Show HN: Dead man's switch without reliance on your infra

114 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by adamdecaf



6 hours ago

If you call this a "dead man's switch" I'd expect it to turn my app off when I die. E.g. "switch" something when something happens to a "man".

Your own README links to this definition: "A dead man's switch is a switch that is designed to be activated or deactivated if the human operator becomes incapacitated".

This is a watchdog timer / monitor / heartbeat, setting off an alert if a timer elapses.


6 hours ago

The "original" dead man switch as I heard about it was a pedal on a train that would apply the brakes if the operator released it.

I've often wondered about how to reliably take software actions after my death or dishonor. After all, you can't really rely on me being able to pay my bills. I'm not looking to do something expensive, more like delete my accounts and send some messages.


6 hours ago

> I've often wondered about how to reliably take software actions after my death

This is actually fairly simple and well understood: leave instructions in your will.

"Notify <Provider> to delete my account" is a perfectly valid instruction to leave for an executor.

You could leave behind a password cache with a master password left in your will, but I suspect much of this still runs on trust. I'd imagine (I haven't tried), that "X has died, please take action Y" is a fairly reliable social engineering vector if you have a convincing "proof" that X has died.

It's worth noting that the executor isn't hard forced to carry out your wishes, the legal recourse for them not doing so comes from other beneficiaries ability to take legal action against the executor. If those other beneficiaries don't care much for enforcement, then you might prefer technical methods such as the submission.


5 hours ago

I keep a "death README" with all of my online and offline account credentials and phone unlock codes, PII that might be needed to authenticate w/ various companies' services, copies of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, health care proxies and so on, copies of all vital docs like marriage certificate, birth certificates, home router SSIDs and passwords, information about doctors, health insurance, life insurance, all financial accounts and brokerages, approximate balances, bills and how to pay them, tax returns and how to file them, a list of recurring expenses and how to pay them, property w/ approximate values, and so on. A hardcopy is kept in our house where next of kin can find it if needed without knowing a safe combination, but casual robbers wouldn't stumble across.


an hour ago

Why without the safe combination? Not to out myself but mines in a safe. If I'm dead I expect my next of kin to crow bar it open but if I'm not, I'd rather not have anybody else access that.


5 hours ago

The „X has died, please take action Y“ thing also only works if the service reliably knows that the account belongs to X. My executor can’t delete my HN account because he can’t prove it’s actually my account (without getting the password).


4 hours ago

Can it not be cryptographically proven?

Leave a public key in your HN bio.

And leave a matching private key and validation instructions in your will.

If the keys match along with a death certificate, then: The account owner is validated as being dead.


3 hours ago

It's not about it being impossible to cryptographically prove/validate it, but rather about services choosing to not attempt to try to validate it. They generally don't provide such an option, because it's tricky, somewhat manual, has certain costs and risks, and no benefit to the service provider.

If some law prescribes that after following a certain verification process, the operator is required to delete the account, then that legally mandated process would work, but in the absence of such a law literally no process can be sufficient, because the operators can and will choose to ignore it, no matter how reliable it is.


4 hours ago

If I prepare for it, sure. At that point, I can just leave my password though. I was responding to the point that you don’t need to leave the password because a death certificate would be enough.


3 hours ago

Aye, indeed.

But maybe I don't want to leave my password behind because I'm weird that way or something, and instead I just want my account nuked.

Cryptographic proof of ownership by the dead guy + death certificate should allow for account nuking, without allowing for a third party to do something else with my account.

(Not that I'm worried about it, myself. In fact, I've found all of these dead man's switch/after-death automations pretty amusing every time I've seen them pop up in the past couple of decades.

I mean: When I'm dead, my HN/Google/whatever accounts will become idle, and I'm dead AF so I don't care if someone hacks the passwords some time later. It's a non-refundable one-way ticket for me.)


3 hours ago

> After all, you can't really rely on me being able to pay my bills.

Bit that's exact trigger you wat.

Make something that keeps running while you pay bills and stops running after you no longer pay them. Pay those bills from your current account.

Make another something that periodically checks the status of the first system to be operational. After sufficiently long periode of failures activatie the cleanup crew.

