America is becoming less "woke"

9 pointsposted 17 hours ago
by srid



17 hours ago

Counterpoint; we are in a downwards-facing economy with war on our doorstep at eastern and western fronts. Companies have less money to spend on virtue signalling, governments are less discriminate about the results they want, and individuals have higher priorities than expressing uniqueness online. "Woke" is a byproduct of the entire political spectrum being steeped in it's own head-up-ass echo chambers, leading to QAnon and queer marketing strategy respectively.

America is pretty much guaranteed to return to a woke status-quo if we're sold enough luxury goods and convince ourselves that everything is fine again. Wokeness is the masturbatory pattern of self-assurance that both the left and right rely on to convince themselves they have absolute control over an irreconcilably apolitical reality.


16 hours ago

Or it's simple empathy. Folks are fond of denying it's existence these days, which simply marks the speaker as fond of ranting, addicted to the outrage culture so popular these days.

Don't like the word? OK use another one. But to tout hatred-of-the-other as some kind of natural normal efficient state is preposterous and ignorant.


16 hours ago

It's not empathy. Gay people (myself included) don't feel "empathized with" when we see gay people reflected in modern advertising. We feel targeted, and rightfully so - people are preying on the unintelligent reactionary masses that empathize with or want to empathize with queer identity. It is fully and wholly virtue signalling - queer media was better when it was an underground identity! At least then the concept wasn't being abused for brownie points by C-suite executives that profit off the manipulation of their audience.

On the flip side, the wanton "wokeness" of the right is equally abusive. Right wing grandstanders say exactly what their party wants to hear, absolve themselves of responsibility ("oh i'm anonymous" or "i don't believe this but it's my right to say it"), and then get thousands of unironic adherents that fully believe in their hyperbolic attention-seeking. It's the exact same mechanism on either side of the aisle, jerking off precisely the same insecurities for almost exactly the same reason.

At some indeterminate point in the future, all Americans will end up being conservative. Not because it's the right choice, but because the way politics are headed nobody will be encouraged to think outside marketing and empty platitudes. We already spend more time defending our echo chambers than we spend engaging with policy.


17 hours ago
