How long do you think it will take for the job market to recover?

1 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by yalogin

Item id: 41698512



6 hours ago

I suspect the conditions that led to massive over-hiring won't come back. A lot of software development got commodified. Lots of work out there on legacy codebases and in non-tech companies, but those jobs don't attract as much interest, and inexperienced programmers with narrow skills won't get considered by companies that can't or won't mentor junior people.

After the last two tech crashes -- 2000 and 2008 -- I fell back on enterprise logistics and maintaining legacy code. You don't see a lot of juniors looking at those jobs. If you want to stay employed and value a paycheck more than a sexy employer or following your dreams, learn Oracle or Salesforce.


8 hours ago
