Node vs. Bun: no back end performance difference

2 pointsposted 14 hours ago
by evertheylen



13 hours ago

Interestingly enough, 2 days ago Anton released his latest benchmark, a comparison between Bun and Node.js [1] and was quite surprising to be honest with you, that does not match your tests.



13 hours ago

Interesting! I may not have found it because I dislike Youtube for technical content. It's definitly an interesting benchmark. Using replicas in Kubernetes, but not `cluster.fork()` feels like a complicated choice to me, but I don't know k8s that well.

However, it seems to me the results are broadly similar. The first test he describes as a "synthetic benchmark", and Bun performs better. The second test, "a real-world use case", has Node and Bun trading blows, with a slight advantage to Node. Happy to hear your interpretation!


12 hours ago

My interpretation is rather simple: I use Bun for local development and Node.js for production. In the future, when Bun becomes more stable and production-ready, I will be using it for sure.


14 hours ago
