Show HN: Tenno – Markdown and JavaScript = a hybrid of Word and Excel

215 pointsposted 7 hours ago
by deepmacro



3 hours ago

I've been writing something similar that keeps evolving, although computable code blocks and markdown have been in there since v1. Runs locally, saves to LocalStorage and is always in a partially broken state because I add more things than those I fix:

And a couple recent-ish updates (sadly twitter, because I use it as throw-devlog-there):





an hour ago

I did another take on this, that extends Markdown links to include types (like triples, like Semantic Mediawiki) called "mdld". It's quite powerful but I left it at a good-enough stage for my uses.


5 hours ago

This is a great concept. I'd love for this to be a part of a notetaking solution that I can run locally.

Curious what your long term plans are.

I am also curious if it supports taking (entire) tables as inputs and creating derived tables from them which can then be presented as chart etc. That would be really powerful.


4 hours ago

I was trying to get a sense of what people like and find useful. Your suggestions and comments are helping to figure that out.

I am planning to add support for entire tables, like one coming from a gSheet, and then present data from it. But not there yet, if you have suggestions, please add them to the feedback form


4 hours ago

It would be cool if you could run SQL queries against lcoal SQLite or DuckDB instances and generate tables


4 hours ago

I'm not knocking it. At first glance this reminds me of a notebook like Jupyter. Was that an inspiration here? Also, how would you say this stacks up in terms of sharing these files and/or running them locally? Thanks.

Edit: after seeing this, I kind of wish Jupyter worked with markdown exactly like this. Jupyter's GUI-oriented blocks jammed into my VSCode workspace always felt unnecessarily clunky to me.


4 hours ago

The idea was to have a more linear way to express your thoughts and adding calculations. Another big problem for me was that in excel when you want to create various plots for the same multi-variate problem you have to create a ton of copies of your data and formula.

For sharing files, it could be as simple as sharing a text file. You can also imagine a future where you create something and you only share the nice looking html view that is still interactive.

Running locally? not a problem, I already tested packaging this into a OSX app and it was like 4MB and has the same functionalities.


2 hours ago

Check this out:

Soulver -

Notepad, meet calculator...

Soulver is a natural language notepad calculator app for the Mac, iPad & iPhone.

It is a better way to work things out than a traditional calculator, and a more lightweight tool for working through problems than a spreadsheet.

Here's an example from a real user:


6 hours ago

Really nice job, the emphasis on local+live execution is much appreciated.

I’ve spent some time working on something like this and ended up in a Turing tarpit, I hope you are able to avoid that fate.

The questions I let myself avoid for too long was, who is my user, and what are they trying to accomplish? How technical are they?

Once I answered those (on year 2, after running out of money) I built the same capabilities into a very different offering. Still with the goals of local, live, executable docs, but you wouldn’t recognize it.


6 hours ago

Thanks! That's why I posted this here to see if people would resonate with this or not... I've only worked a couple of weeks on this and I had the same questions!

Can I ask what you ended up building? Is there a website for it?


2 hours ago

I love the idea of finding new and better interfaces for spreadsheets, and I applaud this effort!

That being said, if you want this to be useful for people in general, not just programmers:

- People like WYSIWIG. Markdown and the split-pane view seems to be something only programmers like. So I'd suggest being able to do everything, or mostly everything, directly in the rendered/HTML panel. (Maybe the Markdown panel is for power users only)

- This is great for working with individual calculations, but a lot (most?) of spreadsheet use is about applying formulas to whole rows, columns, and tables of values. I see you support basic tables, but they're a huge pain to encode/format/edit in Markdown, and I don't see any ability to support things like 200 rows x 5 columns and do things like calculate sums and averages

So I think there's a ton of potential here! But I think WYSIWIG and easy tabular data support are going to be key here for broader usage. While the kinds of programmers this seems aimed at now, are already using Jupyter notebooks and Matplotlib for this kind of thing. (Like, when you describe "why did I build this", I don't understand why you didn't just fire up a Google Colab notebook.)


