23andMe is on the brink. What happens to all its DNA data?

8 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by tysone



11 hours ago



10 hours ago

Maybe the better question is why has it been allowed to amass so much data and do people care so little about their private data? This is my entire problem with some of these things they want to simply collect data and hoard it hopefully to find a buyer for it all.

If there was actually some assurance that they could perform the test and provide the results and not keep any of the data then I would be more open to these things. Until I can be in control of my personal health data it's all a farce. Even the HIPAA regulations we have are a joke because you go to the doctor's office and they make you sign a whole stack of forms saying that they can share it with people that they approve and deem necessary as needing to see it. If you refuse to sign that form you are refused healthcare except in the most emergency and life-saving circumstances. So what was the point of HIPAA? It's kind of like those idiotic cooking banners we get on every website what was the point of the legislation EU if in order to use any website we have to click on the dumb banner.