It's easy to find misinformation on social media. It's even easier on X

6 pointsposted a day ago
by wslh



a day ago

Such a long post and not one real world example of mis- and disinformation. I hear left and right about this issue but really never see any examples.

What do Fact-Checkers do? Here in Germany they come to light during the pandemic and the only thing which they do is check if the information you post online is equivalent with the information which the state published. It is not fact checking it is pure propaganda aligning. Fact-Checking is misinformation in the name.

YouTube and probably all the other social media publishing platforms except twitter seemingly straight out delete content that is marked against their TOS and their TOS is what the state says is true and that is what fact checkers look for.

They are just online content censors pretending they check facts.


a day ago
