PostgreSQL 17

523 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by jkatz05



9 hours ago

Another amazing release, congrats to all the contributors. There are simply too many things to call out - just a few highlights:

Massive improvements to vacuum operations:

    "PostgreSQL 17 introduces a new internal memory structure for vacuum that consumes up to 20x less memory."
Much needed features for backups:

    "pg_basebackup, the backup utility included in PostgreSQL, now supports incremental backups and adds the pg_combinebackup utility to reconstruct a full backup"
I'm a huge fan of FDW's and think they are an untapped-gem in Postgres, so I love seeing these improvements:

    "The PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper (postgres_fdw), used to execute queries on remote PostgreSQL instances, can now push EXISTS and IN subqueries to the remote server for more efficient processing."


8 hours ago

> I'm a huge fan of FDW's

Do you have any recommendations on how to manage credentials for `CREATE USER MAPPING ` within the context of cloud hosted dbs?


5 hours ago

If your company doesn't have an internal tool for storing credentials, you can always store them in the cloud provider's secrets management tool. E.g. Secrets Manager or Secure String in Parameter Store on AWS. Your CI/CD pipeline can pull the secrets from there.


3 hours ago

I batch import XMLs, CSVs and mssql data into postgresql.

I'm pretty sure I could read them when needed with fdw. Is it a good idea?

I think it can be slow but maybe I could use materialized views or something.


2 hours ago

I've been using duckdb to import data into postgres (especially CSVs and JSON) and it has been really effective.

Duckdb can run SQL across the different data formats and insert or update directly into postgres. I run duckdb with python and Prefect for batch jobs, but you can use whatever language or scheduler you perfer.

I can't recommend this setup enough. The only weird things I've run into is a really complex join across multiple postgres tables and parquet files had a bug reading a postgres column type. I simplified the query (which was a good idea anyways) and it hums away


2 hours ago

Thanks. My current pattern is to parse the files with rust, copy from stdin into a psql temp table, update the rows that have changed and delete the rows not existing anymore.

I'm hoping it's less wasteful than truncating and importing the whole table every time there is one single change.


3 hours ago

“it depends”. Some considerations for mssql:

- If the foreign server is close (latency) that’s great

- if your query is complex then it helps if the postgres planner can “push down” to mssql. That will usually happen if you aren’t doing joins to local data

I personally like to set up the foreign tables, then materialize the data into a local postgres table using pg_cron. It’s like a basic ETL pipeline completely built into postgres


5 hours ago

I remember when the json stuff started coming out, I thought it was interesting but nothing I would ever want to rely on - boy was I wrong!

It is so nice having json functionality in a relational db - even if you never actually store json in your database, its useful in so many situations.

Being able to generate json in a query from your data is a big deal too.

Looking forward to really learning json_table


3 hours ago

Wow, yea, the performance gains and new UX features (JSON_TABLE, MERGE improvements, etc) are huge here, but these really stand out to me:

> PostgreSQL 17 supports using identity columns and exclusion constraints on partitioned tables.

> PostgreSQL 17 also includes a built-in, platform independent, immutable collation provider that's guaranteed to be immutable and provides similar sorting semantics to the C collation except with UTF-8 encoding rather than SQL_ASCII. Using this new collation provider guarantees that your text-based queries will return the same sorted results regardless of where you run PostgreSQL.


8 hours ago

Very cool with the JSON_TABLE. The style of putting json response (from API, created from scraping, ect.) into jsonb column and then writing a view on top to parse / flatten is something I've been doing for a few years now. I've found it really great to put the json into a table, somewhere safe, and then do the parsing rather than dealing with possible errors on the scripting language side. I haven't seen this style been used in other places before, and to see it in the docs as a feature from new postgres makes me feel a bit more sane. Will be cool to try this out and see the differences from what I was doing before!


5 hours ago

A personal rule of mine is to always separate data receipt+storage from parsing. The retrieval is comparatively very expensive and has few possible failure modes. Parsing can always fail in new and exciting ways.

Disk space to store the returned data is cheap and can be periodically flushed only when you are certain the content has been properly extracted.


4 hours ago

I ended up with the same design after encountering numerous exotic failure modes.


5 hours ago

> putting json response (from API, created from scraping, ect.) into jsonb column and then writing a view on top to parse

That’s a very good idea!