Pay for the second system from a savings account, trust, llc or some other way that is not deactivated once you die


6 hours ago

Would be cool to have some kind of "deadmans infra AI or bot" that would auto fund your server bills for X amount of additional months/years and then send out emails and post a notice you have died and your service EOL is estimated to be X or Y.

I also suppose you would have to also roll in some kind of automated patching and etc into it which would be rather difficult and break a lot of thing if went bad but some kind of "self healing" bot could perhaps also look after this part to fix anything should it break.

Also kinda opens up an entirely new attack vector. Threat actors could scan for these notices and go "hey this person is dead. lets hack their stuffs".


23 minutes ago

In the US we already have a system that could be used and would be hard to spoof but I am not aware of anyone implementing it. It has a delay of months built into it.

Specifically, the Social Security Death Index. Some months after you die your Social Security number gets listed. It's meant to prevent impersonating a dead person but could be used to shut down accounts etc.


6 hours ago

>> after my death or dishonor

honest question: why do you care?


6 hours ago

if you care about people that you leave behind...


an hour ago

I cared about these people when I was alive, why would that stop because I'm dead? If a meteor struck me dead in my bed, I'd want the survivors to be able to use my stuff to make their lives better.

I had a friend pass and his fiance was in need of money but he didn't leave the password to access the crypto, so it's lost forever. If I die unexpectedly, I'd at least want it to not be lost forever.


6 hours ago

From experience, it is a huge inconvenience to people surviving the deceased leaving without any way to pay their debits. And if you don't care about what happens after you die, why did you even care when alive? Why not always be a dick? At least it is consistent.


20 minutes ago

How to pay??

Two experiences with this. Companies don't particularly care who pays the bill. They send a bill, they get money, they don't care if the person who paid is the person. In fact, in my recent brush with such matters the company specifically knew the person was dead when they accepted the payment.

What's hard is getting access to their money to pay debts with.


5 hours ago

Under US law, the debts die with the person. You are under no obligation to repay your parent's debts. Now if the debt is tied to a house (mortgage) or a car (car loan), you might lose the house/car if you don't pay, but you do not have an obligation to pay. Likewise failure to pay will not impact your credit.

So if I die in debt up to my eyeballs, and if I am sole signatory on those debts, I have only hurt my creditors, not my family.

caveats-- if my family was counting on the house and I have an unaffordable mortgage, then yes I have caused them harm. Likewise other irresponsible debts.

-- at the end of the chain, creditors are also people. It is their job to loan money at risk, so their loss is their problem, but this assumes I was dealing in good faith when I took the loan.


5 hours ago

The debts very much don't die with the person - the estate is on the hook to pay your debts before distributing to heirs.

Obviously, with some "it depends" nuance - but if the difference between this and your world view would make a significant difference to your loved ones, you might want to talk to an attorney.


4 hours ago

Correct, but if you die broke, nobody else is on the hook to pay your debts, unless that person cosigned a loan or something like that.


3 hours ago

Sure, but it would be reasonable to assume that most people in this forum won't die broke.


an hour ago

Dying broke is a goal for many people. And a lot of people who earn a lot of money still end up broke because they never really learned how to manage it and are easy manupulated by "managers." See esp. professional athletes, celebrities, musical artists who hit it big -- anyone who jumps from near or actually in poverty to very wealthy in a short period of time.

I am sure that there is no shortage of developers who hit a big payday at a FAANG or startup and then spent like it would never end.


an hour ago

Dying broke is the optimal way to die.

The definition of broke could be the residual after the planned distributions to heirs. Or if no heirs, dying flat broke makes the most sense. Getting there is tricky.


2 hours ago

As a point of interest, trains still have these. Though it usually takes the form of a somewhat sporadic alarm and an acknowledgement buzzer. Reaction time to the buzzer somewhat influences the interval of the next one.


6 hours ago

Yea the idea is that if your service doesn’t check-in then a preconfigured alert triggers.


6 hours ago

Google has an option for what to do with your account if you are inactive for a set period of time. So you can choose what to delete, and what to give access to someone you want. You can also have it send emails to up to 10 people, with whatever message you want.


6 hours ago

What is "dishonor" in that context? (Sorry, not a native speaker of English)


17 minutes ago

(Native speaker) Wrong, but the intent was clearly that they were out of it for whatever reason. And since the true purpose of language is to communicate and it does that is it truly wrong?


