Study shows Texas' abortion ban is straining the OB/GYN pool

12 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by malshe



7 hours ago

Why on earth would you want to be an obstetrician on Texas? It's already a dangerously risky profession. They have some of the highest malpractice insurance rates because the consequences of errors are so high. And that's before the state criminalized some of the things you need to do in your profession.

When you're looking at a patient and saying, "If I do what's necessary to save this patient's life, I will go to jail", you are surely considering moving to some place else.


an hour ago

yes, pretty much this. As the article mentions, many OBGYN who are already here will stick around because of family reasons. But there will be far less willingness to move to Texas from other states.


11 hours ago
