On Campus Safety, the Left Is Hopelessly Confused

2 pointsposted 7 hours ago
by grahamhillard



7 hours ago

> Nevertheless, the requirement is based on a coherent and sound idea: that universities have an obligation to keep students safe

Given our utter lack of response to the mass shootings happening in American high schools, where the students are miners and required by law to be in attendance, I'm not buying the "coherent and sound idea" that universities have a greater obligation to student safety when the students are adults and have no legal requirement to attend.

Once that false premise is removed, the entire argument falls on its face.


7 hours ago

"Minors". "Miners" are people who work in mines; that should not fit high school students since child labor laws were passed.

But also, your argument here seems flawed to me. Students aren't safe in high school, so we shouldn't worry about them being safe in college? Um, how about we work toward them being safe both places?


7 hours ago

No. The students in college are adults. That's a key legal differentiation.

Do I expect institutions having the responsibility for the care of children to be held to a higher standard of safety? You bet!

I would go so far as to say the younger the child, then the higher the standard. Meaning those entrusted with the care of infants should absolutely be held to the highest standard.


7 hours ago