8 hours ago

It is definitely an improvement on multiple `JSONB_TO_RECORDSET` and `JSONB_TO_RECORD` calls for flattening nested json.


8 hours ago

Very impressive changelog.

Bit sad the UUIDv7 PR didn't make the cut just yet:


8 hours ago

I've been waiting for "incremental view maintenance" (i.e. incremental updates for materialized views) but it looks like it's still a few years out.


4 hours ago

I'm a huge fan of views to serve as the v1 solution for problems before we need to optimize our approach, and this is the main thing that serves as a blocker in those discussions. If only we were able to have v2 of the approach be an IVM-view, we could leverage them much more widely.


6 hours ago

There's always the pg_ivm extension you can use in the meantime:


3 hours ago

Wow, brilliant! I never knew this existed. Going to try this out tomorrow, first thing!


6 hours ago

Unfortunately we use a cloud provider to host our databases, so I can only install limited extensions.


3 hours ago

REFRESH CONCURRENTLY is already an incremental update of sorts although you still pay the price of running a full query.


5 hours ago

I must be missing something because that feels easy to implement. A date seconds + random data in the same way as UUID4.

Where is the iceberg complexity?


4 hours ago

In my understanding it was a timing issue with the UUIDv7 RFC not being finalized before the Postgres 17 feature freeze in early April. Shouldn't be an issue to get this in for Postgres 18, I think.


2 hours ago

That would do it. I was mistakenly thinking v7 was done for months/years at this point.


9 hours ago

My boss insisted on the switch from oracle to mssql. Because "you can't trust open source for business software". Oh the pain


5 hours ago

I ran into a lot of that 20 years ago, surprised to hear it's still a thing at all given how it's basically common knowledge that most of the Internet and Cloud run on open source software.

I once met an older gentleman who was doing IT work for a defense contractor. He seemed nice enough. We were making small talk and I happened to mention that I had recently installed Linux on my computer at home. He tone changed almost immediately and he started ranting about how Linux was pirated source code, stolen from Microsoft, all of it contains viruses, etc. He was talking about the SCO vs Linux lawsuits but of course got absolutely ALL of the details wrong, like which companies were even involved in the lawsuits. He was so far off the deep end that I didn't even try to correct him, I just nodded and smiled and said I was actually running late to be somewhere else...


9 hours ago

So from one expensive vendor to another? Your boss seems smart. ;-)

What’s the rationale? What do you gain?


8 hours ago

Well, from one VERY expensive vendor, to another considerably less expensive vendor

Also, MSSQL have few things going for it, and surprisingly no one seem to be even trying to catch up

    - Their BI Stacks (PowerBI, SSAS)
    - Their Database Development (SDK) ( )
The MSSQL BI stack is unmatched , SSAS is the top star of BI cubes and the second option is not even close

SSRS is ok, SSIS is passable , but still both are very decent

PowerBI and family is also the best option for Mid to large (not FAANG large, but just normal large) companies

And finally the GEM that is database projects, you can program your DB changes declaratively, there is nothing like this in the market and again, no one is even trying

The easiest platformt todo evolutionary DB development is MS SQL

I really wish someone will implement DB Projects (dacpac) for Postgresql


3 hours ago

I fully agree on the sql project type, it's amazing, another great side benefit is intellisense on your db schema (find all references, etc), git blame on the schema is also great. Doesn't redgate offer kinda the same tool commercially with support for more than mssql? Never tried it but IIRC it looked similar...


8 hours ago

What do you love so about PowerBI? I’ve not looked at it very closely. I’ve worked with Tableau and Looker and LookerPro. All of which seemed fine.

Is it a home run if the end users aren’t on Windows or using Excel? I’m thinking about the feature where you can use a SQLServer DB as a data source to Excel.


5 hours ago

> What do you love so about PowerBI?

For a large portion of my career, the dashboarding solutions I've worked with have followed a similiar model: they provide a presentation layer directly on top of a query of some kind (usually, but not always, a SQL query). This seems like a natural next step for organizations that have a lot of data in one spot, but no obvious way of visualizing it.

But, after implementing and maintaining dashboards/reports constructed in this way, big problems start to arise. The core of the problem is that each dashboard/report/visual is tightly coupled to the datasource that's backing it. This tight coupling leads to many problems which I won't enumerate.

