US dockworkers suspend ports strike until January

7 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by ethbr1



4 hours ago

The ports in Florida were being to be re-opened by FL National Guard troops. That likely would've ended the longshoreman's union.


an hour ago

> The ports in Florida were being to be re-opened by FL National Guard troops. That likely would've ended the longshoreman's union.

Rockefeller did set a precedent when he used mashine guns to end a strike.


13 hours ago

>> The union says it has reached a tentative agreement on wages and will go back to work on Friday until 15 January, when they will return to the bargaining table to negotiate "all other outstanding issues".

>> Under a tentative agreement workers’ wages would go up by 62% over the next six years, according to US media reports. The union had been calling for a 77% wage hike, while USMX had previously increased its pay rise offer to almost 50%.

Hmm, if a +8.4% yearly wage increase was feasible, then it seems like workers were being underpaid relative to the profit their work generated.


11 hours ago

Most people are underpaid if we consider the global 'productivity-pay gap' phenomenon (since the 1970s, wages haven't been growing as much as productivity)...