2 hours ago

Tables are something I want to tackle and I'd like to do them right because (as you point out) are crucial. I didn't get there yet...

I want to make it such that you can code on the left and then hide everything and share that with non technical folks. That's why I did not use a Colab, creating something interactive with it (and I did that quite a lot in the past) it's a bit of a PITA.


4 hours ago

Nice! mad nitpick, I feel like the Euro display filter is weird, as it renders "12.25€" whereas I'd expect a Euro value to be displayed "€12.25". I've never seen it with the euro sign at the end in my life! Maybe this is country-dependent?

Another one, the Editable filter is very cool, but every keypress seems to take focus away from the input, making it rather hard to edit a number in practice.

Regardless, I really like this! Of most similar attempts I've seen so far, this seems particularly ergonomic and up my alley. Great job!


4 hours ago

Concerning the currency symbol positioning, yes, it is indeed country-dependent. Countries of the Commonwealth usually place the currency sign in front of the figure, but most european do not, and instead place the symbol after the figure.

See the Use section in


4 hours ago

Thanks! I was always told the dollar is a prefix unit while the euro is not, but perhaps between european countries there are differences in that...

Anyway, yes the editable thing is a known problem that could be fixed by switching to a view mode rather than an edit mode. The problem right now is caused by keeping in sync the edit field and the code on the left side.


3 hours ago

The dollar sign isn’t a prefix in many EU countries. It’s so weird to learn that currencies go first. Then again, I still don’t understand a single American measurement either so why wouldn’t it be weird? Seriously, I have no idea what a mile or a feet is. I’ve learned from time to time when I needed to, but I always forget again because it’s just not making any sense to me.

Or maybe it’s bit weird. Do you guys also put something like “ml” in front of numbers? Would it be: “you can buy 10ml of milk for $2”?


3 hours ago

LOL, Americans don't do ml. It would be 1/8 fluid wainscot of milk or something.


2 hours ago

I realize making fun of the imperial measurement system is a great internet pastime, but almost everything in America has measurements in both imperial and metric on the packaging. The can of soda I'm looking at says 12 fl oz, and then in parentheses it says 355 ml.


6 hours ago

Tenno is the name of the faction in the video game Warframe the player characters are comprised of. Just want to point that out.


6 hours ago

Cool, didn't know that, but I can assure you it's also the name of a lake close to where I live


6 hours ago

Make sure to always google a name you want to use before using it, to make sure you're not going to get clobbered by someone else's dominant SEO on the word.


6 hours ago

Actually I did some very simple search and most results were about my local lake, so I figured that the context was different enough, we'll see.


5 hours ago

That's personalized search results for you :) That lake would not be ranking high for anyone except the people in the vicinity.


6 hours ago

It’s also the Japanese Emperor.


6 hours ago

This was my first thought, probably will make searching stuff difficult.


6 hours ago

Should not be too bad. The two are different enough that you can add some sort of context to your search terms, like searching for "tenno markdown".


6 hours ago

Sounds similar to emacs org mode where you have markup and tables can have Elisp formulas in them.


5 hours ago

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

deepmacro, before you created Tenno, did you try Org? It supports plain text spreadsheets[1] in Org documents whose content is marked up using Org syntax[2], which is a lightweight markup language like Markdown but with many more features. If you did try Org, how was it lacking?




5 hours ago

i do my taxes with org spreadsheet i doubt it lacks and you also have the option to get output in html/pdf etc. with babel.


5 hours ago

Honestly, no. I heard of it but I never used it. I am sure it has a lot of features that can inspire Tenno, I'll look more into it. One of the main points here was making it more approachable, but it depends on who the audience is.


2 hours ago

Neat, you might also look at for ideas. It's a slightly different space, it's markdown to wrap tools with UI's instead of to plot things, but the way I enable you to prompt the user and run little bits of javascript might be of interest to you.


5 hours ago

Very nice.

There is no support for table cell expressions though, without which marking it as Excel is wrong.