Power BI is great because it can provide an abstraction layer (a semantic model) on top of the many various data sources that might be pushed into a report. You're free to combine data from Excel with msSql or random Json, and it all plays together nicely in the same report. You can do data cleaning in the import stage, and the dimension/fact-tables pattern has been able to solve the wide variety of challenges that I've thrown at it.

All this means that the PowerBI reports I've made have been far more adaptable to changes than the other tightly coupled solutions I've used. (I haven't used Tableau, but my understanding is that it provides similar modeling concepts to decouple the data input from the data origin. I'm not at all familiar with Looker).

[disclaimer, I'm a Microsoft Employee (but I don't work in Power BI)]


8 hours ago

I got my start in a SQLserver all MS shop.

I hated SSIS. I wished I just had something akin to Python and dataframes to just parse things in a data pipeline. Instead I had some graphical tool whose error messages and deployments left a lot to be desired.

But SQLServer and Microsoft in general make for good platforms for companies: they’re ubiquitous enough that you won’t find it hard to find engineers to work on your stack, there’s support, etc


6 hours ago

The key feature of SSIS, is parallel dataflow

You can so easily write (and schedule) parallel dataflows in SSIS, to do the same code using a general purpose programming language would be a lot harder

Also remember that dataflows are data pipe streams, so SSIS can be very very fast

Anyway, there is BIML, which allow you to create SSIS package by writing XML, I personally never used it, mainly because its licensing situation seemed weird to me ( i think BIML is free, but the tool support is not, and MS SSDT doesnt support BIML coding i thinkg)


6 hours ago

Yeah I think I never gave it a fair shake. I think — like most things — if understood and used properly it can be amazing.


7 hours ago

SSIS is for integrations, and pandas is definitely not. I’m not sure what you’re trying to do with SSIS that you’re also doing with pandas, but it’s probably wrong. SSIS is far more geared to data warehousing integrations, while pandas would be reading a data warehouse and doing stuff with it. SSIS isn’t really meant for processing incoming data, even if you can kind of hack it together to do that.

I will say that when we want “real time” integrations, SSIS is phenomenally bad. But that’s not entirely unexpected for what it is.


7 hours ago

We don't need to be so pedantic. Python -- as it often is -- would be the glue, it would be the connecting part, and pandas (polars, duckdb, anything really) would be the processing part. Then once processed the outputs would be placed somewhere be it an update to a db table or some other downstream thing.


4 hours ago

Power BI embeds a quite good columnstore database engine. It is exactly the same database engine as in the SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular model.

For the types of queries typical in BI (primarily aggregations that involve lots of table scans), this yields great performance. Non-technically savvy users can import millions of rows of data and explore this with interactive visuals. The performance characteristics of the database engine allow moderately complex logic to remain high-performance into 10s or 100s of millions of records. This is on laptop-spec hardware. 100Ms of records will need enough supporting RAM, but the data is highly compressed, so this fits.

The performance scaling allows simple aggregates of single-digit-billions-of-records to remain fast: usually just a couple of seconds. Performance tuning for more complex logic or larger datasets becomes complex.

When I talk about the performance characteristics above, I mean for the in-memory database engine. This performance comes out of the box. There are no indices to create or typical database administration. Users set up an import of data and define relationships among tables, and define aggregation logic. The query language is DAX, a functional, relational language built with the goal of making business logic and aggregations simple to write.

For simple use cases, users do not even need to write their logic in DAX. The viz layer automatically generated basic aggregates and provides a sophisticated filtering and interactive viz canvas experience.

There is also an ETL layer, called Power Query. This has very different performance characteristics, and in general you should try to minimize your work in this tool and its M language, as it has very different semantics. The sweet spot is intra-row logic and basic filtering of data that will be imported into the columnstore database I mentioned above.

The same underpinning technology, VertiPaq, supports columnar compression and storage/low level query in other Microsoft products.

Columnstore indices in SQL Server also use VertiPaq for compression and storage engine.

The data storage layer in Microsoft Fabric utilizes parquet files in delta tables (same tech as Databricks). Part of the VertiPaq engine is a set of compression optimization heuristics that are quite good. They apply this optimization to get 30%-50% compression improvements in the parquet files they generate. They call this feature V-order (v for VertiPaq).

