SSL certificate lifetimes are going down. Dates proposed. 45 days by 2027

58 pointsposted 9 hours ago
by thunderbong



8 hours ago

What is the problem with long lived certs? Is the cryptography behind PKI considered weak nowadays, that you can collect enough material on cert that you can derive privkey? Is there other fundamental cryptographic weakness?

I understand problem of still-valid certs after domain expiration, but mere rotation strikes me as similar to password rotation ... which is currently discouraged.


8 hours ago

The main issue is lack of a working revocation mechanism.

Servers get compromised sometimes, people do stupid things with keys, etc.

We dont have a really good way of revoking keys after something bad happens. We have some bad ways, but they kind of suck.

An additional reason might be making it easier to punish a misbehabing CA (CAs are often too big to fail, you cant ban them without breaking half the internet)


2 hours ago

No kidding. Where I use to work, certs are a nightmare.

For example, some sites were closed and we asked the site owner to revoke their cert. We got "What does that mean ?", they had lost their private key.

Also other departments had certs that expired, they had no idea what to do. I left over a year ago, and someone who knows more about certs that I do left not long afterwards. I know many certs are due expire soon, good luck to them.

The point of this is I can see 45 day certs being a huge issue for that company. When I left they were looking into non-expiring certs. I have no idea what they ended up doing.

FWIW, this is a fortune 500 company.


2 hours ago

Well with ACME theory is that certs should renew automatically so no one should cate.

But to set it all up in F500 size company, that is totally different discussion and not only TLS certs but all kind of other cert auth that happens there.


8 hours ago

> We dont have a really good way of revoking keys after something bad happens.

Why would there be. If the key is 'revokable' that is a weakness in it self.


3 hours ago

Others have answered on one level. I want to answer on another.

A few older crypto mechanisms were designed around trusting one thing totally. For example, everything's secure until the end of time provided that the user keeps a private key totally private at all times, with no interruption, ever, and if the user lapses then the overall mechanism breaks really badly.

They were complicated mechanisms held together by a screw made of a metal which was assumed to be infinitely strong.

The current fashion is to trust thing in a more limited way, and to design systems such that they won't blow up spectactularly if something breaks. Being able to revoke keys is part of that, it is a weakness that helps to avoid a really bad weakness.


8 hours ago

A mistaken revocation is orders of magnitude less harmful then a failure to revoke. If revocation worked pretty reliably, that would be an improvement over the status quo.


6 hours ago

> If the key is 'revokable' that is a weakness in it self.

Ish. The threat of that is part of a different risk model, and probably less serious.

A long-lived certificate that ends up being able to be used by a malicious party (perhaps due to a leak of the private key) could be serious for many users if the certificate can't be reliably revoked, which they currently can't be.

A mistaken or malicious revocation if someone were to manage that could be an issue to the service operator (users can't get in) but this is a safer failure than users connecting to a malicious shadow service due, for example, to an accidentally exposed private key and a DNS poisoning attack.

As others have mentioned: if revocation worked better currently, this would be less of an issue.


8 hours ago

>If the key is 'revokable' that is a weakness in it self.




3 hours ago

I'd read it primarily as censorship risk. If a CA is under a government that wants your website taken down, they can just lean on the CA to stop renewing any certificates for it, as opposed to futzing around with ISPs or DNS providers that can only have a local impact. Or alternatively, the CAs in the future might directly use their monopoly to decide who's good and evil (especially on "integrity of the network" grounds against those judged to be spammers et al.).

At least perceived censorship risk is why the guy always uses HTTP links and not HTTPS links for his site, iirc.


an hour ago

I'd classify that as very low risk. If a CA's business is compromised by a government, then it's pretty easy to just switch to using a different CA, preferably in a different jurisdiction to work around the censorship.