5 hours ago

As a native speaker, I don’t think the phrasing is idiomatic but I read it to mean imprisoned or otherwise out of society without actually being dead.


4 hours ago

Yes, you got it 100%. I agree, it is not idiomatic, but was intended to call back the "death before dishonor" trope that your sibling commenter mentioned. I intended "dishonor" to cover a number of cases short of my death where I might be unable to continue to care for my obligations for a long period of time. For example, imprisoned, deplatformed, critically injured in a coma, lost in a serious mental health crisis, etc. In some ways, handling that is a harder challenge than handling death, as there are fewer well-worn paths to follow.


5 hours ago

It doesn't mean anything, because it is wrong. The correct idiom is "death before dishonor", which means that one would choose death instead of doing something disgraceful/shameful.


4 hours ago

That doesn’t make sense in the context


6 hours ago

I thought this was going to be some way to exact retribution on your employer after being laid off


5 hours ago

That is the typical scenario in the context of software.

Not that it happens often, but that the incidents are so memorable.


6 hours ago

Routinely surprised that there are adult human beings that do this, but so it goes.


5 hours ago

I would never do it myself. Move on with your life!

I did know a guy who worked at a major corporation explain his dead man switch like it was the most normal thing in the world, though. Extremely cursed.


5 hours ago

I could see people in a somewhat toxic situation do things like this but it’s better to get out.

Especially if there’s some complex onerous task that needs to happen and you get no credit for doing it well. Leave, and let them find out what it’s like being one of the other characters in It’s a Wonderful Life in the worst timeline.


6 hours ago

Naw, in the modern world only people like Bench Simmons get guaranteed contracts. :|


6 hours ago

Wire in pagerduty to whatever your action is. Ideally distributed on multiple infra pieces. This is just the switch side not the action side.

Normally deadmans switches can be compromised by disrupting the deadman switch hardware. This removes that attack vector and pushes it further up the chain (which may or may not help you).

It's certainly very clever.


6 hours ago

Thanks. We already rely on PD so preconfiguring the alert/snooze isn’t additional risk for us.


6 hours ago

The term of art you're looking for is: "heartbeat check"/"healthcheck", or most commonly: "cron job monitor".


6 hours ago

Seems very similar to a 'watchdog', just... reporting instead of doing anything about it.


6 hours ago

There’s no crontab for banking days. Deadcheck also requires checkins within a delta of the expected checking time.

Deadcheck also doesn’t rely on your infra to alert.


6 hours ago

Yeah I thought "dead man's switch" was such a weird name for this.


8 minutes ago

It's something that happens if you fail to take action to prevent it at some specified frequency. Looks a lot like a dead man switch to me.


5 hours ago

uptime monitor?


4 hours ago

Uptime monitors ping your server, this seems to do the opposite.


6 hours ago

I guess I'm an oldster shaking my fist at clouds, but ...

Depending on where you live, and if it matters, give it to an attorney.

Maybe use this to trigger the notification to your attorney, with instructions on how to double check things before doing things.


5 hours ago

I agree, I think people underestimate the importance of actually checking why the heart beat was missed, double checking is important. You might think you can easily click some button once a week and it is no problem to take some drastic and maybe irreversible actions after a week without any event. And then you get into a serious accident and end up in hospital for weeks. Or there is some bug unintentionally triggering the actions.


5 hours ago

The configuration example in README has "Reports Finalized", so I assume this is more for IT infra monitoring, than for taking irreversible actions when you become incapacitated :-)


7 hours ago

I’m not sure I understand what the application itself does; as far as I can see, it basically configures the external services to carry out the actual checks and ensures this configuration is up to date?

Wouldn’t it be better to do this as part of a Terraform script or something? Not to take away from the project, it sure looks neat—just wondering if I really want to deploy yet another, independent IaC tool.


7 hours ago

It sets up expected check in times for an app/job. The job is responsible for checking in, but the alert will fire regardless of your infra.

Doesn’t require a start command and your infra can completely fail and you’ll still get alerted.


7 hours ago

It doesn't look like PagerDuty supports sending out alerts on missing heart beats


6 hours ago

AFAICT, that's a better description of the project for people like us. It's a way to add a missing heart beat alert to PagerDuty.


