Ask HN: Using LLMs for coding, Is there a preferred language/framework?

2 pointsposted 14 hours ago
by imranhou

Item id: 41620772



14 hours ago

Not really, there's many many ways to skin the cat. I've more or less settled into Claude Sonnet 3.5 being my go-to for the moment. In general it does as well or better than 4o, but where it really shines is in actually following my system prompts. I have standing instructions to essentially be minimalistic but Claude is much less 'forgetful' and arguably more on point with answers. Both need new conversations started regularly as token size gets too large. I do not find o1 preview any better at code for my purposes, although it is waaay better at math. There's no reason much smaller, even local models can't answer many questions but then you'd be model switching a lot. All of them are still tools that need practice and a developing intuition to get the best out of.