Inmate Tablets?

5 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by lockedup

Item id: 41840569



11 hours ago

I think if you're not part of a criminal organization and you aren't using it to coordinate criminal activity with the outside it's fine. I worry about people with the privilege being extorted by those without. Is this because they've given up on stopping the flow of contraband cellphones?


9 hours ago

Its more of a way for them to make money then to stop the flow of phones as lomg as inmates have access to a fare amount of money there isnt anthing a gaurd wont bring for the right price im in a county jail right now and theres less contraband but in a ksp there are hundreds of contraband phones around


11 hours ago

I guess it's great that you have internet access, even if it is fully monitored (I assume). How locked down are these tablets? What can you do on them? Or what are the main restrictions?


9 hours ago

There ipads and there pretty restricted but like with anything you can find ways through the restricions thats how im able to talk to you today i use the apps they allow to hope through links untill i can find sites that work this one included