Show HN: React SaaS – Boilerplate with automated setup of dev/prod environments

19 pointsposted 4 days ago
by willschneider15



3 days ago

Supebase instead of firebase would be better imho.


3 days ago

I used Supabase in a previous project and found that I prefer Firebase for MVPs.

1. I prefer NoSQL to start because I don’t have to deal with numerous database migrations when I want to update the schema due to changing requirements.

2. I prefer Firebase’s out-of-the-box authentication:

However, I would consider Supabase if row-level security or complex queries were necessary for the MVP.

Regardless, if one of my MVPs gained real traction, I would want to move away from a Backend-as-a-Service solution.


2 days ago

I feel like these "50% off for the first 50 users!" sales are 99 % scams, all that's missing is "purchase in the next 5 minutes for 80 % off"


3 days ago

I cringe at Firebase and worry that this might be an issue. I would prefer not to have code debt at the start.


3 days ago

I’m curious if it is a tactic these days to not have a way to contact the website owners/founders/sales. It is becoming pretty common to see no email/contact. Is this a way to paywall that part as a premium feature?

I really hope that wasn’t the plan for this too. I’m more of the notion that a way to contact/email someone on the other end even if it is even sales "" is a way more comfortable/trusty feeling than seeing no way to contact at all.

Best wishes to your effort.


3 days ago

I appreciate the feedback I will add that to the lander.


3 days ago

You said that you couldn't find one, so has dev/prod envs, and many more features.


3 days ago

I did check out their features but did not see that listed on their landing page.

May consider dropping the $300 to try out their kit.