Ask HN: Going to tech interviews for a 3rd party shop?

4 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by tompark

Item id: 41641446



12 hours ago

> complimenting me on specifics about my work experience.

First off, that to me is a sign that it is a bot who contacted you - recruiter bots are absolutely sophisticated enough to pull details out of your profile to make it sound like they are not a bot (Thanks, LLMs!) Actual recruiters tend to be short and snippy, just to see if you respond before getting into any conversation at all.

That being said, even if this does turn out to be legit, you are just signing up to be part of them scamming their customers. If one person does interviews, while someone else does the work, that is what we call a lie.

And even if somehow that turned out to be reasonable, splitting profits 50/50 just for being part of a sales effort? Too good to be true.

This whole post sounds like a big old pile of red flags to run away from.


2 hours ago

A realistic arrangement might have you be a part of certain projects, or maybe hiring you on as a consultant or lead, and you'd get paid for your time.

Showing up for an hour or two, faking an interview, and then keeping half the profits? Definitely a scam.


8 hours ago

They want to scam under your name and reputation which could leave you holding the bag. And they will take 1/2 and do all of the work.

I can't see this turning out well.


10 hours ago

> developers working as full-time employees at multiple jobs, which is clearly unethical

Okay, I see where you stand.

> that I perform in tech interviews to help land projects for them... It seemed like the kind of thing that could be legit, unethical, or possibly a scam.

How's that could be a legit thing? It's way way more unethical than working 2 full time jobs.


13 hours ago

They're trying to do native advertisements via interview candidates now? Geez... really scraping the bottom of the tech hiring crisis barrel.

Whatever you do, don't ruin your reputation or get ripped off or doxxed.