I don't really get the argument behind using HTTP links to avoid the censorship risk with HTTPS - just provide both and get the best of both worlds. Also, using HTTP is far more prone to being interfered with in transit - I recall BT (or their ISP business department) trialling that and injecting adverts into HTTP pages. I can't recall any instance of HTTPS being censored by restricting certificates.


8 hours ago

> Why would there be. If the key is 'revokable' that is a weakness in it self.


This does not make sense. Keys are revocable in most crypto systems.


8 hours ago

I'm by no means an expert, but the difference between passwords and certs is that certs can be used without any interaction with the authority.

A leaked password will reveal itself to the authority when used. You have to connect to something to use it and when doing so, can be flagged.

A long lived certificate and key can be used with no interaction with the authority, so how do you know that it is being used maliciously? The renewal is the interaction with the authority which could pick up malicious activity, so making it more regular is beneficial.


8 hours ago

As far as I understand it, two problems:

* Certs come with secrets. Long-lived secrets are riskier than short-lived ones because of window of opportunity if they're compromised in an undetected way.

* Less frequent cert rotations mean that the rotation process is inherently riskier. The old adage of "request a 2-year cert, and you're scheduling an outage 2 years from now" has a lot of truth to it. More frequent rotations increases the incentive to automate, which reduces the service risk.


8 hours ago

Your second point is crucial in my opinion. In most organisations, there'll be a rush to get some new web service configured and an overworked admin is likely to set up the initial certificate. Without a short expiry date, you can almost guarantee that the admin hasn't got around to monitoring, automating or documenting the process and might not even still be working there in 2 years time.


6 hours ago

That's a problem for the company, not the security of the Internet. Why do the PKI people take it upon themselves to increase the problems for these companies in order to force them to automate processes?


5 hours ago

Reduced certificate expirations also enhances the security of the internet as it reduces the window of opportunity for nefarious uses. It could possibly reduce their number of support calls from someone who's taken over from a previous admin and is now faced with an undocumented manual process to replace certs in a hurry as their website has an expired cert.

Personally, I don't see the problem with short expiry dates, though less than a month would be too short in my opinion.


5 hours ago

The CAB (who are setting the TLS cert issuance rules) are optimising for their users' security.

Their users are "people using browsers", not "people asking for cert signatures".


8 hours ago

>but mere rotation strikes me as similar to password rotation ... which is currently discouraged.

Cargo culting strikes again. Forcing password rotation is bad because it causes people to choose passwords with a given pattern (eg. password1, password2, etc.), which defeats any security benefit. Rotating certificates have no such issue, because the key is (presumably) randomly generated.


8 hours ago

Also you can reuse the same key.


an hour ago

You can also set your password to "password" but hopefully you don't. Guidelines and technical measures can't keep everybody safe all the time, if they are determined to be unsafe, but that is never an argument against them.


8 hours ago

Don't you have to go out of your way to do that? You can probably choose a weak RSA key as well (ie. one that's 4096 bits but not a prime), but if you have to go out of your way to do that there's little anyone can do to stop you.


2 hours ago

IIRC the default in most/all ACME clients is to reuse the private key and just get a renewed certificate for it.


3 hours ago

No you don't have to go out of your way to reuse the same key


8 hours ago

> What is the problem with long lived certs?

Privilege escalation and Dev Ops rot. Long-lived certs often get compromised when privilege escalations happen and someone gets access to an account or computer that has private keys on it.

One example scenario for privilege escalation: let's say a hacker gets access to one of your employee's or vendor's machines and associated accounts using a zero-day, or phishing, or some other method that goes undetected for some time. The attacker, as part of this attack, successfully gets access to your cert's private keys through some way or another without drawing attention to themselves.

Some time later, your firm makes several security updates. When doing this, you unknowingly patched the attacker out of your network. The attacker is now in a race against time if they want to do something with the cert before it expires, and in this kind of situation, the sooner that cert expires, the better, because the attacker gets less time to do something with it. In a perfect world, the cert expired exactly when they got patched out, but because we're not guaranteed to know if there's an attacker in the first place, "keeping the expiration time as short as is reasonably possible without impacting service reliability" is what things seem to be moving towards, to limit the blast radius during access leaks.

