Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement'

58 pointsposted 7 hours ago
by pera



5 hours ago

This article neglects to convey a critical piece of information: what "Z-Library" is.


5 hours ago

Note that this is not first time Telegram removes content and its moderation tools have existed and been effective for some years.


33 minutes ago

True. Among all noise over Durov being harassed by France it may seem to uninformed that this is some new development, but it isn't.

The first time I've noticed some "extremist" (I mean, I don't necessarily think they merited being taken down, but I need to find some word to communicate the idea that it was "serious business", like, you know, discussing firearms, being largest free library, being pro-Trump or COVID-skeptic, some spicy things) channels being taken down was January 2021, right after Biden came to office and all the fuzz that accompanied these events. Probably, it also happened before, but it was the first time I really noticed it happening at scale. Like, enough for me to finally learn that Telegram isn't some "old free Internet" kinda thing anymore.

And lately it even can be about forcing bloggers to delete something as mild as fancams from some sports-event a big TV-channel has all rights to. And when that happened everybody was angry at that TV-channel, not at Telegram, because Telegram abiding if somebody large enough is insistent enough is nothing that isn't unexpected. I'd just say they are kinda lax if nobody large enough is insistent enough, and it was like that for quite some time.


3 hours ago

i don’t think you can call them effective given the active and open organizing of terrorist groups like Terrorgram and ISIS on Telegram.


2 hours ago

Telegram host thousands (or more, not like I keep count) of blatantly cybercriminal groups and refuses to take them down. Due to nature of my work I have access to a few new telegram channels used to leak people's data every day, and telegram refuses to do anything with it. Same goes for channels where cybercriminals organise their activities.

Telegram is one of the main sources of disinformation in my country. Known fake news channels are never closed. It's also a big market for illegal data.

Telegram hosted a leak channel for the data stolen from my country's government for many months before finally agreeing to take it down. Then a clone of this channel was created, and it exists to this day.

Tell me more about how telegram does... anything at all to moderate its content.


5 hours ago

Is this enforced on all clients or just those downloaded from the App Store or Play Store? There was a difference in the past, if I remember correctly.


5 hours ago

Posts and channels are removed on the server side. All clients are open source.


3 hours ago

The server knows which client you're using. There are indeed stricter restrictions for apps that come from app stores.


4 hours ago

Some channels are only available on android for off-play store apps, it is server side restriction of course.


5 hours ago

A lot of content in Telegram is moderated only for iOS, while still being available on other platforms.


3 hours ago

> A lot of content in Telegram is moderated only for iOS

And even then, I believe that only applies to users who haven't flipped the "Show 18+ Content" toggle in the app settings. (It's off by default.)


2 hours ago

I don't think there is a "Show 18+ Content" in the app downloaded from the App Store, it's only hidden in the web app (activating it will also allowed NSFW content on the iOS app).


2 hours ago

It's definitely there for me, second from the bottom in the "Data & Storage" menu. Maybe it only shows up once you've enabled that option from another app or something?


2 hours ago

Yeah I think so.