The standard compression algorithms in Parquet include dictionary and run-length encoding. The same are used (though obviously with different implementations) in VertiPaq's native storage format. The compression optimization heuristics include some for identifying superior sort orders to help maximize the effect of these styles of compression. V-order is the application of these heuristics to the data before applying compression for the parquet files.

To be 100% clear, V-order is a pre-processing step that yields vanilla parquet files, not any sort of extension to the parquet format. V-order is applied automatically in the storage layer for Microsoft Fabric, called OneLake.

You may come across documentation for xVelocity; this is an abandoned name for the same technology, VertiPaq.

I can talk about this literally all day. If you've got specific followups, feel free to ask here or email me at (any name) at (my username) dot com.


4 hours ago

Follow up regarding the platform question:

Power BI is a desktop application for Windows and also a SaaS solution for hosting the solutions you build in the desktop tool.

The SaaS product offering is confusing for the time being due to the introduction of Fabric, which includes Power BI and a whole data stack besides.

Your Power BI power users will need a Windows platform available, though I have seen plenty of use of Parallels or a remote desktop infrastructure for users not using a Windows device.

There are authoring experiences in-browser that are improving and in some cases surpassing what is in Power BI Desktop, but if you're doing a lot of work authoring in Power BI, then the desktop application is where you want to be for now.

For pure querying or just data model development, there are third party tools that are superior to Power BI Desktop (disclosure: I do work part time with one of these third party vendors).


8 hours ago

does 'bi' mean 'olap'?

because the literal expansion 'business intelligence' (or the explanation in the Wikipedia article) is hard to interpret as something that makes sense in contexts like this where you're apparently talking about features of software rather than social practices. the reference to 'bi cubes' makes me think that maybe it means 'olap'?


4 hours ago

It basically means "report editors".

And no, MS ones aren't miles ahead of the competition. But are bundled with Office, so the competition is mostly going out of business by now.


3 hours ago

Except Microsoft's report editor, Power BI, includes a powerful columnstore database that can handle importing and rapidly aggregating 100Ms or even 1Bs of records with query response times of just a couple seconds.

That has been the differentiator. Power BI has lots going for and against it, but its database is miles ahead of competitors' report tools.

Edit: clarification: importing large volumes of data takes more than a few seconds. The query performance of the in-memory database after import is complete is what I referred to above in my original comment.


5 hours ago

bi tooling is usually report/analysis builders, intended to be consumed by.. business users. More importantly, they're usually also meant to be used by business users to build their own reports in the first place -- although in practice it often ends up going back to IT to maintain/update anyways. Basically anything that competes with excel pivot tables is a bi tool.

OLAP/cubes usually underpins bi tooling, since the usecase is almost entirely across-the-board aggregations.


7 hours ago

DSS became BI became AI

At some point in time, Decision Support Systems became Business Intelligence and nowadays this is switching ti AI

BI (formerly DSS) is a set of tools that enable Business Analytics , OLAP and technologies that implements OLAP (Cubes and Columnar databases) enables BI


8 hours ago

I think so but it’s overloaded and basically used for reporting and analysis stuff.


7 hours ago

At least both of these databases support clustered indexes. For decades.


8 hours ago

MS Azure SQL on is very cheap compared to any other self hosted database including PG and MS SQL. Unless they running a super heavy workload , this solution will meet most business requirements.

But this is also a gateway drug for cloud addiction.


7 hours ago

After scanning the Azure and AWS pricing pages and calculators for comparably speced Azure Manged SQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL instances, AWS's RDS comes out at about 1/3 the price of Azure Managed SQL.

This matches my experience with deployments on AWS and Azure. Both are managed db instances, but Azure's is consistently more expensive for comparable offerings on AWS or GCP.


6 hours ago

Is there any analog for Azure SQL Elastic Pools for Postgres anywhere?

We pay in total something around 600 bucks to manage around 250 databases in MSSQL servers (with failover for prod databases, DTU based model)

We pay for log analytics more then we pay for Sql Servers.

Those Elastic Pools is a blocker for us on the way to migrate to Postgres from MSSQL...


5 hours ago

It's been a while since I've looked at elastic pools in Azure, but maybe Neon ( or recently Nile ( might work in terms of spinning up a bunch of separate logical DBs with shared compute/storage.


