The Most Pleasurable Vending Machine In All Of Japan

16 pointsposted 17 hours ago
by popcalc



15 hours ago

To my surprise, they sold these things in pretty much every big store I went to in Japan. A record store sold them, albeit in the adult records section. But an otherwise normal department store also sold them behind a curtain.

I bought one in the record store “as a joke,” ha ha. I tried to use the self checkout machine but hit an error; obviously it was in Japanese. The machine made an audible ding. A friendly clerk heard the ding and came over to help. Maybe it was business as usual for her, but I was too mortified to even look at her face to see her expression.

Also in the end I couldn’t really get into it (as it were) and threw it away. The only thing satisfied that day was my curiosity.


12 hours ago

Not to worry, the friendly clerk probably found the joke funny!

On another note, I really love the vending machine culture there. Never saw ones like this, but did end up scouring every machine I ran across for a particular white grape drink with odd chunks of something in it that I came across outside a small shop/market surrounded by rice fields. Found other grape drinks but not that one in the city.


12 hours ago

I loved the vending machines for drinks!! I had at least one novel drink every day and enjoyed almost all of them. If you remember the name of the white grape drink you mention I’d love to look for it, it sounds great.