DHH's response to Mullenweg's response of DHH's blog post

15 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by rob



11 hours ago

Matt's response to him shows just how delusional Matt has become. He basically trashes DHH because he hasn't tried to extract every last penny of value from his contributions.

I'm absolutely disgusted by Matt at this point.


11 hours ago

Odd how different one's impressions can be. My impression of this imbroglio is that Automattic pays about a hundred people for the common good and that financial drain is a competitive problem, and it's bothering Matt, really bothering him.

(FWIW I've been a full-time open source developer, and remember vividly how careless most people outside the team were of our salaries.)


9 hours ago

Is the "common good" a nickname for Automattic's bottom line?

The man is a narcissist and a scoundrel. He can't allow anyone to compete with his wordpress company.


8 hours ago

me, too.

I have experience in both RoR and Wordpress, and the above helped me now to understand why with RoR is a pleasure while with Wordpress (apart from security, which is a impossible to achive I think) is just a daily task to stay out of subscriptions/payments/advs which are really not just annoying but a stupid way to spend your time.

It really looks like this Matt hit somebody worst then him, and cannot digest it.


12 hours ago
