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Pyre Browser – Taking all predatory profit out of the internet

3 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by pyrebrowser

"An informal strategy used by authors to evade libel lawsuits."

5 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by fortran77

SolarWinds security chief calls for tighter cyber laws

6 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by com

The evolution of our Chef infrastructure over the years and the challenges

2 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by zdkaster

A Graphene Transistor Breakthrough? [video]

2 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by mfiguiere

Show HN: Rocky AI – Chat with any webpage in Chrome using AI

6 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by vijitdhingra

Drowning in Slop: AI Garbage Is Clogging the Internet, and It's Getting Worse

24 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by haltingproblem

McDonald's and supermarkets failed to spot slavery

15 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by MilnerRoute was down

6 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by auscompgeek

Flags and "native" speakers. Is that how we want to talk about things? [video]

2 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by makeitdouble

NotebookLM's automatically generated podcasts are surprisingly effective

545 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by simonw Welcome Page Source Code

5 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by djha-skin

SPARC Console font from Sun machines via Linux kernel (2017)

3 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by transpute

US East and Gulf coast ports face shutdown as union announces intent to strike

35 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by casefields

Dragon Quest Censored by ESG

1 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by slowhadoken

How AI Agents Will Transform Work by 2030

2 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by BuildWithMason

How to Get the Most Out of a Conference

2 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by Curiositry

Koalas are up power poles, on roads, in schools. Outlook for koalas remains poor

7 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by peutetre

The death of King George V (2021)

1 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by mellosouls

Show HN: Pure CSS silky Border line animation(open-source code)

3 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by volume988

Built DIY-It: A Platform for DIY Projects Looking for Feedback and Insights

1 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by Gentillo

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack

115 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by OuterVale

TinySecrets: Technical information about small Lenovo PCs

3 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by transpute

VC has a sexual harassment problem. One woman has a plan to change it

9 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by mooreds

The future of Artificial Intelligence: Does India have a role?

1 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by stereoradonc

Show HN: – make paper-based questionnaire with Markdown-ish syntax

3 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by kakalot

Zutty – Zero-Cost Unicode Teletype

1 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by t-3

Ask HN: How can I escape my 3W country as a freelance dev with passive income?

4 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by Scapeghost

Software issues Georgia man 1.4M speeding ticket

9 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by lando2319

Uber terms mean couple can't sue after 'life-changing' crash

9 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by WillDaSilva