As for Dev Ops rot, speed has a tendency to change requirements in favor of automation. Generally, certificate rotations tend to be a pain point - they break management panes, they take down websites, they throw browser errors, they don't get updated in pipelines, and other woes happen when they expire that demand people keep track of a ton of localized knowledge and deadlines that's easy to lose or forget. However, paradoxically, the longer the time between rotations, the more painful they tend to be, because once rotations are sufficiently fast, it becomes unmanageable to do them manually: demanding speed forces people to build anti-fragile rotation systems. Making the requirement be shorter is in some sense an attempt to encode into managerial culture "you need to automate this", as a bulwark against swapping your certs out being anything besides automated or one click rotations.


8 hours ago

I think the problem that 100 year certs don't require a complicated SaaS and consultant riddled circus as much.

It is like credit cards. The more problem the more money is to be made by middlemen.


an hour ago

100 year certs require a consultant when the 100 years are up on any certificate and no one has any idea how the system was set up. They require a consultant when there's a security breach and you have to figure out which of the many certs you have ever used is compromised, or let the attackers in.

The hope is that 45 day certs don't require consultants because if you don't set it right you'll find it right away... and of course the risk of leak is much lesser.


an hour ago

It's very easy to use free certificates (e.g. LetsEncrypt) that can use a free script to automate the renewal of them. There's also plenty of free guides on how to use them for various web servers etc. That comes to a grand total of nothing.

If you'd rather pay someone else to do it for you, then that's your own issue and not really anything to do with the length of certificate validity.


8 hours ago



6 hours ago

I miss simplicity.

And I could argue that lower prices implies money is made somewhere else. Like how Cloudflare infested half the internet with their free MITM.

But, ye, I should chill a bit on topics like these. I have hard time not ending up in a 'Google etc. is coming for me' rant.


8 hours ago

(Currently) there is no reliable way of revoking compromised certificates.


8 hours ago

It's because of the risk of leaked private keys being used for a long period of time.

Additionally, short renewal periods encourages automation which is more secure than a manual process.

Password rotation is discouraged because usually it means that users will create weaker passwords.


8 hours ago

What happened to personal freedom of letting people choose for themselves how long a certificate should last? Not really liking this trend of large companies making decisions for others and then forcing them on everyone.


7 hours ago

I'm not sure how you think certificates work? It's not for 'yourself' - the certificate is an assertion to billions of users worldwide, called relying parties. If you don't care about those, then you can use a private CA. If you do care (and want anyone's browser to work) then it's not a 'personal freedom'.


8 hours ago

I find it interesting that all of the arguments seem to be about the merits of whether pushing this on everyone is good or not, and they all take for granted that personal freedom does not matter anymore.

I dislike not being able to choose my SSL lifetime for the same reason I do not like a web browser deciding for me if I can use my own CA. In both cases choices are being made for me, whether I like them or not.


2 hours ago

> I do not like a web browser deciding for me if I can use my own CA

What browser does not allow you to load your own trusted CA?


8 hours ago

Big tech paternalism is the worst.

"You can't install that, it might be a virus!"


an hour ago

You're free to not use CAs. What about their freedom? Or even not use TLS.

And what about the right for users to privacy and security, when there's no drawback on the host other than their misguided sense of "freedom"?


8 hours ago

Anyone can create a certificate with any duration they like. Getting others to trust that certificate is the tricky bit.

These "large companies" put restrictions on what certificate authorities are allowed to do so that they can keep their users safe.


8 hours ago

Safety at the expense of personal freedom to choose for yourself? What if I do not want the "safety" that these "large companies" claim to provide?


8 hours ago

> so that they can keep America safe.

Misquoted that for you. But I feel it is the same concept.

Shorter expiration gives more power to the SaaS vendors.


