Mkbsd: Download all the wallpapers in MKBHD's "Panels" app for free

33 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by swyx



8 hours ago

Not to comment on the rest of it, but this FAQ answer is a bit flawed:

> Q: Aren't you stealing from artists by running this script?

> MKBSD accesses publicly available media through the Panels app's own API. It doesn't do anything shady or illegal. The real problem here is Panels and MKBHD's complete inability to provide a secure platform for the artists that they're exploiting working with. Any other app could have avoided the issues that make MKBSD possible had it been engineered competently.

That's pretty embarrassing for the app developers, but it's not addressing the question.

"It's okay to extract the artists' sell-able work for free, because their landlord didn't lock the door"?


7 hours ago

It's definitely copyright infringement. Also it's hilarious that the owner of this repo is advocating for DRM. When someone uses the word "exploit" to describe commercial transactions you just know they have room temperature IQ.


7 hours ago

Are you sure about that? So much of "good business practice" is really exploiting your suppliers. If you are trying to underpay for a resource, or forcing cost cuts, or simply taking more of the pie that you previously gave your resource, for the same or better quality service, you are exploiting that resource.


7 hours ago

Economic transactions only happen if there is a mutual benefit. Typically one side of the transaction has more market power than the other and captures more of the surplus but the transaction doesn't happen if one side is worse off from it.

The entire idea of economic transactions being exploitative is literal Marxist propaganda. If you read the word "exploit" in some news article and it's referring to economic transactions, you are reading propaganda.


3 hours ago

"exploit" has two perfectly usable definitions in this context, essentially. One is negative, one is not.

    To employ to the greatest possible advantage.

    To make use of selfishly or unethically.


7 hours ago

I don't usually ask for citations on comment threads, but assserting that 'exploitation' is Marxist propaganda is gonna need some citations for me to take even remotely seriously. Otherwise, talk about room temperature IQs...

> Economic transactions only happen if there is a mutual benefit.

There are all sorts of coercive circumstances that may appear mutually beneficial on a superficial level, but may actually not be the case, whether due to contract details, opportunity costs, strategic mistakes, or otherwise. Perhaps this is true given perfect information and execution, but the real world is much more messy.

As an example, consider Spotify or Adobe's transition to a subscription model. There are a lot of people for whom those models are a very bad deal compared to what was.


5 hours ago



6 hours ago

this is a psychotic take. you're afraid of a word my guy. You're offloading doing ANY critical thinking in favor of aesthetics. You aren't making an argument on how exploitation is related to Marxism, and why or why not that is a bad thing...

you are literally just saying "you said 'exploitation' therefore you are a Marxist and Marxist == bad" you are quite literally doing propaganda or are a victim of it purely because you have used a thought terminating cliche to stifle critical thinking. That's just sad. Pair that with the extremely idealistic and over simplified vision of "market theory" and Im starting to think you are a stereotypical Libertarian lol


8 hours ago

> "It's okay to extract the artists' sell-able work for free, because their landlord didn't lock the door"?

Well paraphrased.


8 hours ago

> artists that they're exploiting

I thought he pays the artists?


5 hours ago

They figure a 50-50 split is exploitation, where there are tens of thousands of wallpaper apps that don’t see the light of day, because they don’t have someone like MKBHD backing them


7 hours ago

> MKBSD accesses publicly available media through the Panels app's own API. It doesn't do anything shady or illegal.

I know this one. It's called coming up with an excuse for the thing you were going to do anyway.

> The real problem here is Panels and MKBHD's complete inability to provide a secure platform for the artists that they're exploiting working with.

You mean the ones you are exploiting right now?

> Any other app could have avoided the issues that make MKBSD possible had it been engineered competently.

No, they really couldn't have. Anyone can just take a screenshot.

We've all written slightly evil code, but the bullshit justification really set me off.


7 hours ago

The project has a terrible (and pro-DRM) self-justification. But there’s still a person with flaws, insecurities, loved ones and dreams on the other side.

I doubt you mean that first sentence of your last paragraph, and those words are very harshly chosen. They might cause harm, and I’d suggest you’d reconsider them and republish your comment unless you truly stand by them.


7 hours ago

Yeah you're right, that last part was pretty unnecessary.


8 hours ago

Not sure what's worse, the smug glee for doing something trivial or the amateur code. But I did publish some lame repos as jokes and statement pieces back when I was a beginner, I'll admit.

As for Marques Brownlee's wallpaper app, it's pretty harmless. It's not like it tricks you into spending money like those $7/week PDF scanner apps. I'll take his word for it that people in his fanbase ask him regularly about his wallpaper.

