Mitsubishi is an example of anti-consumer, poor design decisions

6 pointsposted 4 days ago
by bbarnett

Item id: 41488858



4 days ago

If it's a 2023/2024 and it's unsuitable for use, looks like there's resources for redress in Canada?

Especially if they misrepresented that it had a battery heater.


4 days ago

That link is federal, and binding arbitration would exclude from the class action.

Provinces have lemon laws, each their own. But beyond refund, people want redress for the fact that Mitsubishi lied, and also sold a vehicle unsuitable for its stated purpose.

A lemon law refund won't cover the hours spent dealing with this stupidity. People can still get help via lemon laws, but also joint the class action.

Frankly, it really weirded me out to see this, and then a few months after the heat pump thing. Just bizarre. Something is fishy with Mitsubishi.


4 days ago

It's not Mitsubishi's fault if people buy their products without doing some cursory research and analysis about suitability.


3 days ago

How would a “cursory research” reveal that they are lying in their online material?

Not research so cursory that it relies entirely on the vendor's online advertising... but rather consulting some unbiased reviews, journalism or experiences of actual customers.