NotebookLM: An AI-powered research and writing assistant from Google

3 pointsposted 12 hours ago
by mitchbob



12 hours ago

Cool, thanks for sharing! Didn't see this.

A) Guarantee the Colab team is bummed about them overloading the term, but the Colab team is probably bummed all the time so nbd.

B) It's kinda funny to see them still sticking the typical "All the above might be lies" on a tool specifically marketed for "research". It's just one of those things now, I guess -- everyone in the industry knows its contradictory and confusing, but they don't want to/know how to begin answering that question for real, so we stick our fingers in our ears and keep going. Not a huge deal, but imagine showing this to your kid and they ask "how do I know what to double check?"

EDIT: some usage notes

1. Uploading multiple PDFs at once is jank, with icons changing and stuff appearing and dissapearing at random. It did eventually work, tho!

2. Upon the first query it completely failed, only drawing from one of the three PDFs I uploaded. A simple reload didn't help, maybe I'll try again later. Got this gold response, which was worth the 5 minutes lol:

> It's great that you're curious about connecting Weyl's work to Deleuze's ideas! However, you haven't provided me with the content of this book by Weyl. Therefore, I can only reiterate that the sources you have provided focus heavily on Deleuze.

3. I will say that the citation hyperlinks are extremely slick.