6 hours ago

I do not have experience with AWS RDS so I cannot speak to that.

In my experience, GCP Cloud SQL for Postgres has been more expensive than MS Azure SQL. In our tests, CloudSQL also was not comparable to the resiliency offered by Azure SQL. Things like Automated DR and automated failover etc. were not at par with what Azure offered. Not to mention , Column level encryption is standard for Azure SQL.


7 hours ago

> And finally the GEM that is database projects, you can program your DB changes declaratively, there is nothing like this in the market and again, no one is even trying

Automatic migration tools have essentially been doing this for a while (e.g. Django migrations). But I agree it would be nice if Postgres had better support built in.


5 hours ago

Database migrations to arrive at a target state are an interesting beast. It’s not just the destination that matters, it’s how you get there.

The naive approach of applying whatever DDL you need to turn database schema A into B is not necessarily the one anybody would actually want to run, and in larger deployments it’s most definitely not the one you’d want to run.

Intermediate availability and data migration go well beyond simply adding tables or columns. They’re highly application specific.

The main improvements in this space are making existing operations CONCURRENT (e.g., like index creation) and minimizing overall lock times for operations that cannot (e.g., adding columns with default values).


4 hours ago

I agree automating migrations correctly from state A to B without any risk of data loss or downtime is essentially an intractable problem.

Still, the popular tools seem to have good heuristics and good DBAs recognize when migrations must be written by hand.


4 hours ago

Microsoft is way less likely to sue you and a couple of orders of magnitude cheaper than Oracle.

Besides, managing Microsoft licensing is a bliss close to Oracle's. And yeah, MSSQL is much better in almost every way than Oracle.

If you only compare those two, it's a non-brainier.


9 hours ago

Exactly. Supposedly the paid solution ensures long term support. The most fun part is that our customers need to buy these database licenses, so it directly reduces our own pay. Say no to non-technical (or rational) managers :<


8 hours ago

Did you not pay for Oracle?


8 hours ago

We pay, but what hurts is that our customers need to pay, too. For both oracle and ms of course


4 hours ago

What your boss doesn't realize is your business already depends on FOSS. Here are a few examples:

- Do you use any cloud provider? Those platforms are built on top of open source software: Linux, nginx (e.g Cloudflare's edge servers before the rust rewrite), ha-proxy (AWS ELB), etc - Either the software your business builds or depends on probably uses open source libraries (e.g: libc, etc) - The programming languages your business uses directly or indirectly are probably open source

My point is that folks that make these kinds of statements have no clue how their software is built or what kind software their business actually depends on.


7 hours ago

Well, you can't necessarily trust open source for business software.

The more deeply your business depends on something, the more careful you need to be when selecting the source for that something. (And the db is often very deeply depended on.)

You want to see why their long-term incentives align with your own needs.

But a revenue stream is just one way to do this, and not a perfect one. (Case in point: Oracle.)

In my experience, SQL Server isn't bad though. I know a couple commercial products that started with SQL Server in the late '90s and remain happy with it now. The cost hasn't been a problem and they like the support and evolution of the product. They find they can adopt newer versions and features when they need to without too much pain/cost/time.

(Not that I don't think Postgres is generally a better green-field pick, though, and even more so porting away from Oracle.)


2 hours ago

mssql is a great rdbms. t-sql is... different... in certain places but all in all if cost isn't a big issue you really can't go wrong by picking it.


8 hours ago

Would be awesome if PostgreSQL would finally add support for seamless major version upgrade…


8 hours ago

I'm curious what you feel is specifically missing.


8 hours ago

pg_upgrade is a bit manual at the moment. If the database could just be pointed to a data directory and update it automatically on startup, that would be great.


7 hours ago

I agree, why is this still needed? It can run pg_upgrade in the background.


5 hours ago

It needs binaries for both old and new versions for some reason.


4 hours ago

There was LAMP and then MERN and MEAN etc. and then there was Postgres.

Its not quite visible yet, but all this progres by postgres (excuse the pun) on making JSON more deeply integrated with relational principles will surely at some point enable a new paradigm, at least for full stack web frameworks?


4 hours ago

The problem with postgres's JSON support is it leads to last write win race conditions compared to actual document stores. Once they can support operations like incrementing a number while someone else updates another field, without locking the row, then maybe.