7 hours ago

The idea is an app checks in after scheduled jobs, which extends the snooze


7 hours ago

That's exactly how escalation in pagerduty works.


5 hours ago

I sometimes think about a “dead man service”: you leave instructions (that you upload to the service), then when you pass away/etc, the service operators go and follow your instructions and do whatever you asked for. You’d pay some pre-agreed sum, possibly annuity-type subscription, and at the end we go and follow your wishes. Basically a technically competent will executor. It’s probably too much to expect your family to know how to operate your systems. Maybe you encrypt the instructions and give fractional keys to family etc.


5 hours ago

This is an attorney. No subscription, no tech, no bugs, no encryption, less hackable.


5 hours ago

> Basically a technically competent will executor.

I don't think OP is saying that an attorney *can't* get these things done, but that it would make them feel more comfortable knowing that a technically competent person and/or service will be performing the actual actions.

I do think there's a place for an attorney here, in the sense that they could be the trusted individual responsible for notifying DeadManService, Inc. that a particular person has, indeed, passed on and wishes DeadManService to run their instructions.


4 hours ago

I'm not sure what value adding a DeadManService would have then. Probably simpler to just have the attorney's instructions say, "Hire a technical consultant to carry out the following:".


5 hours ago

I've thought about this too but I think the type of business best suited to execute this is a law firm, or you know, the normal executor of people's wills. They just need the IT bit.


6 hours ago

So... like BetterStack's heartbeat monitor? [0]



6 hours ago

Better Stack got on my disapproval list, for spamming me with a series of automated sales emails 15-20 minutes apart, which seemed designed that way. "One more thing.", etc.

They should've sent one welcome&upsell email, not several. And not abused contact info that was intended to reach me reliably and promptly.

For my immediate very simple need, Uptrends didn't spam me, and so far they've reliably and promptly notified me whenever my site is down even briefly (e.g., rebooting for kernel update), so they'll be getting money from me as I grow.


5 hours ago

Sorry to hear. I didn't have that experinece; it's been pleasant for me (there was a billing snafu while they changed their plan structure but it was resolved with a support email) and their monitoring has been very reliable since I signed up a year ago. Their service also seems to be better (4 checks/locations vs Uptrend's 2.)

Anyway, tl;dr is I never had an issue that resulted in not getting alerted about something that I needed to be alerted about, which, above all else, is the point of their offering.


6 hours ago

I feel like posting a software project to HN and meeting criticism is some near-end-stage of programming mastery.


5 hours ago

I did something similar years ago when I was working with observability. Prometheus alertmanager triggers a special alert constantly that calls a lambda (or any webhook), so when alertmanager dies or is unable to alert then the lambda will send an alert over a 3rd party push service to notify ops that alertmanager is down.

We called it a dead man's switch but it was really just a way to monitor alertmanager.


5 hours ago

Yea I’ve setup two alertmanagers that check each other before. It’s useful for multi site deployments.


7 hours ago

A possible integration are messaging apps that support send later. I sometimes set these up if I'm going hiking.


7 hours ago

Yea, and you would delete the pending message. Good idea…


6 hours ago

I'm not sure running an additional service plus a SaaS requirement is better than relying on infra. Standing up this service is going to rely on your infra. What if it goes down?

If you're going to have to write a scheduled check-in anyways, why not use something like cronitor and reduce the complexity? (they host the check-in endpoint)


6 hours ago

If the infra goes down, you fix it while alive, otherwise the snooze timeout on the PagerDuty incident will expire and that will trigger the configured tasks. If PagerDuty goes out of business before that, then that's a different discussion.


4 hours ago

My point was - if you're going to rely on a SaaS (Pagerduty), why not just use one that includes health check monitoring (ie cronitor) and cut out this self hosted webhook service?


4 hours ago

Deadcheck handles calculating the snooze durations for you. It could be a library as well.


6 hours ago

Exactly. At Moov we rely on PD, so if they’re down we have bigger issues anyway. I plan to support additional integrations so a check-in could update multiple


7 hours ago

Any support for something besides pager duty? I work for a telco and there are so many different heartbeats we rely, this project seems very useful for something like that. The config file looks much better than the python/perl/bash whatever scripts we have scheduled on our systems.