8 hours ago

Also in this case, "safety" can be defined as protecting American companies from lawsuits while ensuring they continue to make lots of money from extorting SSL certificate sales.


8 hours ago

>while ensuring they continue to make lots of money from extorting SSL certificate sales.

Which IaaS/PaaS providers are doing this? Most of the popular ones I know (ie. not some shady shared hosting reseller using whmcs solutions) lets you upload whatever certificate you want, or has certificates for free/included in the monthly price. In other words they're not going to benefit from shorter lived certificates. In the worst case you can set up cloudflare "flexible SSL" in front of your site and get it for free.


8 hours ago



8 hours ago

> Shorter expiration gives more power to the SaaS vendors.

Please explain how.


6 hours ago

You'd need to communicate with some CA more often.

I feel there is some sort of push for more and more complexity by Google et al. which in the end hurts the users.

It is about control. Like Google's failed amp-push.

On a unrelated note encryption seem to be pushed to hide what my or the families devices do from me.

E.g. encrypted HTTP and DNS to prevent me from snooping on the devices on my own network. Only Google and the gov. can do that, etc.


10 minutes ago

I don't really see how this argument applies to SaaS in general, though.


2 hours ago

A lot of CAs are non-american. Also not sure how encrypted HTTP and DNS allows google to snoop on your traffic? If you don't trust google then don't use their eDNS service?


8 hours ago

Nothing stopping you running your own CA and issuing your own certs.

Your actual problem is that the browser vendors (who decide which certs should live in the root store) have certain criteria which CAs need to meet in order to be trusted.

Why should Firefox / Chrome / etc. have to honour your desire that your arbitrary-length lifetime certs are trusted by default in their browsers? You still have the personal freedom of installing your own CA root if you like.


8 hours ago

And making ourselves completely dependent on those certificate authorities handing out certs. Dystopian, a couple of mega corps deciding who gets a cert and who doesn't.


8 hours ago

Nothing is stopping you from using different certificate authorities or one you made yourself. Other than getting other people on board of course.


7 hours ago

My site is http-only because I prefer to not be dependent on those certificate authorities handing out certs, because it's been that way for 25 years, because there is zero confidential data on it, and because the issues concerning snooping and ad insertion by intermediates is not a real threat to my limited readership.

However, there is the https-only movement to prevent web browsers from viewing my website, because it it not https and therefore not 'safe'.

This movement overlaps pretty well with the people who don't accept other different certificate authorities.


6 hours ago

> However, there is the https-only movement to prevent web browsers from viewing my website, because it it not https and therefore not 'safe'.

Like i said, nothing is stopping you from doing whatever you want other than the fact that other people might not like it, and might choose to treat your website differently. Just like you can choose not to use https, other people can choose not to like sites that don't use https. Freedom goes both ways.


9 minutes ago

The point is that if the browsers make it hard enough to actually use HTTP sites then it doesn't really matter if the user is OK with that. Same with self-signed certificates or private CAs.

Certificates are particularly painful because it sometimes seems that every program that needs them has its own way to find them. I can't just install in one OS-wide store and say that it should work just like the certificates from the major certificate authorities.

No, I have to install it in Chrome and Firefox. Oh and I've got some Python scripts and some Perl scripts and some PHP scripts that need it, so I've got to put it where they want. And let's not forget curl and wget. And how about thing I'm running in a VM or under Docker? Or database clients.


6 hours ago

I thought you were too dismissive with your use of "nothing is stopping you."

There is a big difference between "nothing is stopping you from starting an exercise program" and "nothing is stopping you from being the ruler of the planet" even though the construction is the same.


8 hours ago

Huh? How do you see that this aspect of the PKI has at all changed with this change?


8 hours ago

Same reason you cant choose the expiry on your passport or drivers license.


8 hours ago

So large companies are now government agencies?


6 hours ago

> So large companies are now government agencies?