I don't think you'll see a paradigm shift. You'll just see people using other documents stores less.


39 minutes ago

We’re already in a new paradigm, one in which web devs are abandoning referential integrity guarantees in favor of not having to think about data modeling.

I’d say they’re then surprised when their DB calls are slow (nothing to do with referential integrity, just the TOAST/DETOAST overhead), but since they also haven’t experienced how fast a DB with local disks and good data locality can be, they have no idea.


5 hours ago

Amazing release, Postgres is a gift that keeps on giving.

I hope to one day see Incremental View Maintenance extension (IVM) be turned into a first class feature, it's the only thing I need regularly which isn't immediately there!


6 hours ago

Oh how I wish for Postgres to introduce system-versioned (bi-temporal) tables.


5 hours ago

What's your use case for system-versioned tables? You could use some extensions like Periods that support bi-temporal tables:

Or you could use triggers to build one:


2 hours ago

any system of record has a requirement to be bitemporal, it just isn't discovered until too late IME. I don't know if there's a system anywhere which conciously decided to not be bitemporal during initial design.


5 hours ago

It will hopefully be in PostgreSQL 18.


8 hours ago

MERGE support for updating views is huge. So looking forward to this


6 hours ago

Now it also supports RETURNS keyword !


7 hours ago

Some awesome quality-of-life improvements here as well. The random function now takes min, max parameters

SELECT random(1, 10) AS random_number;


7 hours ago

It's never available on homebrew the same day so we all worked hard to make it available the same day on Neon. If you want to try out the JSON_TABLE and MERGE RETURNING features you can spin up a free instance quickly.

(note that not all extensions are available yet, that takes some time still)


5 hours ago

How is your hosted managed Postgres platform an alternative to Homebrew (Installing PG on your local Mac)? There's also many Homebrew formulas that have PG 17 already like (


4 hours ago

oh, i see I'm getting downvoted; this isn't a sales pitch for my "managed postgres platform".

every year a new postgres release occurs and i want to try out some of the features i have to find a way to get it. usually nobody has it available.

here's the list of homebrew options I see right now:

brew formulae | grep postgresql@ postgresql@10 postgresql@11 postgresql@12 postgresql@13 postgresql@14 postgresql@15 postgresql@16

maybe you're seeing otherwise but i updated a min ago and 17 isn't there yet. even searching for 'postgres' on homebrew doesn't reveal any options for 17. i don't know where you've found those but it doesn't seem easily available.

and i'm not suggesting you use a cloud service as an alternative to homebrew or local development. neon is pure postgres, the local service is the same as whats in the cloud. but right now there isn't an easy local version and i wanted everyone else to be able to try it quickly.


3 hours ago

This release is good on so many levels. Just the performance optimisations and the JSON TABLE feature could be entirely separated release, but we got so much more.


9 hours ago

Loving the continued push for JSON features. I'm going to get a lot of use out of JSON_TABLE. And json_scalar & json_serialize are going to be helpful at times too. JSON_QUERY with OMIT QUOTES is awesome too for some things.

I hope SQLite3 can implement SQL/JSON soon too. I have a library of compatability functions to generate the appropriate JSON operations depending on if it's SQLite3 or PostgreSQL. And it'd be nice to reduce the number of incompatibilities over time.

But, there's a ton of stuff in the release notes that jumped out at me too:

"COPY .. ON_ERROR" ignore is going to be nice for loading data anywhere that you don't care if you get all of it. Like a dev environment or for just exploring something. [1]

Improvements to CTE plans are always welcome. [2]

"transaction_timeout" is an amazing addition to the existing "statement_timeout" as someone who has to keep an eye on less experienced people running SQL for analytics / intelligence. [3]

There's a function to get the timestamp out of a UUID easily now, too: uuid_extract_timestamp(). This previously required a user defined function. So it's another streamlining thing that's nice. [4]

I'll use the new "--exclude-extension" option for pg_dump, too. I just got bitten by that when moving a database. [5]

"Allow unaccent character translation rules to contain whitespace and quotes". Wow. I needed this! [6]








8 hours ago

> I hope SQLite3 can implement SQL/JSON soon too. I have a library of compatability functions to generate the appropriate JSON operations depending on if it's SQLite3 or PostgreSQL. And it'd be nice to reduce the number of incompatibilities over time.