There is VS Code extension I use now:

Do you consider adding something like that? Any way to use this locally? Is this going to be FOSS or no?


4 hours ago

Thanks! Yeah, I kind of want to integrate with gSheets so you can have a place where you can dump the data and then operate on it.

Also need to find a nice and easy way to deal with local tables, I'll look into the extension you suggested.


3 hours ago

The extension allows you to add calculation even between tables by naming them in the comment:

    <!-- table1 -->
    |    Date    | Amount |
    | ---------- | ------ |
    | 2024-10-01 | 1      |
    | 2023-09-01 | 2      |

    |       |            Amount            |
    | ----- | ---------------------------- |
    | Last  | [1](#table1!B1)              |
    | Total | [3](#SUM(table1!B:table1!B)) |

> gSheets

I am personally not interested in anything beyond my computer.


3 hours ago

I think this would be great as an evolution of MDX ( MDX is already pretty popular for documentation and it plays well with React but unfortunately there is no framework that adds interactivity to MDX which will enable use cases like data applications.


2 hours ago

Thank God for all these banners. Without them, the wars would probably still be going! Oh wait...


6 hours ago

How did it compare with ?


6 hours ago

I'd have to look more into it, one thing for sure is that Tenno does not try to be something like Jupyter. The cells execution order is sorted out for you.


3 hours ago

Observable also handles the execution order for you.


3 hours ago

First of all, I love this concept!

The editable fields within a markdown explainer is really intuitive.

What I'd personally like to see is a better data exploration tab or similar - basically some place that makes it easier to view the cells in use in the doc, and edit them. basically a spreadsheet tab ;)


2 hours ago

Yeah, I think using the same concept you did for the charts, use that for the tabular info. I can imagine using those dash's and bars would eventually get annoying to create a decent size table.


2 hours ago

This seems really cool although I’m not sure that I would call that a cell


2 hours ago

I was hesitant to call it a variable because most people that only use excel are not going to be familiar with that concept. Suggestion for other names?


2 hours ago

You might want to add a horizontal split mode and use that by default depending on the resolution of the device (phones/tablets)


2 hours ago

Good idea, thanks, I'd also like to prevent edit mode on mobile so one can only see the HTML rendered part.


3 hours ago

Very cool! I'm working on something similar but a little more wysiwyg and collaborative (think gdocs meets gsheets rather than word meets excel). Let me know if you want to chat - email in profile


5 hours ago

Very cool! A couple first-blush bits of feedback:

- The editable text fields currently lose focus after each keypress

- Error handling will be a hard nut to crack, but currently if you, say, add "a" to an editable textbox that expects a number, the live component reverts to text

- Minimal support for buttons would add a lot for simple interactive charts - something like:

    label="Set x to 5"
    x = 5


6 hours ago

I opened the docs page, tried editing one of the examples, the page immediately crashed. You may be interested in setting up some error boundaries between your components.

  Unexpected Application Error!
  Cannot read properties of null (reading 'alternate')
  TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'alternate')
    at Uh (


6 hours ago

Right, I did not put a lot of checks in place for such failures. Does it keep happen if you refresh? I've never seen it TBH


5 hours ago

Yup, still happens. The easiest way to reproduce it to change a title of one of the charts to `title=""` (make sure to type it, not copy-paste). I'm using Safari for macOS if this makes a difference.

  Unexpected Application Error!
  Unexpected EOF
    eval@[native code]


5 hours ago

Ah, yes, I just fixed that. While you edit, if the code is not valid now it will prevent from crashing the whole thing (band-aid fix).


6 hours ago

I wanted to check this out on my phone, but it is unfortunately impossible to even read the text on the page or look at the examples.


6 hours ago

Yes, a responsive layout it's something I'll tackle in the future, but I think that in 90% of use cases people should use this on a laptop. Check it out again on a laptop if you can!


6 hours ago

I can imagine having a secrets store whose contents can be embedded into API calls, either in the URL or in a header, would be pretty useful.

