22 days ago
What an appallingly bad article. It starts with a premise only backed with an unsubstantiated and outright false appeal to authority ("the likes of Amazon are moving to monoliths!1") and proceeds to list a few traits that are so wrong they fall into the "not even wrong" territory. For example, things like "incorrect boundary domains" and circular dependencies are hardly related to how distributed services are designed.
This nonsese reads like a badly prompted machine-generated text.
21 days ago
> ("the likes of Amazon are moving to monoliths!1")
I've been at an amazon-scale company, and the thing is: yes, such companies do use a service-oriented architecture... but they do split the services into microservices because that means they can a) further optimise throughput/latency and b) they can delegate responsibilities (ie: split teams when they get too large).
The throughput gains you can get when your software only does one thing are really incredible. FAANG-sized companies do optimize everything then: software, operating systems, hardware. And they can do that because their software is highly specialized. But most non-faang companies? They barely optimize the software, they don't even consider much optimizing the OS or the hardware.
Outside of FAANGs many companies do split stuff into microservices mostly because they want to be trendy and stay on whatever the latest craze is and only secondarily to delegate responsibility and split teams.
I think most "microservices" could be a module or a library within a monolith. The boundary would largely be the same (API contracts) minus the operating overhead. Integration testing would cover the usual issues, and needless to say there would be less "distributed-systems-headache".
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against microservices: it's just that it's often over-used in my opinion.
21 days ago
I agree that microservices are vastly overused, and I would add that they are often misused
If you can't set up a development environment without running a bunch of local microservices then you are probably misusing the concept. They are too tightly coupled to run independently, so they probably should not be separated
All that does is slow everything down by introducing network requests where there shouldn't be, imo
It also leads to situations where layoffs leave services behind that are running and mission critical but have no owner anymore in the company.