The Scrum Survival Guide: How to Make Scrum Work (Maybe)

1 pointsposted 14 hours ago
by aard



13 hours ago

How to make Scrum work is not really the problem. Lots of teams make it work (with varying levels of dev satisfaction). There are guides, workshops, consultants, books, etc. Lots of info on getting it to work.

The problem is that Scrum only works for certain teams and certain products. Knowing whether or not your team or product is one for which it will work is the key question. The teams I've seen who successfully adapt their approach to Agile into a working process are the teams who are willing to do more than adapt their Scrum details -- they will try Scrum, Kanban, or anything else until they find what works for their specific team.

All that being said, this post contains some decent thoughts. It is worth reading. (Or would be, if OP wasn't spamming it here every few days.) But there is a bigger picture to consider - Scrum is just one option on a larger menu.