger so figured there would be better flights from there. Fortunately the flight on the second leg was delayed too, so I didn't need to change anything.


13 hours ago

What Kiwi.com is doing with their "separate tickets plus connection insurance" model is called "virtual interlining", and it's an interesting alternative in some scenarios (well-connected airports with many alternatives). But I'd still never risk it on an important connection.

I've had a very bad experience with Kiwi.com myself: I booked a Ryanair flight on them without realizing that Ryanair is actively trying to prevent Kiwi from reselling their flights. Kiwi.com apparently works around this by booking tickets on pools of Ryanair retail accounts, to which they don't share the credentials with travelers – making mobile check-in impossible. (And Ryanair at least at the time was charging over 100€ of a "service fee" for a boarding pass print at the airport...)

This is only marginally related to booking separate tickets, but I suppose the larger point is that it's never a great situation to be stuck between the lines of two companies actively hostile towards each other, when you really depend on their cooperation to get to your destination.

"Official" interline agreements are an explicit statement that two or more airlines will make at least some reasonable effort to get you and your luggage to your destination, and will be on the hook for it (under ICAO regulations) if things don't work out.


14 hours ago

skiplagged shows you “self-transfer” flight options, which i think solves what OOP was asking


4 hours ago

And it has data for some smaller airlines like AJet in Turkey.


12 hours ago

A web search engine that combines results from different web sites? (2022) (openai.com)


14 hours ago

Kayak.com might be what you are looking for.