Show HN: A journaling service that runs over WhatsApp

60 pointsposted 7 hours ago
by rahulg



2 minutes ago

Question: did you get Meta or a lawyer to clear your usage, especially after you introduce monthly subscriptions, against the WhatsApp Business Policy?

I looked into it previously, and it seemed to imply software services were not welcome. From the WhatsApp Business Policy[1] (emphasis mine):

> 4. Prohibited Organizations and Restrictions on Use

> ...

> If you use Catalogs, or provide any other commerce experiences to sell or otherwise facilitate the exchange of goods or services prohibited by the Meta Commerce Policy, then we may prohibit you from using some or all of the WhatsApp Business Services.

And the Meta Commerce Policy[2] says

> Prohibited Content

> 16. No item for Sale: Listings may not promote news, humor, or other content that does not offer any product for sale.

> 19. Services: Services may not be listed.

> 22. Subscriptions and Digital Products: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of downloadable digital content, digital subscriptions, and digital accounts.




3 hours ago

Trusting something as private as my personal diary to 3rd party sounds like a scary idea from a privacy point of view. Imagine someone hacking this site, exposing your very private information.

I wish there was something like that end-to-end encrypted. You are already using E2E encryption for the communication channel (WhatsApp). I wish there was a hookup to store the same data without breaking down the chain of encryption. WhatApp should look into that. Something like ProtonDrive connected to WhatsApp and APIs.


2 hours ago

I think Day One probably fits the bill for you there. E2E encrypted. I’ve been using it for about a decade


2 hours ago

My thoughts exactly when all mighty Tim Cook granted us iPhone addicts a Journaling app


3 hours ago

I'd love to figure out a way where entries are encrypted but also the features/user-friendliness is not sacrificed.


2 hours ago

You can easily develop and self host such a thing without whatsapp business api


2 hours ago

Yeah I wouldn’t anyone to mess with my milk either.

(You typoed diary and I couldn’t resist ;) )


4 hours ago

Just because I'm interested in personal bots, doesn't whatsapp business have a (nominal, maybe) cost? I've been using telegram and they're amazingly bot friendly + free but I use whatsapp so much more

Does it feel like it works for small (and personal-use) players with buttons, callbacks, and the rest


4 hours ago

You're right. WhatsApp Business API has a cost (which varies depending on country and type of message the Business initiates). I'm hoping to recover the cost through monthly subscriptions.


4 hours ago

And I think you can do more about E2E encrypting it. Or at least trying to. At some point, people don't want plaintext journals floating around stored permanently. Although I know it starts as cleartext on whatsapp's servers


3 hours ago

> people don't want plaintext journals floating around stored permanently

this is facebook. they're data-mining pictures of your dog for money. I don't think privacy/safety is expectable with meta


3 hours ago

Easy to say, very difficult to implement it right (and implementing it not right is diffcult AND useless). Also, let's be clear here, whatsapp E2EE is a joke.


3 hours ago

> whatsapp E2EE is a joke

Could you please elaborate why (in detail)?


3 hours ago

My guess is since its closed source, no one beside them can verify that the supposedly e2e is even true, or exist in current latest binary. Sort of telling everyone that I've got a mountain of gold inside my house but the door is locked, no one beside me could verify my claim. Security and/or privacy via obscurity is moot.


2 hours ago

They also handle and store users backup unencrypted by default so they have access to all messages in plaintext in multiple opportunities.


3 hours ago

Yes - I would love that too. Please back that up?


4 hours ago

Huh yeah that's good to hear. As a small note, on my personal bot I set up a simple journaling (and then just used google sheets as the backend!) includes a nominal 'rating' 1-10 so I can see how my mood fluctuates.

Especially if they do it every day/most days, having the option to see what you wrote "on this day" 2-3 years back is great. Especially when I try to include people's names who I was interacting with (but who are easy to forget 3 years later). It can be a nice reminder to text them and say you were "just randomly", unprompted, thinking about them -- 'How's it going?'