And looking further ahead, having a way to authenticate users via Okta etc with the usual gubbins of groups and permissions and personal areas and sharing URLs would no doubt give you uptake in corporate areas.


5 hours ago

Great demo, reminds me a lot of Jupyter Notebook but the "inline" cells are so much better


5 hours ago

Neat little tool. I was looking for Excel in the examples but only saw charts.

For Excel + Word I use You can also quickly create equations with sliders for variables to satisfy similar needs as Tenno but I haven't tried charting with it yet.


2 hours ago

Sorry, but Excel is so great and the most loved software in the world because every user intuitively understands that the cells can be edited "right where they are". The markdown abstraction is nice, and probably has many usecases, but it's just not a hybrid of Word and Excel because it introduces an abstract language to describe cells and words.

(Anyway, great project engineering-wise!)


2 hours ago

I think having to use a tool different than excel is hard because people have been used to that type of UI for 40 years.

The problem I have is that once you go beyond a simple thing it becomes messy and you never know what you are dealing with. The way you present things graphically and they way you organize data to perform computations are tangled, making hard to read IMO.


2 hours ago

> Excel is […] the most loved software

Citation needed.


5 hours ago

Excel, but linear, without the reference mess. It looks cool for mocking up dashboards. Some form of grid with nested documents could make it more useful.


5 hours ago

+1 this! I think writing helps you create a narrative that disambiguates the mess you can create in Excel. It also forces you to think more about what you do. Good suggestions! Thanks


3 hours ago

Easy on the features, though. If you make it too complex, it can lose its (fairly) unique proposition of simplicity.


7 hours ago

Vet cool! I've always wanted something like this in my note taking (currently use obsidian), but it being a "webapp" is kinda a deal breaker. I want something that runs and stores my data locally.


7 hours ago

Well it's a web app but it's not using anything in the cloud at the moment, I experimented with packaging it in an app for Mac and works nice. If more people wanted it this could definitely be converted in something running locally where you can store .md files in your computer.


7 hours ago

You can do a lot of this in obsidian with the dataview and execute-code plugins!


7 hours ago

Didn't know about this! Will look into it, one nice thing here is that you do not need "ordering" like in imperative programming when you define your cells.

Is that possible too in Obsidian? Or perhaps it's not useful...


4 hours ago

The company security team at my workplace is blocking as grayware :D


4 hours ago

It can execute arbitrary JS in your browser using eval(), that could be why.


2 hours ago

Absolutely brilliant. Bookmarked.


2 hours ago

Glad you like, I'll keep you posted for new updates in case you're interested.


7 hours ago

Nice! What about integrations with Google sheets?


7 hours ago

That seems quite doable but it would require a backend to store the OAuth


5 hours ago

Public sheets don't require oauth, i am using public sheet as test url to display csv in my tool.


7 hours ago

Interesting effort.. I'd just spin up a Jupyter Notebook instance, but hey.


6 hours ago

Right, something that's potentially difficult with Jupyter is sharing something that looks nice with non technical folks where they can easily change values and see the result change immediately without having to execute cells.


5 hours ago

Thank you for sharing Tenno with the HN community! It's always exciting to see new tools that enhance productivity and bridge the gap between document creation and computational analysis.


7 hours ago

Nice idea, could be a lightweight enough way to create some visualizations


7 hours ago

Yeah, at the moment I only have line charts but I can add other charts using ChartJS. I also think it could be useful to share some initial prototypes with less technical folks.


5 hours ago

interesting idea. try to understand the dsl for the chart but the doc is not very detailed


5 hours ago

The lotus will be pleased.


7 hours ago

If you hate spreadsheets this could be your way out of it...


4 hours ago

Ah, like a reduced version of Org-Mode.


3 hours ago

I hate to be that guy: Org mode did it.

(actually, I love pimping emacs)


5 hours ago

It would be helpful to have a built-in bignum type. Excel’s usage of float is performant, but it is also a mistake. A complex number type would also be nice to have.