iPhone 16 is much easier to repair

35 pointsposted 3 hours ago
by vincentchau



39 minutes ago

Let's just remember that the reason behind these "innovations" are strictly coming because of external pressures, if it wasn't for those, they would probably make the phones implode into a tiny black hole and charge you an implosion fee for that.

Cool that they are doing this but it's not out of their own kind heart.


19 minutes ago

I think it's important to recognize that morality does not apply to any corporation. Corporations respond to incentives and disincentives, that's it. If we want to change the way a corporation behaves we need to arrange things so that its incentives align with our own.

People like to ascribe malice to Apple's history of making difficult-to-repair devices. I think that's wrong-headed. It's more appropriate to say that Apple had higher priorities such as miniaturization, performance, battery life, and ease of manufacture.

Now that the right to repair movement has been gaining steam and regulations are being drafted, Apple has been given the incentive to prioritize repairability. Thus they are responding to that incentive with the iPhone 16 (with its new battery adhesive), the repair kits, and the documentation they've provided. They likely also see the opportunity to get ahead of their competitors and tout repairability as a competitive advantage. I would not be surprised at all to see future models have even higher repairability scores with Apple aiming to become the market leader.

As for the serial numbering and activation of replacement parts: that also has a simple explanation that doesn't involve a nefarious lock-in plot. Witness the recent attacks in Lebanon. How were they carried out? By a supply-chain attack! This sort of capability represents more than a physical danger from explosives or chemical weapons, it's also a major cyber security and privacy threat. Supply-chain attacks via counterfeit, backdoored parts is a huge area of concern for Apple. The potential is there for the company to suffer severe reputational damage should a large-scale attack occur.


7 minutes ago

I really don't see why we should refrain from judging a corporation on its values. Morality applies to people, and corporations are (still) entirely driven by people. If Apple's C-suite and a couple activist shareholders wanted to make it an eco-friendly company, they surely could. Instead, Apple has spend many years lobbying against any kind of regulations around repairability.

> Apple had higher priorities such as miniaturization, performance, battery life, and ease of manufacture.

You forgot profit at the head of that list!


5 minutes ago

Honestly you can only judge private companies based on values, when the power is in the hands of shareholders a company become more a phisical phenomena than a human construct


14 minutes ago

Downplaying how much Apple fought to prevent R2R around the world.

Meanwhile Steam chose to make the Steam Deck as reparable as possible then revised it to be even easier.

Both of these options exist, but Apple is one of the greediest companies in the world.


11 minutes ago

What you are describing would be totally fine, if corporations would not be able to spend money on branding and/or humans were not susceptible to that.


9 minutes ago

This has long been a kind of systematic public relations problem for the EU; generally, the fruits of EU regulation become, in the minds of the consumer, an example of corporate benevolence, with the EU's role being solely as a thing to blame when things go wrong.


37 minutes ago

The EU being EUseful.


2 hours ago

Are they seriously praising apple for repairability ?

The same company that locks people people and third party company out of repairing their phone with parts that are serial coded. I don't know any other company that does that.

And they can't even pretend it's for security like with faceid, it would be possible to wipe the phone when a part is not recognized. I'm sure people would be fine with it.

I believe they are only making these changes to appease the law makers, and in the case of the battery because Europe said they will need to be replaceable.

This is just corporate doing corporate stuff, nothing to praise.

For me the day they locked me out of my apple watch because I dared to replace it's broken screen is when I realized apple is full of shit when it's about repairability and especially about environment.


an hour ago

The reason they do the serial coding is to reduce the incentive for stealing iPhones. Due to locking, you can't really sell a stolen iPhone. Instead, thieves break it apart and sell the parts. Serial coding disincentives this. I know many people that had their iPhone stolen and it is an awful experience.

I'm a simple man, I'd never have the ability to solder and fix my own phone. Instead of repairing it myself, I'd always go to an official repair shop. I'm not benefitting from non-coded parts. On the other hand, reducing the likelihood of people stealing my phone is a huge upside for me. So for me, and people like me, these measures that Apple takes are a net benefit. I understand that for tinkerers it is a different equation - but you have to agree that for the majority of iPhone owners the equation might also tip in favour of not having to worry about stolen phones instead of being able to fix their own hardware (which most normal people also would never do).


32 minutes ago

> I don't know any other company that does that.

It's common in the car industry as well. Seems to be the reason my airbags are still in place after 10 years while a certain popular german brand here is uninsurable because it's not a question if but when the airbags will be stolen.


24 minutes ago

Yeah, wasn't it an Audi a few series back where the headlights were ridiculously expensive, but you didn't even need to unlock the car to remove the whole light fixture? If you had a long metal rod you could reach in under the light, release a hook and then just walk off with the lights.


an hour ago

All this just means that replacement parts are expensive, repairs are expensive and Apple continues to control the ecosystem. I can't believe people are praising Apple for it.


2 hours ago

Well, they just introduced the “Repair Assistant” which allows you to pair new parts after a repair. They talk about it in this article, had you read it.

But, yeah, about fucking time, I agree on that.


an hour ago

i did read it in full but i knew too well apple to not trust it, i believe it's going to be another half done attempt that is overcomplicated and totally inefficient.

Like, i don't know... the recent self repair program. cost as much as sending your device to apple but you get to do the manual labor and take the risk to break it. WHAT A DEAL !

Edit: went to look on the Repair Assistant, it sounded promising until i read that it requires you (who repair the phone) to be able to authenticate with the Apple Account of the owner of the phone that you are taking a part of.

Basically it means that every iphone thrown away that the owner didn't take the time to remove it's apple account, and god knows people don't care about this even if they should, is useless.

You also can't buy a part on the internet because how do you know it's been taken from a phone that got it's apple id logged off ? it throws away 90% of the available phone to scavenge.

And most important, you can't buy third party parts. Why can i replace the shaft drive on my bmw, which is deadly important part, with third party shaft drive yet i can't replace iphone battery with a non apple one ?? Does apple consider us to be that retarded that we can't buy batteries from genuine reseller ?


36 minutes ago

Are you upset that you won't be able to buy stolen parts anymore?

The fact that Apple will make it impossible to use stolen parts is a great feature for me as a customer. I want potential thieves to get nothing when they steal my phone.

If I buy a phone from someone else, asking them to remove it from their account before the transaction is already a good idea, and trivial to do. Beyond the physical parts, I don't want any of their data or account info on my new phone.


14 minutes ago

You can buy a third party battery it’ll just say “you have a third party battery” in the settings


an hour ago

It's good that we go in a direction where we have accessibility to the devices components and the high end technology. I can't assess how easy it is for the layman to repair an iPhone, but the inertia is there to make a device longer usable.


an hour ago

Always cool to see innovative solutions like this