Worldwide Efforts to Reverse the Baby Shortage Are Falling Flat

9 pointsposted 14 hours ago
by paulpauper



12 hours ago

Well, good! Many of our environmental problems would be easier to solve if there were fewer of us. The fact that humanity has collectively and voluntarily chosen to make this happen is one of a very short list of reasons to hope that civilization might get through the next century-plus of ecological crisis.


10 hours ago

Yep. But we 'all' want infinite growth (of things mostly bad for the planet), which doesn't happen (at least until full robots and agi etc) without infinite humans.


8 hours ago

Your implicit assumption is that every person causes about the same level of environmental harm. That is not true; it is a power law.

We only solve the problem if there are fewer high polluters, the top five percent of the population by income.


13 hours ago



10 hours ago

Many countries--United States being an easy example--fell for the meme of putting women (the historical and biological primary caregivers) in the workplace and demonizing and denigrating men as a demographic.

Compounding all of this, we've made distractions more omnipresent while lowering the quality of relationships and wrecking the onboarding process for either of the majority genders/sexes.

We've destroyed our future so that we could drive down the price of labor, signal how progressive we are, and play pretend about how children happen and are raised. At least two entire generations have been damaged in this way, and the people that aren't are not the people one probably wants to take over society (full quiver folks, etc.).