The CAB forum is not a company (although it is made up of some) and the government does not set passport max validity lengths (they can make it shorter than 10 years, just like CAs can make certs shorter, but there is a reason no country gives out passports longer than 10 years)


8 hours ago

What do you think passports and signed TLS certs have in common? (Hint, it's nothing to do with "the government").


8 hours ago

> it's nothing to do with "the government"

The depends where you live, and what the government means. In some places the validity of a passport is written in a law, voted by the parliament; in other it's a operation decision by the government (e.g. the ministry of the internal affairs).

Where I live it's a law voted by the parliament.

Also TLS fingerprints and biometrical data are "hashed" data, if that's what you mean about having in common.


7 hours ago

It's got nothing to do with what committee decides what the expiry is and how they then enforce it. The thing that certs and passports have in common is unrelated to whether the issuer is a governmental body or not.

They're both centrally revokable, attested assertions of identity, where the attestation can be validated with the attester offline.

If you try and come up with a design for any system that includes this type of assertion, you'll end up in a place where you'll probably want it to expire and need re-validation at some point. That expiry is a property of the attestation, and is therefore controlled by the person/group doing the attestation. In the case of a passport, this happens to be the government. For a cert, it's the CA.


6 hours ago

>where the attestation can be validated with the attester offline.

Oddly enough, virtually all passport/personal ID checks around here are... online. Airports, police, any shop... all of them are all online.


8 hours ago

Passport/ID document expiration dates are decided by law. Therefore it is in fact "the government." Do you think there should be a law limiting the lifetime duration of an SSL cert to 45 days?


8 hours ago

>Do you think there should be a law limiting the lifetime duration of an SSL cert to 45 days?

No such law is being proposed. The cops aren't going to bust down your door for generating a 3650 day certificate using openssl.


6 hours ago

> Passport/ID document expiration dates are decided by law

Passport max validity length is set by the ICAO not the government.


7 hours ago

Can i suggest that you please drop the political BS and use your engineering brain to answer your own questions? I’m sure that you’re a smart person that can find it within yourself to think this through, but as soon as someone mentions “freedom” you dig your heels in RMS style.

How about we just turn this around and you can explain to the class how your personal freedoms are being attacked by this trust system not letting you do what you want? Again, this trust system. No part of this is stopping you from doing what you want on your machine. Even iOS (which I have a feeling that you’d never let into your ~basement~ command center) lets you install custom roots. You’re really just getting your knickers in a twist over how others’ machines treat your certs. So how are your personal freedoms being attacked again? Or does this stupid political ideology extend to “nobody wants to sell me what I want to buy, fuck you!”?


8 hours ago

I hope Honest Achmed's Used Cars and Certificates (the only CA that matters) will speak out against this.


8 hours ago

Why would he speak out against this? He will be able to sell much more certificates. I bet he lobbied it.


8 hours ago

Or the hassle will push people to use letsencrypt, which is free.


8 hours ago

Mixed comments in the github issue. I can definitely see how shorter lifetimes provide better security, but I have also run into my fair share of issues caused by cert expiry. Do we have good data around the lead time between someone’s signing keys being compromised and their use in an attack? The shorter that lead time the less useful this change is.


8 hours ago

>Do we have good data around the lead time between someone’s signing keys being compromised and their use in an attack?

Given how fast it is to set up a phishing proxy, such "lead time" is probably measured in hours rather than days. Even something like a 1 week expiry will provide security benefits.


8 hours ago

What does reducing validity actually solve? The same private key is presumably used by all certificates and CSRs - if the private key is compromised then a renewed cert doesn’t solve anything.

Am I missing something here?


8 hours ago

> The same private key is presumably used by all certificates and CSRs

That's a choice. Certbot changes the private key with every renewal by default. I suppose in principle CAB might start disallowing key reuse.


8 hours ago

The only thing I can think of is domain expiry. Someone could get a certificate, sell their domain, then continue using the cert until the certificate expires.