5 hours ago

Yea I want to support other vendors. What do you use?


6 hours ago

Nice one! Do you have any plans to support something else apart from Pager duty. I have been using for my hobby project monitoring. Integration with that would be nice. I'm open to create a PR if you are interested.


5 hours ago

Better have something that runs off the cloud. PagerDuty is not something under your countrol. A stuff as imporant as dead man switch should not rely on someone's service.


3 hours ago

I'd argue entirely opposite, that a dead man's switch should 100% rely only on someone else's services and should avoid any dependencies on your stuff, as something happening to you is correlated to something happening to things you run or own, and the whole point of such a switch is that it should function properly when e.g. all your stuff burns down or gets confiscated or whatever.


5 hours ago

Okay, so now your dead man’s switch depends on your home or colo’s power, internet connection, compute hardware, storage hardware, network hardware, software stack maintenance, plus the ability to pay bills for those on time?

Pre-Paying a cloud service pennies per month to do all that for you will likely be more reliable and much simpler.


6 hours ago

Cool trick using PagerDuty like that.

If you don’t want to use a service like Cronitor, you can self-host this without the usual fear that an outage will also take down your monitoring.


6 hours ago

Yep. I looked at Cronitor and thought about using it, but direct to PD removed a step for us at Moov.


6 hours ago

Neat. We use OpsGenie to monitor our alerting infra and it has deadman/heartbeat support so something like that is another way to go.


5 hours ago

How are they triggering the alert when the dead man’s switch isn’t tripped in time?


6 hours ago

Very clever. I have Alertmanager in a second region so it can check on my first Alertmanager, but this is much nicer.


5 hours ago

Yea I’ve setup multiple Alertmanagers that all check each other before. That setup is useful to detecting route failures between sites.


6 hours ago

I’ll use this for my next wormable vuln instead of hard coding DNS checks ;)


7 hours ago

Do the people on the receiving end of a pagerduty notification require pagerduty accounts?


5 hours ago

No, you can get text, email, slack, etc alerts from PagerDuty without installing their app.


7 hours ago

I don't understand this. You're still taking on a dependency on some infra, but now that infra is Pagerduty. What problem is this even solving


2 hours ago

Now two isolated systems have to fail. Redundancy is fault tolerant. Nothing is fault proof.


6 hours ago

That's what I thought; this tool is "kicking the can" to whatever third party service you're using. So, it's essentially just a tool that will ping stuff for you in a slightly more convienent way?


5 hours ago

Systems always rely on something. PagerDuty has been very reliable for years and we use it for alerting, so relying on it more isn’t a big ask. I plan to support multiple integrations so you could get alerted from multiple streams.


7 hours ago

It's a cloudification of dead man's switch.


6 hours ago

Your infra is relying on an ISP and colo and the power company and maybe even the Post Office. You're always relying on something that's not you. Personally I'd rely on pre-paid AWS. If all of us-east-1 goes down for days then we probably have bigger problems.


6 hours ago

Not to be confused with


5 hours ago

I don't know about the rest of the people here, but I aim to outlive PagerDuty.


6 hours ago

Speaking of not using anyone’s specific infra, we deployed software on blockchains to do this.

We had to implement a “heartbeat” and “succession” in our blockchain-based solutions for organizations to control things together.

It’s part of our “application suite for organizations” where each one is sort of this general-purpose LEGO block that could be used to build a custom solution.

In each case, you’d enter some parameters and create an instance from a Factory. We made it simple and secure for any organization to use this.

In this specific one, ControlFactory is used to create ControlContract instance that can be used to control an address together (to sign off things collectively, like transfer tokens or call an arbitrary method on a different address)

We had to handle what happens if the M of N people don’t show up for a while. And we said they have to call a heartbeat() method every so often. If they fail to call it then control temporarily passes to the next group in succession, until the OGs can finally call the heartbeat() method again.

Here is more info on the why:

And here are the rest of the blockchain apps for organizations:

You can go ahead and use it, the factory it’s been deployed on many EVM blockchains, at the same address.

PS: fun fact, you can configure a ControlContract to also manage calling methods on itself, thereby creating custom “policies” for organizations when it comes to granting/recoving rights of other people to the quorum.