PC dynamic and cutomizable magnifier software

2 pointsposted 16 hours ago
by cringere



16 hours ago

Hi! My name is Roy and I am the lead developer at a new startup company called Better Tools. We focuses on PC software utilities that are meant for every day use and that seem to be overall missing from today's computing ecosystem.

Our first product is call Better Magnifier and it does exactly what you would think it would: it magnifies your screen. Now, you might think to yourself "but Windows has a built in magnifier, and so does MacOS" and you would be right! However, the tools these operating systems provide are, for a lack of a better term, sub-par.

For example, the magnifier that Windows provides does not perform smoothly. When you use it, its movements are rough as if it has a lower frame rate than the rest of the OS. It provides almost no configuration; it has "stepped" zoom amounts meaning you cannot smoothly change the zoom level, and the same goes for the size of the zoom area. The style of the magnifier cannot be changed as well, for example, personally I really don't like the style of its borders, I know its a minor detail but aesthetically it just looks dated.

For these reasons and many more, we decided to simply create a better tool: a fully featured, customizable and dynamic magnifier that is smooth and easy to use. It took a lot of work, and many iterations, however eventually we reached software that we were very happy with.

A key feature in our magnifier is the ability to change its shape and surrounding. The three base shapes are: - Circle - a round magnifier that can be dynamically resized and zoomed. - Rectangle - just like the circle but with a rectangular magnifier. The width and height can be controlled independently. - Spotlight - like the circle, but you can dim the surrounding. The dim level can, of course, be dynamically changed. It can be anywhere from fully transparent to fully black.

Whenever we say "dynamically" we mean that the property can be changed on the fly by a shortcut key. For example, by default the size of the magnifier can be changed on the fly, while using the magnifier, by pressing Left Control + Mouse Scroll. Every single key binding can be changed in the settings. We even added options to invert the mouse wheel directions per action.

These might seem like small details, however we noticed that different users intuitively approach the magnifier differently and use it differently. For example, I (as the lead developer) initially hard coded the "Mouse Wheel Scroll Up" event to correspond to both zooming in, and decreasing the magnifier window. However, our beta testers actually preferred that the magnifier window would increase while scrolling up with the mouse. Therefore, our solution was to provide granular control over every single action. Even the speed of which the mouse scroll is applied to different properties can be changed.

At Better Tools we strongly believe in customer rights and the right of ownership. Better Magnifier provides a single time payment for a perpetual license. You buy it once and own it for life.

Personally, I myself use this tool daily. Whether to zoom on a small part of some program's menu that doesn't support UI zoom, or even when I use the browser and don't want to use Ctrl+ because that would change the layout of my screen. I even got to use it a few times during video conference calls, to draw attention and zoom in on some small details. Additionally, our beta testers, as viewers, use the Better Magnifier while participating in conference calls, since it helps them also zoom on small parts of the screen that the speaker does not zoom for them (for example, small chart labels).

P.S. it also has a built-in screenshot-to-clipboard functionality, allowing to copy the zoomed window into the clipboard.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions feel free to ask here in the comments or even send me an email `support@bettertools.net`.