8 hours ago

You're supposed to use a new private key for the new CSR. There is no reason to reuse the previous key.


8 hours ago

My tinfoil hat says it's about control. Forcing people to return for another blessing from the central authority, more often. The same reason church is once a week, and not once a year.


8 hours ago

It would be OK if browsers treated self-signed certificates a little better. There are lots of contexts where a self-signed, long or non-expiring certificate makes perfect sense. But browsers and security stacks in general react as if the whole application is broken, just because they didn't see the certificate before - even when they have no evidence the certificate is malicious. SSH does it nicely, with a prompt on first use and then detecting tampering after - why has this not been adopted for TLS?


an hour ago

If you want to use self-signed certificates, just load it into the relevant browsers as a trusted cert. Of course, there's issues if you want the general public to just trust a certificate that could have been generated by anyone and possibly fall for a MITM attack.


3 hours ago

TOFU is a pretty bad trust model. Even with SSH you're supposed to validate the fingerprint with some already known trusted source. Otherwise you're just assuming that the first time you connect you aren't being MITMed.


5 minutes ago

CAs don't make this problem go away; they just shift it to a central "trusted" party. With the CA model, we're assuming that Let's Encrypt isn't being MITMed.


2 hours ago

In fact the recommended way to do SSH fingerprint checks is with a CA.


8 hours ago

How does this work when a user is visiting https://bank.example for the first time? Are we supposed to let granny eat the risk of a MITM when she gets a new device? Furthermore, how is such a system supposed to work in private browsing? You either have to introduce a fingerprinting vector (by which certificates are remembered/trusted), or expose users to MITM risk every time.


8 hours ago

OpenSSH does it “nicely” for you maybe. I’ll maybe even accept “for most users of an SSH client”. This behaviour implemented in a browser is utterly unacceptable. The average user is orders of magnitude less technically capable.

You are not the only user of the software that you use.


8 hours ago

Given that certificate issuance is the most vulnerable part of the process (DNS hijacking during the validation process), isn't it a bad idea to encourage renewing certificates so often?

Plus, this is yet another blow to using TLS for networks not connected to the Internet. Asking users to go through some pain of accepting a new self-signed cert every three months, which was already worse than once a year, is going to get almost untenable at 45 days. And no one is offering any realistic alternatives.


7 hours ago

The domain verification process is indeed a weak point - but there's now the upcoming introduction of MPIC (Multi Perspective Issuance Corroboration) to help with that (essentially checking the domain challenges from multiple network perspectives to overcome the risk of BGP-hijacking and similar attacks).

Also, if there's a non-internet connected network or device that uses TLS, it shouldn't be using public/webPKI certificates. Use a private CA, get the root on the managed devices that connect to it, and the problem goes away. That's always been an option.


8 hours ago

> Given that certificate issuance is the most vulnerable part of the process (DNS hijacking during the validation process), isn't it a bad idea to encourage renewing certificates so often?

If someone hijacks your domain they can get a certificate right away, no matter how long the existing certificate was valid for.

> Asking users to go through some pain of accepting a new self-signed cert every three months, which was already worse than once a year, is going to get almost untenable at 45 days.

Are you experiencing the former right now? I thought these policies had no impact on self-signed certs at all.


8 hours ago

>Given that certificate issuance is the most vulnerable part of the process (DNS hijacking during the validation process), isn't it a bad idea to encourage renewing certificates so often?

I don't get it, is the domain extra susceptible to misissuance during the renewal process? If not, I don't see how this is a relevant point.


7 hours ago

I wish there was also some sufficiently long option in use cases where security is somewhat less critical and automatic renewal is much harder. This being devices with web interfaces in local network. Which in some cases might not even have internet connectivity. Getting new cert every 45 days there is real headache...

