Show HN: – send personalized emails from Google Sheets

16 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by coolastekatten



3 hours ago

I have a big issue here: this is essentially bootstrapping spreadsheets to do only a singular task for what seems to be free, until it's not.

The competitor to this service would be Monday, which offers a plethora of automation techniques and a straightforward(ish) API to create your own.

There is a huge security concern in giving Gmail write and also Google Drive permissions as well.

Lastly, I would consider this to be something that Gemini can/will accomplish in due time

So what makes this competitive?


6 hours ago

What do the privacy aspect of this? I would love to use it but can't see my company wanting the contents to be sent through an additional third party?


8 hours ago

Really nice, specially for small business & indie hackers. Best of the lucks!


10 hours ago

the spreadsheet is not going anywhere