Ask HN: WordPress Impact on Startups

4 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by wpthrowaway

Item id: 41839758



10 hours ago

If it is hosting-related, rather than WordPress-related, then are there not other structurally similar PHP CMSes and tools (Drupal, Backdrop, Magento, PrestaShop, Grav, Monica, maybe InvoiceNinja [0]) you could add plugin-based support for?

Magento is an extreme case but under the hood, most of the "hosting-related" things one wants to add intelligence for (backups, static content generation, caching, monitoring) are common to lots of PHP applications.

What about adding a library (if that's how your tool provides integration) for generic PHP (e.g. Laravel) applications?

That is, instead of pivoting to another single framework, what about pivoting to being PHP-supportive and framework-agnostic?

[0] InvoiceNinja may have licence restrictions that prevent you offering an integrated service, I've not checked recently. I guess others might too.


9 hours ago

> I could easily imagine myself in the same position as WPEngine.

You can easily imagine making $400 millions per year, and contributing close to nothing back to the open source software?

> But right now, I can pivot into another framework with a couple months of work

If you become as big as WP Engine, you'd have money for those couple of months to support another framework too.

> pivot into another framework with a couple months

Sounds like a misjudgement to wait for that long and not launch now, I think. I wish you good luck whatever you choose :-)

(With all that said, right now I do think Matt did some or a bunch of mistakes. I hope he realizes sooner or later.)