Tired of getting ghosted by companies? Let's call them out together

14 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by kaliades



13 hours ago

How will this hold companies accountable or change their screening process? Do you want your name on a site that “calls out” companies that didn’t respond to you?

If you have the goal to get a job I don’t see how this helps. If you have the goal to try to shame employers, maybe they will care, but you get no closer to your goal.

The site has the obvious problem that only “ghosting” reports get counted, but not successful interactions. I can think of a few reasons employers might post jobs they don’t intend to fill, but I can’t think of a reason an employer would spend any time interviewing if they don’t intend to hire someone. Much more likely they found a better candidate and have sloppy follow-up than something nefarious happened.

With so many people applying for jobs, and using bots and AI to do that, and then using employers for practice interviews, it seems inevitable that employers will put less effort into follow-up.


13 hours ago

My goal is not to get a job but to create a sort of listing that people can use to see how much the company they have applied to has been flagged over time.

In terms of successful interactions glassdoor and such do a much better job of keeping the positive feedback in place.

I also never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (or incompetence. That being said, I've seen more and more reports on nefarious reasons on why they do post jobs they never intend to fill out. I've seen job postings that have been open for years and people never hear back even with a rejection letter. Or even if they do get a rejection letter that says they've just hired somebody or closed the position, the job post is still up and reposted over and over.


12 hours ago

The stock market and need to maintain shareholder value and the illusion of growth — or at least relevance — creates the perverse incentives for posting jobs that won’t get filled. That has gone on for a long time.

If companies cared about their reputation in the job market they would act differently. But even a company at the top of your list will get plenty of applicants when they get around to actually hiring. Right now they hold the cards.

Disconnecting hiring managers from the screening process, usually turned over to HR or recruitment firms, adequately explains a lot of the reported ghosting. Incompetence probably explains the rest.

Good luck.


10 hours ago

The goal of a website like this isn't to get a job. I don't like being ghosted and if companies stop ghosting, that would be great. That's it.

For me, personally, part of the value a site like this comes from knowing how much time to invest into an application. I currently put a lot of time into my applications. I write cover letters. I'll do pre-interview assignments they ask of candidates. It would be nice to know how serious a company is about hiring before I spend my time with someone who has no interest in hiring me. That would be nice.

> The site has the obvious problem that only “ghosting” reports get counted, but not successful interactions.

I do think this is a really good point. Right now, just reporting on the number of bad interactions will bias against companies with a lot of interactions.

> With so many people applying for jobs, and using bots and AI to do that, and then using employers for practice interviews, it seems inevitable that employers will put less effort into follow-up.

This is just stupid. It's your job. Do your job. Ghosting people is indecent. Just because _some_ applicants are awful people isn't a free pass to be indecent to every applicant. Do better.


5 hours ago

I think you misunderstand the screening to hiring pipeline. Companies have automated the process for their efficiency. When they get hundreds or thousands of applicants for every job they don’t need to bother acknowledging every applicant.

To make it worse people frequently find job postings through aggregators such as LinkedIn, or the many sites that scrape other sites. Job postings don’t get updated in real-time so you have to expect you will often see stale job postings — filled or closed already but still cached across the internet. Since job boards look better if they have lots of listings you can guess how diligently they curate.

I think taking “ghosting” personally and reading some kind of ethical breach into it wastes time and energy. If you submit applications online — perhaps the least effective job hunting strategy — you should expect a low hit rate, similar to sending bulk email. Use a better job hunting strategy rather than getting upset about the automated pipeline you feed.

I keep my own stress and frustration down by accepting that things work the way they work, not the way I think they should work. Interpreting impersonal annoyances such as ghosting as “indecent” or something to get upset about will just drain me without changing the reality.


13 hours ago

Hey HN!

Sick of applying to jobs and never hearing back? Or finding out the listing was just a ghost job? I built the simplest possible platform where the community can submit companies that ghost applicants or post fake job listings. Let’s hold them accountable together!

Let’s share our experiences and help others avoid the ghosting trap. Join the fight to make hiring more transparent and accountable!

Check it out: https://ghostedby.club/


12 hours ago

What about candidates that do the ghosting? Can companies form a blacklist of their own? If that isn’t a goal of this tool, in theory would you be okay with that?


10 hours ago

Personally, I wouldn't mind that, but the situations aren't really comparable in the way you think.

This site isn't calling out individuals, but what you are suggesting would be. The consequences of each are different and society is far more forgiving to companies.

> If that isn’t a goal of this tool

I'm not sure the goal of this tool is to blacklist anything. But it's certainly not to call out _individuals_.


12 hours ago

Companies have billions of dollar and all the power in the world. No, they don't get to tilt the scales even further (but given your post history, I can see why you'd be okay with that). This isn't the gotcha you think it is, and labor rights don't work the way you think they do.


12 hours ago



13 hours ago

Great initiative.

Many of these companies claim they want to 'hire the best' then proceed to ghost them.

Best not to apply to these companies in the first place and completely avoid them.

I know Cabify, Monzo, Cloudflare and especially Hopper ghost people A LOT, so this is pretty accurate.


13 hours ago

Thank you! I am thinking of also making a chrome extension, if people are finding it useful to directly inject that stat next to the company name in LinkedIn jobs, wework remotely, and so on.


13 hours ago
