Cancer spread to Jimmy Carter's brain 9 years ago

2 pointsposted 11 hours ago
by thunderbong



11 hours ago

I think they're right about avoiding the "C" word (cure) but immunotherapy and cancer "vaccines" are truly fantastic.

Anyone living in Australia knows the scourge of skin cancer, melanoma risk increases markedly with childhood exposure and many of todays sufferers are the generation from when sunbaking was cool. Mostly, the slip (on a shirt) slop (on sunscreen) slap (on a hat) has succeeded in getting through, but the big thing is the treatment of melanoma has improved massively. It's serious, but it has a better survival rate than before.

I would be interested if Carter's exposure during the Canadian NRX Fission reactor incident in the 50s has any part in this. I think it's more likely his peanut farming meant he had pretty serious sunburn. Still, in many respects a real-life hero: stepped into the breach when things started going bad in the uranium factory.