Launch HN: Panora (YC S24) – Data Integration API for LLMs

58 pointsposted 13 hours ago
by nael_ob



5 hours ago

Sound's like your hosted version will end up with a lot of potentially sensitive information. You will probably want to add ISO 27001 and / or SOC 2 Type 2 as a priority. Not to say an org with that is more secure than one without, but you will certainly need to evidence a comprehensive security program to pass procurement. Choosing what third parties you add now (libraries, platforms etc) can save you a TON down the road.


4 hours ago

Yes you're right. SOC 2 is our priority for the next few weeks. If you have experience in enterprise sales, I'd love to chat ( Thanks.


10 hours ago

ctrl + f "tool calling"

ctrl + f "function calling"

Have these terms already become passe, or not yet caught on? Or are they an implementation detail which Panora seeks to gracefully elide?

Edit: Oh, very cool, though. I'm envious, in fact.


9 hours ago

We first wanted to let ppl handle it since our API already provides the necessary abstraction to extract/write data, then doing "function calling" is just a matter of plugging the right API calls. Really curious to have your thoughts on whether that should be something we'll have to expose as well.


8 hours ago

The other open source option for this that I'm familiar with is Nango[0]. How are you different?

Also, a big challenge in this space is pricing. How are you thinking about tackling that?



8 hours ago

Yes they built a cool product! Actually, we aim to focus on companies feeding their LLMs by providing embeddings and chunkings out of the box on top of all the data we sync. We don't only help you connect with 3rd parties but also receive data that can be interpreted for AI use cases (e.g: RAG).


7 hours ago

Hey - for pricing, we're going usage based on two metrics : amount of third-party connections and volume of data transformed (for chunking / embedding). Ps: This will evolve in the next months probably!


6 hours ago

any differences from nango or supaglue?


6 hours ago

Yes, we aim to focus on companies with their LLMs by providing embeddings and chunkings out of the box on top of all the data we sync across different software.


6 hours ago

sounds like a neat use-case!