Instagram and Threads moderation is out of control

49 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by healsdata



12 hours ago

Does anyone else feel like Instagram "moderation" is, well, basically a lost cause?

The core issue with it is the algorithm. There's nothing inherently "incorrect" about 99% of the stuff I see on there but it clearly influences my mind over time regardless, it's just a bad information diet.


12 hours ago

Yes. "You are what you eat" also applies to information diets. Consume simplistic, small-minded information, produce simplistic, small-minded thoughts. One of the key takeaways from Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" is how political and economic forces on 20th century mass media shape and constrain its contents; you will rarely come across content that runs antithetical to the interests and ethos of advertisers or providers of capital, which all provide funding to mass media outlets and thus enable their existence. Further, the government, with a monopoly on access to privileged or authoritative knowledge, is able to supply the mass media with information germane to its own agendas.

Messages will evolve according to the conditions of the medium that carries them; similarly to how biological organisms either adapt and thrive or fail according to the constraints of their environment, there exist selective pressures that determine, ultimately, what content is promoted and thrives according to the whims of the social media algorithm. "The medium is the message," and the predominant message of social media is short-form brainrot. The need to publish "content" on a regular, daily, or even live-streamed 24/7 basis incentivizes the production of quick takes, short videos, and soundbytes instead of slow, deliberative, measured thoughts that may take months, years, or longer to assemble into a literate medium. The latter form of content is actively selected against in a social media environment; thus, the proliferation of groupthink and stupidity.


5 hours ago

> Does anyone else feel like Instagram "moderation" is, well, basically a lost cause?

I am low-key thinking about that problem all the time. The more I think the less I believe that it is even surmountable.

From that vantage point it sure looks like Meta does an incredible, excellent top-notch job on that. That's the failed 0.001% that are notoriously and hilariously wrong. While it sucks and hits the pain points, we can all agree it's more or less inevitable. No system can be 100% perfect. And yes, I have been on the receiving end of that lance multiple times and yes it sucks.


10 hours ago

That's pretty much all media including the 24 hour daily news.


11 hours ago

It's amazing to me how little moderation they do for Ad content. My Instagram ads are constant crypto scams. Maybe there just isn't the same incentives to moderate companies paying to scam your users, as opposed to free users posting their political views


3 hours ago

It's not just moderation. As of one week ago, my stories disappeared and now I have to go into Settings > Archive, to see who viewed them, or delete them, etc. Not only that, but everyone I follow's stories also disappeared unless I go to their profile to view them. Also, IG won't refresh if I pull down. I have to close the app then reopen.


13 hours ago

I was noticing the big blue app doesn't let you report a fake profile unless the impersonated person has a real profile. What kind of narcissist designs a "report fake profile" feature that assumes everybody on earth has an account? Every time I report fake profiles I get the automated response that they looked into it and it's legit. Did it twice today.

As people move on to other apps, scams and fake content on "classic" fb seems to still be reaching boomers and people in other countries. As usual, I do not get the impression anyone at meta cares.

The standard techie response for how to solve this problem is to get someone internal at meta to escalate. Otherwise known as not a solution to the problem. My experience doing this is that internal people handling such tickets are actually not very bright and your internal contact needs to repeatedly push back at people who want to close tickets with no action.


5 hours ago

There is hardly any hope in controlling human expression by whatever means you employ. It is like trying to stop the waves from arriving on the beach by using a toy plastic bucket.


an hour ago

Yeah, I'm not sure what people are really expecting from these "platforms".

At the scale of Instagram you're basically expecting them to act as a censor for billions of people. It's like imagining an agent on every street corner preventing people from discussing what they like in the pub. You might be able to influence the direction, and you might be able to use models to blanket ban certain things, but real moderation? You'd need to employ hundreds of millions.


9 hours ago

I actually spend a lot of time curating my feed and ensuring the algorithm shows me the type of content I want to see, so I haven’t personally felt that moderation is out of control. From my experience, both the posts and the ads I see are pretty relevant and aligned with my interests.

For context, I’m based on the West Coast, which might influence my experience. Just wanted to share my perspective!


