Video Games Are a Key Battleground in the Propaganda War

4 pointsposted 14 hours ago
by thunderbong



13 hours ago

Sometimes I feel as if my life, and the life of other Transhuman kids who've grown up like me, is more or less Ender's Game writ large, without the special chosen-ness for leadership in something momentous.

In other words, I was merely a bored child playing video games, diving into this cyber world, and gradually, inexorably, it all became real around us, and now manifestations in meatspace are inextricably linked with that cyber world, which we imagined to be separate and unique.


12 hours ago

> which we imagined to be separate and unique...

Only because we were young. We really just didn't know yet how nature, nurture and experience shape creators, or humans in general. Least of it all emerges in the brain, it's mostly what we watch, hear, smell, taste & feel what others do, then lots of biomimicry, bio-electric necessity and then some curiosity & more or less love.

Then we learn that some things should never leave the confines of our brains and that groups of people have different thresholds for what is tolerable and what is absolutely not.

America: Russia is evil. The Comrades must die.

Russia: Fuuuck Americans, they are absolutely alright.