Patent trolls and big pharma. The bill would make it harder to challenge shitty parents and to make generic drugs.
As a small software company owner who fought off a patent troll who claimed to have patented the idea of showing related content to a reader, I can confidently say patent trolls are parasites that deserve everything the courts have heaped on them in the last 10 years.
Call your senator and tell them that the patent trolls are killing innovation and to vote NO on PREVAIL
> The bill would make it harder to challenge shitty parents and to make generic drugs.
Sounds like they’re really against teen rebellion :)
Patent-trolls are anticompetitive moats- as in you like to have them around as a large organization, as they attack the small companies and competition first. Not every critter out there needs to be a controlled and pupeteered agent- its good enough, they do damage to what could damage you out of their own free will and motives.
Patent trolls I would guess.