Would it still be dumb if 1000 people ($50,0000/yr) were willing to subscribe to get his curated wallpapers, or is it only dumb if you imagine that 0 people would do it?


8 hours ago

> or is it only dumb if you imagine that 0 people would do it?

oh, sure and it needs NFT /s


8 hours ago

> it's pretty harmless

Then his target audience will be happy to support him. Honestly the only "amateur code" I can see here is a SaaS that can't figure out how to hide paywalled content from a Python scraper.


7 hours ago

This entire debacle for Marques shines a light on his actual prowess. He's claimed to be a "reviewer". He's even stated he reviews things in their current state, not future. If he was "reviewing" his own app he'd rip it to shreds. The cost, the privacy nightmare that it is, and now the shoddy quality of it altogether.

He's a marketer. And a charlatan if he wants to claim he's actually skilled at objective reviews that follow some process outside his stream of thought.

Does he have good production sense? Sure. But he's not what he claims. Neither is his app. Between his garbage sit down with Apple, his shilling for Buick and this you'd think he'd realize he should stay in his lane.


7 hours ago

Yes, he’s clearly a failure at reviews and business with billions of views on YouTube. Just because his content isn’t for your doesn’t mean his reviews are bad.


7 hours ago

Just because he calls himself a "reviewer" doesn't make him that. Also people can enjoy his high production marketing videos. But just because people like his content does not make him a good reviewer OR unsuccessful.

I also didn't say he was a failure, but enjoy your baseless assertions.

For reference - you think this [0] is a good review? Give me a break. Also a great breakdown of his grift [1].

[0] [1]


7 hours ago

Look, I get it, the app is silly. I’m clearly not the target audience as I know how to google for wallpapers.

But publishing this repo is not OK. Write a small article, let them know and get a potential bug bounty, sure. But don’t just release something that avoids the artists getting paid.


10 hours ago

Can anyone give context on what the app is and why it's considered "grifting", "predatory" and "shitty"? I'm just curious.


9 hours ago

The app is a repository of artist-submitted and curated wallpapers. The app allows for SD downloads, but you have to watch 2 ads, or HD downloads if you have a subscription ($12/month or $50/year).

The pushback is due to multiple factors:

- Quite a few of the wallpapers are simple gradients, and one is just the color orange. So they don't quite feel "curated".

- The app asks for some unnecessary permissions (cross-app/site tracking, and location tracking).

- The app doesn't look to be something that was actually made by MKBHD and his team. It's had an online presence since 2021. To many, it feels like he just bought it, slapped his name on it, and is using his "brand" to push an inferior product.


7 hours ago

> Quite a few of the wallpapers are simple gradients, and one is just the color orange. So they don't quite feel "curated".

Then ask for a refund. Don’t go and steal the content.

> The app asks for some unnecessary permissions (cross-app/site tracking, and location tracking).

Then ask for a refund. Don’t go and steal the content.

> The app doesn't look to be something that was actually made by MKBHD and his team.

Then ask for a refund. Don’t go and steal the content.


8 hours ago

> Quite a few of the wallpapers are simple gradients, and one is just the color orange. So they don't quite feel "curated"

Pardon my language but then don't fckng use the app!

What if you put your car for sale for $20K and then someone else says: nah that piece of junk is not worth that much and then steal it from you and give it to someone else for free. That seems to be what's happening here.


7 hours ago

There's no scarcity to digital data, that analogy is a bit ridiculous.


11 hours ago

$50 annual subscription for the context.


8 hours ago

Isn't this copyright infringement?

The FAQ says "MKBSD accesses publicly available media through the Panels app's own API. It doesn't do anything shady or illegal.", but I don't think that logically follows. Just because something doesn't have DRM, doesn't make copying it not piracy. There are plenty of PC games with no DRM but you still aren't licensed to use them without buying.

Like, it's not as if I could care less about a bottom line of an already rich YouTuber, but is this really the hill to die on, especially with legal risk?


8 hours ago

It’s also a ridiculous argument for anyone in the open source community, or anyone who has benefited from the open source community to pay even a moment’s attention to.

It basically invalidates every open source licence because it’s essentially saying that if the terms of the licence cannot be enforced by code then the licence itself doesn’t apply.


7 hours ago

I'd personally be worried publishing this due to potentially also being classified as gaining unauthorized access to a computer system. It may temporarily be a publically accessible and poorly secured API, but that doesn't mean it's intended for public consumption when you have poked around the app to work out the API and then bypassing payment mechanisms.


7 hours ago

Person seems to work for cure53, who have done reviews of lots of open source apps. Apparently they don't care about copyright though.


7 hours ago

They also sell apps on AppStore (with in-app purchases), Switch and Steam. So I think that they do.