3 hours ago

I do agree that getting to read entries from your past is quite magical and has to be experienced to really understand it.

Fantastic that you've set it up for yourself.


4 hours ago

Yes it is paid but there are good unofficial APIs (better than the official actually). The problem as you would expect is that they aren't highly reliable and losing messages is common.


4 hours ago

The page says "14-day Free trial. No Credit Card Required." but there is no mention of any pricing page. What happens once the trial is over? Does the boy just stop sending messages?


3 hours ago

It's mentioned right below "14-day Free Trial" but I need to make it more obvious.

"You can try THB out for 14 days for absolutely free. At the end of the trial period, you can choose between our monthly ($5 per month) or annual ($48 per year) subscription plans."

I have also added it in the bot before you subscribe to the free trial. Thanks for the feedback.


2 hours ago

Pricing feedback: That's $13/yr more than the full-blown Day One premium service.


4 hours ago

"boy" is obviously a typo. But can be seen as a reference to Amazon Mturk kind of automation by delegating to a human.


3 hours ago

Congrats for the launch!

Apologies for the self-promotion, but I've done something similar for Telegram, and I believe some people here might be also' interested in that.

I also wanted to record more of my life, so I created a Telegram bot that saves all messages you send it into a Google Spreadsheet.

Hashtags can be used to split the text into sheets and columns, if so desired. Besides jotting down quick thoughts, this is very handy for short-form journaling such as tracking expenses, workouts, mood, period, weight, diet, etc., with the added bonus of easy charting and summarization from within the spreadsheet. It also supports pictures and other attachments that are uploaded automatically to Google Drive and linked into the spreadsheet.

Feel free to check it out, it's free of charge and does not require any registration:


3 hours ago

Thanks. Telegram bot sounds perfect too. Let me give it a try.


3 hours ago

This is amazing. Is there a way to attach files/photos as well?


3 hours ago

Thank you! Yes, if you share a file or picture with the bot it will be uploaded on a Google drive folder (in your account) and linked into the spreadsheet.


3 hours ago

> amazing private collection of your life stories

I guess it's technically not "public" but then again it's shipping your most private thoughts to WhatsApp and an unknown person and "privacy" isn't mentioned on the landing page once.

Personally I can recommend DayOne which is built by a trusted entity Automattic (Wordpress etc.) and they do have a big focus on privacy:


4 hours ago

This is cool! I fully get the appeal of texting for journaling as I did that a lot with Signal. For a while now I have been working on a different way to capture this text yourself-powered journaling with my app tetr. It acts as a standalone app but employs a similar texting-based journaling system where you can set regular messages to be sent to you (even with stuff like checkboxes for routine tasks). It’s also offline-first so data stays on your devices (and will employ e2ee sync once that’s out).


3 hours ago

Hey! Looks great. Will give it try for sure.


3 hours ago

@rahulg Could you tell me about your experience getting approved for production on the meta business account? I’ve been trying to get approval for months now. it’s always denied. Building on Whatsapp has been impossible for this reason. Any tips?


3 hours ago

Hi. WhatsApp keeps changing its policies but if you have a business entity it should be possible to get it. If the business is verified by Meta then it should straight forward. Would you like to email me - I'm happy to get on a call and help. I'm on rahulg at bakbak dot me.


3 hours ago

Lovely idea! I have a 'Note To Self' chat that gets used for all sorts, it's really hard to beat the convenience of Whatsapp for sharing things. Do you support voice notes?


3 hours ago

Thank you! Voice notes - not yet. But definitely on the radar. Would you prefer voice notes as it is or transcribed?


2 hours ago

Out of curiosity why WhatsApp vs regular SMS (via Twilio)?


4 hours ago

What a great idea to share even all the personal private life you had with a random company AND Meta /s


3 hours ago

It's such nonsense lmao.

I usualy don't like to hate on people's work, but damn I hate this thing.

I prefer trustless rather than believing in other entities good will.

I rather use a pen and paper.

Also, when people already know it's a bot, there is no illusion.