For public internet yes, shorter is not entirely unreasonable.


an hour ago

For local services, you can get certificates with CAs that support DNS validation (e.g. LetsEncrypt support that). You'll likely want a DNS provider that has a suitable API so that the e.g. ACME script can post the relevant code to the DNS record, but then you're good to go. A proper public domain name that points at an internal only IP address.

The other benefit of DNS validation is that you don't need to run it on the web server itself (e.g. if it doesn't have internet connectivity), but you can have an ordinary PC/laptop request the certificate and then copy it to where it's needed.


7 hours ago

At that point, I feel self signed is entirely fine. Off the Internet, nobody outside of your control is trying to verify


7 hours ago

For machine-to-machine sure. But once browsers start doing this and might even stop self-singed certs... Lot of outdated browsers will be around...


7 hours ago

Eh, even browsers. To my knowledge they still respect the OS trusts. Managing this is a standard part of any corporate deployment.

Again, all of these devices are theoretically under your (intermittent) influence


8 hours ago

Apparently this is coming from Apple, which makes sense considering their stance on security.

I still think more enforcement and standards around IoT SSL are the way to go, with shorter timelines not necessarily more beneficial.

Let's face it, whoever is renewing every 90d is going to be renewing every 45d just fine. It's the devices and companies that use yearly expiries (and still PAY FOR CERTS!) or don't use SSL at all that are the problem.


2 hours ago

> (and still PAY FOR CERTS!)

People seem to be under the misapprehension that Let's Encrypt / ZeroSSL certificates are "free". They are not — it's that the consumer is not the one paying the bill.

It costs tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year just to get the audits required to operate a public CA, much less pay for the infrastructure and staffing required. That bill has to get paid somehow. Yes, pricing on certs in the past has been questionable, but operating a public CA is -not- free, so CAs have sold certificates to pay for that service operation. That has introduced some issues of its own in terms of profit motives, although I would observe that for the majority of public CAs their public TLS certificates are frequently a loss-leader service and not a massive source of income. Put short (too late!), there's nothing wrong with the practice of paying for certificates in and of itself.

What makes me very concerned about the current model funneling everyone to "free" CAs is that those bills are being paid at the moment through donations to ISRG and other organizations. I like that ISRG is making efforts to broaden their donation base to reduce reliance on single sources! However, I'd much prefer to be paying them a monthly subscription fee for their certificate service and not have my ability to leverage it be dependent on the largesse of large corporations that frequently abruptly decide services like this should either cost money or pay up in user data. (Note that I explicitly do not think the user-data thing is happening right now, only that I'm concerned it becomes a problem in the future.)


an hour ago

One issue with requiring some kind of fee to get SSL certificates is that it acts as a barrier to hobbyists and kids trying to set up a website (probably to learn about the technologies involved). That barrier means that there'll likely be more unsecured websites around which is not desirable.

Maybe some kind of traffic based tax would be better - just have the biggest ISPs pay for all of the free CAs.


21 minutes ago

… which was never a problem until we all decided that every single website, no matter how boring or inconsequential, needed to be encrypted.

There is no reason for to be served with SSL … But browser behaviors, and changing social norms force me to do it.


8 hours ago

>Apple, which makes sense considering their stance on security.

How does it help? A lot of cert would expire prematurely and the folks will learn to accept expired cert as a norm.


7 hours ago

That is not at all what’s happened with shortened expiry date requirements so far. Industry has proven that it can largely put these systems in place.


8 hours ago

> SSL certificate lifetimes are going down. Dates proposed. 45 days by 2027

45 days ? So much ? Why not expire the next day ?


8 hours ago

For extra security I always use already expired certs.


5 hours ago

Show the certs who is boss, revoke them on issuance


8 hours ago

Generate a new certificate for your connection for every round trip.


8 hours ago

You are being downvoted, but it is a reasonable question. If you can renew every 45 days, why not every, say, 3 days?

OSCP stapling except without the oscp stapling part.


