In Defense of LeetCode Interviews

2 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by alexmolas



10 hours ago

If you hire using LeetCode, you will surround yourself with people who enjoy blogging about LeetCode in their free time.

LeetCode was never about LeetCode, it was always a stand in for culture.

It's now a signal for baseline compliance. That's generally good for companies that require mostly operationalists.

The problem is that anyone can learn to leetcode. If you're interested in doing something new and not just warehousing CS lawyers, you're gonna have to ask better questions than that.


10 hours ago

I feel like the author missed the most critical point: Leetcode style interviews are great at weeding out terrible coders (95% of applicants) early on in the hiring process, but don't carry an as strong signal for separating excellent candidates from the good ones.

Asking standard array/string manipulation/sorting etc questions in a 30min phone screen is very valuable to save your engineers 5hrs on a poor candidate. Conversely, throwing an NP hard leetcode hard at a senior dev with 20 years of experience and excellent culture fit with your organization in the 9th interview is basically meaningless.