Cloud Exit: 42% of Companies Move Data Back On-Premises

3 pointsposted 8 hours ago
by roymj88



8 hours ago

Let's hope this gets higher and higher and the cloud provider drop their prices so they are actually competitive instead of 10-1000x higher.

(t4g.2xlarge is pretty naft and on demand, that costs me $200/mo without any extras; I can get a dedi with similar (but better) specs, more diskspace, free backups etc for $33/mo ; until that's at least equal for that instance, it's still worse, but then I would possibly consider it)


7 hours ago

Agree with you, but another way to say it is cloud to drop it's prices to 1/6th of its current rates. It's not going to happen while enough chumps will pay 6/6th.

Saying 'no' to cloud is very possible, but you have to deal with various kinds of self-sufficiency and low level physical management.


3 hours ago
