15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Unfathomable why they are making the drama up. And, involving judges? Madness. Had a friend choose VAD[0] (voluntarily assisted dying) here in Qld and it was a simpler and humane process.
This looks like classic British exeptionalism combined with fear of headlines. Sure, there are some sick stories out there like Canada's and creeping features in the Netherlands but there are also lots of other places like in Australia where it's a massive success story of relief for terminally ill people who retain their faculties and want the right to die on their own terms.
We had one fuckup this year: the patients partner mouthed the pills when she died before using them. Arthur Koestler move over?
British politicians think they know best and have a conscience? Nup. It's nanny state bullshit. It's yet another sign of the intrusion of religion into matters of state. VAD is overwhelmingly supported by voters too.