Ask HN: Is Ruby/RoR Dead?

3 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by yanis_t

Item id: 41688933



12 hours ago



11 hours ago

Something being dead and something not being choosen by "new hot startups" are not the same thing...


12 hours ago

Its still around, but declining. I sure wish it had types.


11 hours ago

I switched from Next.js/React to Rails for my side projects due to JS ecosystem fatigue. Anecdotally, I've noticed some people making the same move. The open-source finance app Maybe is one that pops up on a lot of searches.

imo Rails has been having a bit of a revival ever since v7 introduced a cleaner approach to front end development with Hotwire (specifically, Turbo and Stimulus) to get SPA-like behavior with relatively little effort. What I love about modern Rails is that it's an evolving framework that is still anchored to a consistent vision for developer productivity. Now with 8.0 having just been released, Rails is increasing built-in support for deploying outside managed providers like AWS.

I can't speak for whether it's going to see a resurgence among big companies other than famous users like Shopify, but I can't see myself using Next over Rails for any of my personal projects, even as someone who writes JavaScript and React code professionally.

Relevant links: - Maybe moves to Rails: - Rails 7.0 release announcement: - Hotwire: - Rails World 2024 Keynote w/ DHH, introducing Rails 8: - Rails 8.0 Beta: No PaaS Required