2 hours ago

There have been proposals about shortening much further: in fact, the long-standing practice in the PKI community is that renewing certificates every 7 days is short enough that no revocation service is necessary at all. However, trying to move the entire IT industry to a 7-day renewal window is a bridge too far at this point!

Instead, I would surmise this is the first step in that process by introducing a window short enough to act as a forcing function on automating certificate issuance & renewal. It's short enough to strongly encourage leveraging automation everywhere possible, but not so short that one could argue it's impossible to do manually for things that still just can't do this automatically, of which there are still a disappointingly significant number.

Once we begin to get below 30 days, however, I suspect there will be a lot more scrutiny around the data suggesting exactly how small a window is sufficient. From a risk standpoint, if we're arguing shorter-is-better, then we should go as short as possible: someone will need to pull together the data that suggest exactly how small a window appropriately balances the various risks involved. (And then 15 others will need to argue about the validity of the data, whether the data actually suggest that, whether the data were assembled with an agenda in mind, etc., etc., etc.).


8 hours ago

3 days is far too short. The certificate supplier could have a crucial piece of equipment or software stop working and 3 days might be too tight a timeline to get it fully resolved which then leads to lots of people having invalid certificates and the certificate supplier would be out of business shortly afterwards.


8 hours ago

And passwords expiring every 48 hours…


8 hours ago

We need more safetyism culture. We need to ban root access completely by 2030. 10-factor security for login. 256 digit OTP and you must insert a drop of blood to login.

At least, we’ll be super secure!


4 hours ago

If we're going this route then maybe drop HTTPS all together, go back to port 80 and instead PGP encrypt each file with a different key and add the cool peoples public keys. This would keep malicious people and bots away from the content.


8 hours ago

>drop of blood...

so cool, if there was some startup to give you a full health info with that. Imagine - with your login attempt it comes a proper analysis if you are fit for purpose.


7 hours ago

:-D Nice. The future we deserve. Now only if there was a company that was into one drop blood testing!


8 hours ago

Gotta think of the children! Children shouldn't root!

ǝʞoɾ ǝᴉzzo uɐ s,ʇɐɥʇ sǝʎ


8 hours ago

Honestly, why not make it expire after an hour or something? That way you're forced to deal with auto renewal.


8 hours ago

Except that you'll hit an issue with the automated renewal at some point and it'll likely be when you don't have someone available to deal with it - cue several hours of downtime. A problem could occur with the cert issuer and then you've got all of their customers with hours of downtime - not really a good idea.

90 days is a good compromise between encouraging autorenewal and allowing services to be down for a couple of days without really impacting anyone. It's short enough so that the person who set up the automation is probably still employed and thus they have an incentive to fix any issues.


an hour ago

Until it's too short that there's not a single worked day during the alerting period, I think it's fine. 45 days means 15 days between "it didn't renew on schedule" and "anything breaks".


4 hours ago



8 hours ago

i rather pay money and get a 1y or 2y certificate rather than use those ephemeral let's encrypt ones for free. The overhead of automatization(implementation, maintenance, support, patching, updating...) is not worth it.


8 hours ago

Can you get a 2-year certificate now? I thought it was already gone. On the other hand, I love Let's Encrypt, especially when paired with go-acme/lego. It works flawlessly, and I don't need to worry about my certificate expiring or forgetting to renew it each year. I can always monitor my certificates too.


8 hours ago

I think it is 13-months, at least that is the maximum I can buy here, GoGetSsl have a description and a list here:

This seems to have started around August 2020.

So instead they will sell "subscriptions" where you get a new certificate on expiry. So technically they will still sell you multiple years, but as a subscription.


8 hours ago

Certs longer than 398 days have been banned since sept 2020


8 hours ago

I have not checked for a while, always went for the 1y. But it seem to no longer be the case.


8 hours ago

The overhead of automation? It's one script that can be set to run each day - exactly the kind of thing that is really easy to do with computers.


8 hours ago

CAB rules apply to your fancy paid certs as well.