7 hours ago

My experience on Tiktok: I press "not interested" on some post, then again two three times on similar posts — it stops showing such posts.

My experience on Instagram: I press not interested. It keeps showing exact same thing over and over.


4 hours ago

Took me a few yrs waiting for to be unblocked.

Finally unblocked after complaining on twitter about them


13 hours ago

Interesting that they go to Twitter to complain about censorship on other apps.


12 hours ago

Given we have an election in less than a month hardly surprised that their moderation systems are erring on the side of caution.

Especially with so many well-funded, state sponsored actors using LLMs to sow division as we've seen so often on Twitter recently.


11 hours ago

They're not erring on the side of anything. They removed a post containing two "Grinning Squinting Face" emojis but left one up telling all gay people to "get in the ground".


11 hours ago

When you talk about they. You are talking about an inherently imperfect ML model.

Even if it was 99.99% accurate there would still be thousands of false positives positives/negatives like you describe.


12 hours ago

The state-sponsored actors (with the US being one of those states) are censoring people and also using LLM bots as well to gaslight them.

Democracy cannot work without freedom of speech, and I would argue anonymous freedom of speech. Block bots, not people.


11 hours ago

> anonymous freedom of speech. Block bots, not people.

As we're hearing more and more from the large tech companies, this is a hard line to walk. How do you identify what's a bot as they become more indistinguishable from humans? Apparently identity verification and/or remote attestation, both of erode the idea of anonymous freedom of speech.

Whether one believes them is another question.


9 hours ago

It is a fine line to walk. However, I think one easy not filtering solution might be to sell a cryptographic solution on the open market for a price high enough that it would be infeasible to fake that. Think of it like X's premium feature but with no credit card involved. Imagine going to Target or Best Buy, smacking down a hundred dollar bill, and getting your "trusted human level $100" token. You could then use the thing to register an anonymous account anywhere you like, and the price(s) of your token(s) could even be public (in case someone did decide to pay a high price for tons of fake bot accounts, you could potentially detect it). You would have to still prevent the thing from being linked to your real identity, but that should be doable. It would also be possible for these accounts to vouch for each other. So, you know, you get some web-of-trust type of fuzzy feeling about various accounts.

Now that I think of it, maybe this can be done with TLS certs, although I don't know any CA that can take anonymous payment.


12 hours ago

I just wanted to throw out there that having an informed electorate was one of the reasons there is the Electoral College. We can blame LLMs, etc. now but low-information, easily-swayed voters has always been an issue.


11 hours ago

Can you elaborate on this? It is my understanding that electors are not allowed to change the vote based on anything like being more informed or something similar. Is this wrong? Or did the mechanics of the election change so much over time?


11 hours ago

Originally the idea was you would vote for people who would do the actual voting. A nice idea, but obviously not workable for many reasons, especially since communication rapidly improved so that candidates could be known widely enough that the actual voters could be somewhat informed. (However, I believe the electors still can change their vote from what they promised, but forget ever doing anything in politics again.)


11 hours ago

Electors weren’t bound to a candidate. The founding fathers wanted democracy but were worried about “well-meaning but uninformed people” who may be vulnerable to charismatic populists, candidates with blatantly unfit characters, and influence by foreign propaganda. Electors were meant to be well-informed, exercise their judgment and prevent unfit candidates from being elected. That didn’t work in practice, and eventually states passed laws to pick partisan electors via popular vote. Then that gate keeping power shifted to party insiders, who chose the nominee and were meant to gatekeep bad/insane candidates. Then populists took that away too, because “people power” can never go wrong, right?

The current system, where you can vote in primaries, and where electors reflect their states’ vote, is just a few decades old.

Penalties for “faithless electors” are somewhat recent and only exist in states which passed laws to give themselves that power.


10 hours ago

>Then populists took that away too, because “people power” can never go wrong, right?

the blatant, sneering disdain for lowly commoners that supposed proponents of "democracy" are continually unable to contain for even a few paragraphs at a time will somehow never fail to shock me


7 hours ago

I’m not a proponent for anything except competent leadership. Your need to project another group’s ideas onto me, to reinforce your preexisting feeling against them, does slightly prove my point.


6 hours ago