Is this available anywhere? Super interested


8 hours ago

No, it's not at the moment. Sorry!

The most useful part is doing set intersection operations on JSON array's. Probably the second is extracting a value by path across both.

It's not crazy to implement, SQLite was the harder side. Just a bit of fiddling with `json_each`, EXISTS, and aggregate functions.


3 hours ago

Might give it a whirl. Is the library pure sql or is it written in something else?


2 hours ago

I've been using Go with Goqu [1] for SQL for a lot of things lately. But, the language shouldn't matter much. The functions are just building the appropriate SQL clauses.

For some of the operations, the method I was using required marshaling the inputs to JSON before sending them over the wire. And that's nicer in a non SQL programming language. But both db's ultimately do have json_build_array/json_build_object for PostgreSQL or json_array/json_object for SQLite3.



8 hours ago

With 17, is Vacuum largely a solved issue?


8 hours ago

I’m not up to date on the recent changes, but problems we had with vacuum were more computation and iops related than memory related.

Basically in a database with a lot of creation/deletion, database activity can outrun the vacuum, leading to out of storage errors, lock contention, etc

In order to keep throughput up, we had to throttle things manually on the input side, to allow vacuum to complete. Otherwise throughput would eventually drop to zero.


8 hours ago

You can also tune various [auto]vacuum settings that can dramatically increase the amount of work done in each cycle.

I’m not discounting your experience as anything is possible, but I’ve never had to throttle writes, even on large clusters with hundreds of thousands of QPS.


6 hours ago

There was a big project to re-architect the low level storage system to something that isn't dependent on vacuuming, called zheap. Unfortunately it seems to have stalled and nobody seems to be working on it anymore? I keep scanning the release notes for each new pgsql version, but no dice.


6 hours ago

I think OrioleDB is picking up from where zheap left things, and seems quite active in upstreaming their work, you might be interested to check it out.


6 hours ago

No, vacuum issues are not solved. This will reduce the amount of scanning needed in many cases when vacuuming indexes. It will mean more efficient vacuum and quicker vacuums which will help in a lot of cases.


5 hours ago

A number of features stood out to me in this release:

1. Chipping away more at vacuum. Fundamentally Postgres doesn't have undo log and therefore has to have vacuum. It's a trade-off of fast recovery vs well.. having to vacuum. The unfortunate part about vacuum is that it adds load to the system exactly when the system needs all the resources. I hope one day people stop knowing that vacuum exists, we are one step closer, but not there.

2. Performance gets better and not worse. Mark Callaghan blogs about MySQL and Postgres performance changes over time and MySQL keep regressing performance while Postgres keeps improving.

3. JSON. Postgres keep improving QOL for the interop with JS and TS.

4. Logical replication is becoming a super robust way of moving data in and out. This is very useful when you move data from one instance to another especially if version numbers don't match. Recently we have been using it to move at the speed of 1Gb/s

5. Optimizer. The better the optimizer the less you think about the optimizer. According to the research community SQL Server has the best optimizer. It's very encouraging that every release PG Optimizer gets better.


10 minutes ago

MySQL can be faster in certain circumstances (mostly range selects), but only if your schema and queries are designed to exploit InnoDB’s clustering index.

But even then, in some recent tests I did, Postgres was less than 0.1 msec slower. And if the schema and queries were not designed with InnoDB in mind, Postgres had little to no performance regression, whereas MySQL had a 100x slowdown.

I love MySQL for a variety of reasons, but it’s getting harder for me to continue to defend it.


7 hours ago

I'm looking forward to trying out incremental backups as well as JSON_TABLE.

Thank you contributors!


8 hours ago

Amazing, it's been a long time since I have been that much excited by a software release!


2 hours ago

I wish postgres supports parquet file imports and exports. COPY command with csv is really slooooooooow. Even BINARY is quite slow and bandwidth heavy.

I wonder how open postgres is and what kind of pull requests postgres team considers? I'd like to learn how to contribute to PG in baby steps and eventually get to a place where I could contribute substantial features.


an hour ago

There has been a patch to extend the COPY code with pluggable APIs, adding callbacks at start, end, and for each row processed:

I'd guess that this may fit your purpose to add a custom format without having to fork upstream.


8 hours ago

The titan keeps rocking.


8 hours ago

PG just continues to impress!